Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Dear Dave: You are "so extremely inspiring that I caught myself punching the air. Literally."


Punching the Air


The lunacy of David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God during his “Greatest Unending Story!” Series is feast or famine when it comes to blasphemy, biblical incompetence, or just plain stupidity. Of the last three, Part 468, on September 9, was the biggie on all counts.


He opened the Bible Dave Study, reading one of the dumbest letters he has ever relayed to the church. And that is saying something. Most often, it is well-meaning yet foolish brethren who slobber all over their human idol, offering unnecessary homage and saccharin-rich encouragement.


But, occasionally, a field minister yearning for attention musters the courage to write Headquarters in the hopes their In-Place-Of-Christ Pastor General will bless them with the thrill of knowing his eyes fell upon their words. Caesar may even offer a nod of approval the next time they come by dropping to their knees to kiss his ring.


This very dumb letter (Did I mention yet the letter is dumb?) is a peek at the type of weak-minded, biblically ignorant, unhelpful, wisdom-free, and spineless hirelings that RCG ordains.


From the sounds of it, I know it cannot be Brian Jackson, Nestor Toro, or Larry Cockshutt. Vidal Wachuku is too dignified to conduct himself in the manner the writer describes. Wulphert de Graaf, Dominic Rivard, and Andre Rouzan are not nearly “on board” enough to have anything Dave says even receive a nod.


Of the 38 speakers in the RCG Member Services Sermon Library, 17 are at Headquarters, and 4 are dead. Not all field ministers give messages of reasonable quality worthy of production for the members, so they would not be listed. As I scrolled the names, some educated guesses came to mind. But I will leave it for members to ponder which man they should now avoid expressing any doctrinal concerns to.



Part 468 – September 9, 2023

@ 00:39 Here's an email I thought I'd just read to you. It came from a minister. And, we'll keep the name out of it, but. I've been hearing a lot of comments starting last Sabbath, but even Thursday more and then more today. And some of you maybe heard the same, but he writes to Mr. Schleifer.


This read like world-class sucking up to me. I guess someone was forward-thinking about securing their future spot at Dave’s supper table.


@ 01:00 "Wanna write this message earlier today, but it was one of those preparation days that took much. Could you maybe please pass on this short message instapack [to Mr. Pack]. I'm so privileged beyond my expectations for being in the audience of all these prophecy messages, but in particular, the last few sermons. They've been the most exciting, inspiring, and exhilarating sermons I have ever heard. The understanding is all coming together so perfectly. The knowledge about the Branch and branches, difference between the Stone of Genesis 49. It has 'bugged me' for a long time. And the Rock, the Messenger of the Covenant, Habakkuk 2 vision. So extremely inspiring that I caught myself punching the air. Literally. What a revelation…If we somehow got past Trumpets, then I cannot wait to preach these things one day. I truly cannot wait.”


Reading this letter makes me want to scream.


This man has exposed himself as a useful idiot for the RCG propaganda machine. Brad can make use of his services when the time is ripe.


Not only is the writer worthless as a true shepherd, but he is actually feeding the sheep to the wolves and is too dumb to know that is blood spilling on the grass. Brethren who are deeply disturbed by the content of RCG messages hear letters like this and wrongly second-guess themselves. They know blasphemy when they hear it. They know the Bible condemns what RCG now teaches, yet this zealous minister in the field is excited by it. Why aren’t I? What’s wrong with me?


Nothing is wrong with you. That screaming in your gut is the Holy Spirit telling you to flee. Do not listen to the foolish words of a foolish man captured by the Spirit of Error and seduced by antichrist thinking.


Jeremiah 23:1

Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! says the LORD.


Jeremiah 5:31

The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will you do in the end thereof?


What will you do, brethren? Stay when you know what you are being fed are lies?


If he “literally” punched the air during services, his creepy behavior should have been reported to Headquarters. That is not the sign of a mentally stable individual. If he had done that while sitting in the Main Hall, he would have been escorted out the door instantly and would not have returned.


1 Corinthians 9:26

I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beats the air:


Paul was explaining he is NOT like the ignorant man who wrote that letter.


Ephesians 4:14

That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;


David C. Pack is tossing the brethren to and fro with constant changes. The wind of doctrine shifts wildly day by day and week by week. The biblical sleight of hand is part of the deception to keep people in their seats with checkbooks open.


Luke 19:46

Saying unto them, It is written, My house is the house of prayer: but ye have made it a den of thieves.


@ 01:55 So I thought maybe you would find that inspiring in case it reflects your sentiment. I feel the same way. I, I, I, in a way, I'm a member of the audience. I'm just the first person in the audience, and I get to hear it. I even am inspired when I see it all come together and hear it come outta my own lips. Somebody has to be the conduit. So, I guess that is my role.


Matthew 12:37

For by your words you shalt be justified, and by your words you shalt be condemned.


The role of David C. Pack is to indoctrinate the members of The Restored Church of Another god with lies. He is normalizing the spirit of antichrist so that further progression into damnable heresies can continue.


2 Timothy 3:5, 7

Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away…Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.


The pathetic writer of the letter and David C. Pack will continue in endless circles that will never achieve a resolution. Now that this field minister has publicly agreed with David C. Pack and his wicked teachings, he can partake of the same fruits.


Psalm 59:12

For the sin of their mouth and the words of their lips let them even be taken in their pride: and for cursing and lying which they speak.


Jeremiah 5:2

And though they say, The LORD lives; surely they swear falsely.


When the Feast of Trumpets failed, the writer of that letter was surely not phased. He could be one of the All-Believing Zealots in hireling form. But he may want to cool his heels on preaching any “present truth” because RCG doctrines rust faster than iron in the rain.


Brethren of The Restored Church of God, if you ever witness anyone in your congregation punching the air upon hearing the words of David C. Pack, leave as fast as you can.


Dennis Diehl wrote a fascinating article for Banned by HWA that examines the psychology behind failed prophecy and why people choose to stay. Read it HERE.


Marc Cebrian

Dave Pack: "His self-perceived brilliance level is equally matched to his proven incompetence."


The Power of Presumption


David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God has the most epic piss-poor reading comprehension skills of anyone I have ever known. One of the potential explanations for why he believes he is all over the pages of the Bible has less to do with being overly potty trained and more with his inability to read carefully and understand it correctly.


His self-perceived brilliance level is equally matched to his proven incompetence. This is particularly true when it comes to biblical understanding.


The prophetic hamster wheel known as “The Greatest Unending Story!” is an eight-year snipe hunt composed of misunderstandings, assumptions, suppositions, speculations, machinations, presuppositions, incomprehensions, befuddlements, reversals, double-reversals, triple-reversals, misinformed theories, pure fantasy, wild guesses, and bald-faced lies.


David C. Pack has publicly admitted he has no "dunamis," which means "miraculous power." What he does possess in staggering abundance is the unstoppable and immovable power of presumption. He wields this power with habitual consistency and can tear through entire books of the Bible fueled by it.


One year ago, in a rare admission of self-awareness, he conducted a presumption confessional while moonwalking himself away from recent “knowledge.”


In 2005, he presumed he was an apostle, and it has been downhill from there.


In 2009, he presumed he was Joshua the High Priest. In 2011, he presumed Common was a real thing. In 2015, he presumed he was Elijah the Prophet and That Prophet. The groundwork was laid for future blasphemy nobody thought would ever come to pass.


In 2023, David C. Pack has presumed he is the Branchthe Messenger of the Covenant, the Shepherd and Stone of Israel, the Star of Jacob, "one last" Lawgiver, and “one like the Son of Man” of Revelation 14.


None of this is based on provable biblical facts. This wicked house of understanding is built on the foundations of presumption, supported by solid beams of presumption, surrounded by walls insulated with presumption, and a roof sealed and fastened by presumption.


For thousands of years, people foolishly thought they were reading about Jesus Christ when they were actually reading about David Crowl Pack, who established The Restored Church of God in 1999. The pattern of him increasing while Jesus Christ is decreasing has been disturbing to behold.


David C. Pack is a blaspheming liar, a hypocrite, a false apostle, a false prophet, a human idol, and a biblical sorcerer expressing the spirit of antichrist. He does all of this through the power of presumption.



During “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 468)” on September 9, 2023, David C. Pack explained the multitude of reasons the Kingdom of God had to arrive on the Feast of Trumpets this year. It had to be this year. It had to be on Trumpets.


The Feast of Trumpets ended at sunset on September 16.


Part 468 – September 9, 2023

@ 1:19:55 Habakkuk 2:2-3. I called out the Kingdom vision and made it plain. That’s why think everybody’s as excited as I am. It must now surely come, it seems to me. Revelation 10:7, the Mystery ended “in the days of his voice when he’s about to sound.” And Malachi 3:1, “I sent My messenger. Prepare the way before Me,” matches it. Daniel’s unsealed. …So, how many years we gonna wait? "I'm gonna hasten My word as long as you don't, as long as you understand it could be one or three or five years." It would only be true in the first year after we learned it because that’s the only way we could receive it.


The more Dave tries to prove why it has to be this year, the more he proves why he is utterly wrong. If what he declared came from God, it would have come to pass as he said. If his words sound familiar, it is because he has said this before.


Flashback Part 241 – March 27, 2020

@ 1:16:11 Now, a loving God didn’t let us understand what we were into, or we'd have really we understood we gotta wait another whole year, and He didn't do that to us last year any more than He would do it now this year. Because now we would know we’d have to wait until next Abib, but we’re not going to wait till next Abib.


Flashback Part 398 – October 10, 2022

@ 24:24 So, once you know the 1335, you could never know in any future year once you hit it if it were true. If it doesn't happen this year. It has to apply this year, or it's not a metric. There's no point in telling us that. If it doesn't apply this year, then next year, you cannot know the divine pledge of something that’s coming in “yet a little while.”


Flashback Part 422 – February 18, 2023

@ 01:57 How could you believe next year? How could you believe it’s certain if this year failed? Or any future year? How could you believe it, if you’d been through it once, you’re waiting almost a month, “I wonder if it’s true this year?”


If what David C. Pack said was true, God would have performed His good pleasure before the end of the Feast of Trumpets on September 16. The sign or wonder presumed by David C. Pack did not come to pass.


Deuteronomy 18:22

When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken, but the prophet has spoken it presumptuously: you shall not be afraid of him.


Flashback Part 374 – June 8, 2022

@ 1:32:49 So, if it’s true that I am Elijah the Prophet now, then this is a lock for next week. It’s an absolute lock.


Matthew 7:15

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.



One of the primary reasons it “had to be this year” is because David C. Pack presumes he should not preach the Gospel.

Part 468 – September 9, 2023

@ 1:25:04 If we preached the Kingdom for another year (this a pretty easy picture to preach), be powerful. Fun. Be the most exciting thing I ever got to do. Just tell everything, "The Kingdom of God comes straight on outta the blue with there no bad period." Nobody knows that. You imagine how much fun and exciting that would be? I’d give both my arms to do that if I had to. I would rather see that Kingdom, but it'd be easy and fun to preach. The problem is it would defeat Christ coming as a thief. That’s the problem. That’s a big problem.


Dying on a hill no longer holds the same pizzazz it once did, and the most logical compromise appears to be the reasonable option of dismemberment.


Since “The World to Come” was shut down in 2017, David C. Pack has found a multitude of reasons to avoid preaching the good news of the coming Kingdom of God to those outside RCG’s gates.


If I were the devil, I would be rather pleased with that outcome regardless of how we got there. As it turns out, “The Greatest Untold Story!" was an excellent two-edged sword that fights against God's word. It keeps the brethren preoccupied and confused with perpetual hope and disappointment while removing any focus on spreading the Gospel with any notable effort.


Spin the plates inside the church. Drop the plates outside the church.


Why is this the way it is in The Restored Church of God? The power of presumption.


@ 1:25:34 I don’t know how Christ can come as a thief if we went out and blew the biggest tuba we could find for a whole year. Nonstop. Which is what we’d try to do.


David C. Pack cannot preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God “like a tuba” to the world because doing so would thwart God’s plan. Pause to consider that.


@ 1:25:45 Does God want me to realuh write our literature? If we go another year, then it’s guaranteed to be partly wrong. How "Well, why can you say that?" Well, because if it's right, we're ready to go, and we'd go. So, if it doesn’t come, the Kingdom doesn’t come, it means I’m wrong. So, what should I put in the literature? I got sump’n wrong. The problem is it’s full, complete, and right. But, I'm just saying, if you had another year, you'd sit and think, "What did we get wrong?" That's awfully simple. A year, seven, and a thousand.


Keeping every employee at Headquarters in a perpetual state of hesitation has been going on for years. Not only are brethren forced into a holding pattern despite running on fumes, but “the Work” has been crippled by the presumptuous teachings of David C. Pack.


The words of the Bible are nothing compared to the power of presumption.


Matthew 28:19-20

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, evenunto the end of the world. Amen.


1 Corinthians 9:16

For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!


Act 5:42

And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.


2 Peter 2:1-3

But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingers not, and their damnation slumbers not.


David C. Pack is That Prophet, the Branch, the Messenger of the Covenant, and like the Son of Man but cannot preach the Gospel as commanded by Jesus Christ?


Luke 22:22

And truly the Son of man goes, as it was determined: but woe unto that man by whom he is betrayed!


David C. Pack has betrayed Jesus Christ. That is not a presumption.

Marc Cebrian

See: The Power of Presumption

UPDATED: Bob Thiel Continues His Downward Spiral With Another Lie


Dr. Thiel's Letter to Police in Malawi defending Radson Mulozowa. 
UPDATED at end

The things coming from and about Bob Thiel is a whirlwind right now. Today, he claimed that Terry Nelson has been arrested. The truth is, Terry Nelson is walking freely here in the United States. We do not know which orifice he pulled this accusation out of but it is a weak and feeble attempt to divert attention away from the issues in Africa and to discredit Terry Nelson.

The Greatly Diminished Bwana to Africa writes:

09/25/23 a.m. Hope of Israel's Sasha Veljic reported that a cofounder of that organization, an accuser of the brethren, named Terry Nelson, was arrested in Malawi.

When I saw Bob's lie, I contacted Terry. This is what he said:

I see that. I'm in the USA now, so I'm not sure what the crazy fool is talking about. He's going to lose it. The man is Batshit crazy, seriously, those people with him are lost souls. I'm so sick of his bullshit financing of corruption. [I'm] trying to really help make things better in Africa. I really believe I must serve God and stamp out this evil. I've seen the other mainstream Churches there and met with their leaders. [They] are sincere people also. I've seen God working with them also. So all I really know is I want to make a difference with helping and serving and not judging, so I dont want any titles or anything. [The] thing is, I can't take this thing Thiel is doing, he's hurting innocent people and I must stop it 

Bob is doing all he can to discredit Terry after Terry spoke to the police in Malawi about Radson Mulozowa selling Bibles he had been given by Terry to be distributed to Malawi members. Terry had to watch as Radson turned around and sold them and kept the money. Radson was arrested for that.

It really frosted Bob's self-righteous narcissistic butt that Terry went to the police about this. Bob even sent a letter to the Police telling them that Terry had no right to do so. HOW DARE HE QUESTION BOB'S MAN OF GOD! How dare he!


Bob is now claiming he "apparently" misread comments by Sasha about Terry being arrested. 

"Apparently"? Seriously? Bob, you KNOW that it is not true. Yet you deflect trying to not tell the truth to your dwindling followers.

09/25/23 a.m. Apparently I misread something. I thought I read that Hope of Israel's Sasha Veljic reported that a cofounder of that organization, an accuser of the brethren named Terry Nelson, had been arrested--that apparently that was not the case. I apologize for my misunderstanding and post. It is my understanding that some in Malawi want to question Terry Nelson and someone else there may have been arrested.

Notice how deceitful Bob is here... 

That person arrested was his very own minister! God forbid if Bob had to admit that publicly on his blog.