RCG Goes Pentecostal
David C. Pack refuses to accept “no” as an answer.
Despite the ten-year legacy of failed dates and ever-changing prophetic understanding, the Pastor General of The Restored Church of God trudges on in haughty ignorance, blinded by his own splendor.
“The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 438)” on April 27, 2023, had 112 minutes of chalk-eating exposition that was best served cold and while sitting down.
Cinco de Mayo aka Iyar 15 aka Second Passover: DOA
The Thimble Kingdom Is Upgraded To A Shot Glass
Thank God Your Relatives Are Dead
Herbert W. Armstrong Was Right Despite Being Wrong
The First Kingdom To Israel: Pentecost*
The Second Kingdom Of God: Trumpets*
5 Billion People Die Forever Starting In August*
* As part of his new job description, no dates were expressly "declared" but were examined, discussed, suggested, and implied. The brethren will have to draw their own conclusions. Thanks a lot.
This ending summary hits a few points at once.
Part 438 – April 27, 2023
@ 1:51:43 Lemme say one last time, if you have friends or relatives who’ve died, thank God they did. One generation is so evil two-thirds of it can’t be allowed into the Kingdom of God at all. Not for a minute. So, I’ll say again, the enormity of what you just heard wouldn't allow this to be just one month. Never mind ten days. That idea is dead. I know things I’m not saying.
Neneer. Neneer.
David C. Pack's new job is to let the brethren know he knows stuff, but he will not tell the brethren all the stuff he knows because that is not his job. But, just know that he knows.
Note to the RCG Sound Team: The wrong microphone was at the table during Part 438. And overall, the audio has sounded awful for months. There must be no one left at Headquarters who can tell the difference between clean audio and tinny, high-frequency distorted audio.
Brad, I would be happy to help troubleshoot this. My rate is $60 an hour with a two-hour minimum. I estimate this will take about 15 minutes to solve. Dr. Ranney has my number.
Part 438 started out relatively flat on the interest scale, with no delusional opening zingers to transcribe.
I kept tapping the snooze button during the first twenty minutes until Dave started flirting with what all ex-members already predicted. Pentecost is next month, and none doubted where the prophetic compass would inevitably point. Duh.
Dave stepped through the parables of the Kingdom, teaching they relate to the First Kingdom to Israel [Thimble], and the harvest season came back into focus. This is an annual event.
@ 20:51 Now, for many reasons, I’ve come to believe the season of harvest is not when WE’ve thought.
Well, he means not in the past few weeks. Technically, this ground is covered every year.
@ 21:03 There are only two times in the Bible. It’s either Pentecost or Trumpets. Those would be the only two seasons of harvest.
As it turns out, it is both.
@ 21:29 But, it is interesting that if there were a kingdom that maybe went several months, then you'd be left with, "Hmm. Trumpets." When all those trumpets are going off, and Mr. Armstrong thought it was Trumpets and that's a season of harvest. And that's the midst of the years. “Oh, Mr. Pack, you’re not saying we’re gonna wait till Trumpets.” No. I just said we wouldn’t.
Tier 2 Dave would be compelled to add more snark, even to his imaginary person with an imaginary question, "I guess you weren't paying attention." The imaginary person would be embarrassed imaginarily.
The brethren will not be waiting until Trumpets because Pentecost is just around the corner. But Dave never declares it or "makes it plain." He is Mister Coy these days.
@ 22:01 But, we would have to consider something we’ve never talked about. We never saw a year. And this [Thimble] isn’t gonna cut it anymore.
The Thimble Kingdom is swapped out with a Shot Glass Kingdom because it is larger than previously thought. That initial period is four months rather than a few days, which blows up May 5. Those planning to rush out to see Guardians of the Galaxy, Volume 3, may now sigh in relief.
Delusion Alert
@ 22:25 Now, take a breath because the picture will soon lengthen. We’re gonna see how it works.
Dave often overestimates the magnificence of his own words as if they were made of gold dipped in honey. Once you have time to digest what he said, they more closely resemble what you would find in an unmaintained Rest Area bathroom along the interstate highway. Bathe in Purell quickly.
As if anyone in the Main Hall was even slightly enthused by what they just heard. No breathing patterns were disrupted within the last twenty-two minutes.
Being only an unordained non-prophet/non-psychic who was not in the room when this went down, how can I know this was not received with gasps and heart flutters?
The Kingdom of God was proclaimed to start next week on May 5. Now, they learn it is further away by weeks. The mirage moves into the distance each time they approach it. The carrot string grew by twenty feet when it was inches away a few days ago. This is hardly an encouraging development.
Take a breath? Who are you kidding, Dave?
To entertain an optimistic viewpoint, David C. Pack must also suffer from prosopagnosia, commonly known as “face blindness.” He is physically unable to discern joy from disappointment from apathy on the faces of the people in the Main Hall. This is a more recent development. In the past, he could bitch about the “smug, sullen faces” looking back at him.
I occasionally enjoy breakfast with Mr. Smug Face from Headquarters. His wife, Mrs. Smug Face, makes a terrific gin and tonic.
So, Dave is the complete package now. Mental disorders, personality disorders, learning disorders, and cognitive disorders are all wrapped inside one meat sack.
David C. Pack is a human sausage of debilitating conditions.
His god really knows how to pick a winner to dispense the most crucial information on the planet accurately and legibly in a stable fashion to ensure maximum credibility and harmonious reliability.
And this is the guy running a church.
By slogging through the entire one hour and fifty-three minutes of Part 438, the picture is not hard to follow, even when the details may be fuzzy. This is the broad stroke.
• The Shot Glass First Kingdom to Israel begins on Pentecost, lasting four months and ending on the Feast of Trumpets in September.
• One month before the Feast of Trumpets, the Tribulation causes the permanent death of five billion people because they rejected God through His messenger, Elijah. So, it is better for RCG relatives and friends to already be dead so they can avoid the second death during this period.
• The German/Assyrian Sixth Head Man of Sin is alive today. He rises at the start of that last month, causing world destruction. Jesus Christ will destroy him “by the brightness of His coming.”
• The Second 1-Year Kingdom of God begins on the Feast of Trumpets. There is a resurrection, a New Heaven, and a New Earth. The remaining 2.7 billion people are trained to assist members of RCG and Elijah That Prophet, with the larger resurrection in the next period.
• At the end of the 1-Year Kingdom of God, a resurrected Nebuchadnezzar becomes the Seventh Head. He is killed, but "his deadly wound is healed," and he returns as the Eighth Head during the next period.
• The Third 7-Year Kingdom of God is ruled by the Father. The Great Tribulation occurs at the tail end of this period. Eighth Head Nebuchadnezzar is killed again.
• The Fourth 1000-Year Kingdom of God is known as the Millennium.
A lot is missing from this summary, including the 1335, the 144,000, the Revelation horsemen and plagues and vials, and much more.
Remembering all the details for anything beyond sunset on May 27, 2023, is pointless. If that does not happen, neither will the rest as David C. Pack describes.
If history is to be trusted more than the words of David C. Pack, the picture and timing will continue to morph no matter how “impossible” it appears currently. Committing every nuance to memory is a fool’s errand, especially with Part 439 slated for today.
This prophetic layout is described for the express purpose of being a snapshot in time.
The primary purpose of exrcg.org is not to prove or disprove David C. Pack's theology but to document and inform. Today, he teaches X because Y is impossible. Tomorrow, he teaches Y because X is impossible.
That is the pattern of David C. Pack that I report. It is not a pattern I created.
Flashback Part 177 – June 6, 2019
@ 1:29:38 Wow, we’re just learning this right now. What are the odds we’re learning it right in front of Pentecost because how long would you want people to know this?
Flashback Part 253 – May 26, 2020
@ 1:54:28 Let me tell you what God would never do. He would never arrive on Pentecost. Never.
Flashback Part 254 – May 31, 2020
@ 1:00:28 So, I should've, on that basis, realized (probably) Pentecost’s events will not be on Pentecost, but when it looks like God picked a time, that's very close to it.
This next flashback shows David C. Pack is incapable of learning from mistakes, and he cannot remember the past.
Flashback Part 269 – October 3, 2020
@ 52:52 I thought over the past two years about the Kingdom coming on a feast day. I thought Pentecost is it. Is it a couple of years ago? Is it Passover? Is it Unleavened Bread? I could see feast tones here and there. Last year I thought it might be on the Sabbath during the Feast. And then I thought it might be the Last Great Day last year, but there was so much I didn’t know.
Hiding behind his newly-redefined role as a Date Non-Setter, David C. Pack did not say, "Jesus Christ returns on Pentecost in 2023." But he is saying that. The First Shot Glass Kingdom to Israel begins on Pentecost. The Second 1-Year Kingdom of God begins on Trumpets. That was the central point of Part 438.
Pentecost is back in the crosshairs for The Restored Church of God, as it has been many times before.
On May 28, 2023, there will be no whooping, arm-waving, or hollering of "Praise Jesus" in the Main Hall at Headquarters, but the brethren are steered back into a Pentecostal mindset since Cinco de Mayo was canceled. The man bought himself four more weeks of Failure Pad.
During Part 438, David C. Pack did not touch himself on the forehead, fall back slain in the spirit to writhe, and convulse on the floor. But, it would have been better for the brethren if he did. Then, some may have had the sense to wake up and run.
Part of me thinks that even if he flailed and scurried about muttering and peeping, most brethren and most Headquarters enablers would still choose to stay.
If RCG went full Pentecostal, it would not make a difference.
Marc Cebrian
See:RCG Goes Pentecostal