Monday, June 24, 2024

Breaking News! Ambassador Auditorium Up For Sale for 45 Million


Get out your wallets boys and girls and help Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry or Bob Thiel buy the Ambassador Auditorium! Let them put their faith to the real test and step boldly out to proclaim their message to the world! But, being the cowards and false prophets they are, none of them have the faith to do such a thing.

Harvest Rock Church has owned the 45,000-square-foot building and attached venue since 2004, when it paid $19 million, records show. In 2020, the church scored a $18.3 million loan through the California Municipal Finance Authority to refinance the building.

The church will be relocating, Pastor Che Ahn of Harvest Rock Church said in the announcement. 

“Opportunities of this caliber are rare in the market,” Fridman said in a statement, adding the property could be sold to the City of Pasadena, or investors. Church puts Pasadena’s Ambassador Auditorium up for sale

Sunday, June 23, 2024

If you do not believe in church government then you deny Christ and are an antichrist!


Remember this crap?

“The one and only place in the world where the government of God is being administered is in the Worldwide Church of God. I have said to you that the thing uppermost in God's mind is restoring the government of God by and through the Kingdom of God on this earth. God has placed that government in His Church. This is a government based on LOVE. Some don't believe in it and are fighting it. I need you to be 100 percent back of me in it.

Was there ever a more corrupt and spiritually damaging group than the WCG? Abuse of power and spiritual abuse was rampant in a church that claimed it was exclusively God's. Abusive ministers, sexual predators, stalkers, who were power hungry to lord it over members. The WCG was certainly NOT a foretaste of the Kingdom.

“Every day now we are one day closer to GLORY! Time is running out on us. There are WONDERFUL THINGS ahead for us, but we must sacrifice, be faithful, and ENDURE now!” I have shown you how this Church came to believe what it believes. And how those precious beliefs were put into this Worldwide Church of God, by Christ through me. I have shown you HOW IT WAS FOUNDED. God says His Church is founded on the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ being the chief cornerstone. Not only the original twelve apostles and Paul, but He used His one apostle for this twentieth century in founding this Philadelphia era of His Church.”(End Quote)
Are you ASHAMED of Jesus Christ? The current Philadelphia Era, is the Worldwide Church of God. It is THE ONE AND ONLY CHURCH OF GOD. To teach others to NOT refer to it as the Worldwide Church of God, is BETRAYAL. You are undermining what the apostle of Jesus Christ has faithfully said in the name of Jesus Christ.

Who can forget HWA talking about a "strong hand from someplace" instead of mentioning Jesus? 

Jesus Christ does not need TRAITORS, and if any supposed minister is teaching people to only refer to the Church of God in this Philadelphia era, as “Church of God”, and does no longer wish to associate with “the Worldwide Church of God” he took the steps away into darkness and only serves his belly. He does not serve Jesus Christ, but is rather ASHAMED of Jesus Christ. Shame on him!
The Church of God today, has been officially organized by Jesus Christ, through His chosen apostle Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong! Those of the Church, of the Body of Jesus Christ, all speak the same thing which comes through the apostle! ANY TINY STEP AWAY FROM THIS TRUTH IS REJECTED!
Of all the things to have lock you out of the Kingdom of God! Jesus Christ will say I NEVER KNEW YOU.
Rather men, repent, and obey God. DO NOT BE ASHAMED OF JESUS CHRIST! This isn't YOUR CHURCH! It is the Church of God! And God, through His Son Jesus Christ, raised up an apostle, and has ORGANIZED HIS CHURCH AS HE SEES FIT! He organized it into the Worldwide Church of God. This is the Philadelphia Era of the Church of God.
Want to be something else? THEN GO, and BE ABORTED and go into the lake of fire! The life-span of being SEPARATED FROM THE BODY is but a puff of smoke.
Jesus Christ is HEAD of the Worldwide Church of God. Don't like how it was organized into the Worldwide Church of God? Then you don't agree with Jesus Christ and God and are antichrist. THAT OUGHT TO SHAKE YOU AND MAKE YOU TREMBLE! THIS COULD BE YOUR LAST CHANCE! There won't be a second chance if we get this wrong! HWA quotes and Samuel Kitchen

Everyone was always doing something wrong. The church was unfit all of the time to be a beneficiary of the grace of Jesus. The focus is always on something other than grace or God forbid, Jesus.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

After leaving the church has the fear of losing your salvation or being too worldly crippled you with fear?

Ex-WWCOG Truth Seekers! 
Not Allowed to Enjoy Success? 
Fear of Being Worldly? 
Has This Crippled You?


Since Leaving WWCOG - Melina Oine made a hard decision, when it was almost too late to do it that she would GO BACK TO SCHOOL (College) and BECOME A HEALTH ADVOCATE! None of it made any sense at the time considering her circumstances, her upbringing and especially WWCOG ability to keep woman from becoming much of anything but a homemaker. She put one foot in front of the other doubting herself much of the time - but with much love and support - she GRADUATED with a MASTERS Degree in Health Advocacy a week ago! Congratulations Melina and congratulations for overcoming the programming about how woman are not meant to succeed - let alone men for fear that this is worldly! What do you think about this? Do we need to experience success and a sense of accomplishment and the building of a certain sense of self with a bit of self-esteem to keep you confident and strong? We say YES! Armstrong used this tool to keep us all under his thumb of control along with his Leaders and Ministers. 

About Melina Oine. Melina was born and raised in the WWCOG. Her family officially got out in the mid 90's shortly after Tkach Jr. took on the mantle when Melina was 17. Melina actually almost completely stopped attending around the age of 15-16. In her earlier years, Melina attended services in Anchorage Alaska until about 1985. At that point, her family moved to Honolulu, Hawaii where Melina lived until she was married at age 18 to a Navy Marine. They had 3 children together About 12 years later, her daughter was diagnosed with a life threatening disease which landed her in and out of emergency rooms and hospitals and soon after, Melina herself was diagnosed with an auto-immune condition that she was now also dealing with at the same time and started therapy. That pushed her to look at her past and current traumas. She discovered that the conditioning from childhood had predisposed her to being involved in a dysfunctional and traumatic marriage and learning this, she was eventually at a point where she was able to leave the marriage. 

Melina recently moved to South-East Washington state where she now lives with her daughter and where she also has recently become board certified (BCPA) as an Independent Patient Advocate and now has just received her Masters in Health Advocacy!