Monday, November 4, 2024

Will Gerald Flurry Be Proven Right Tomorrow?


Does Donald Trump winning the 2025 U.S election fulfill Gerald Flurry’s prophecy? Gerald Flurry, pastor general of the Philadelphia Church of God (PCG) and editor-in-chief of The Trumpet, prophesied that Trump would return to office. Are we witnessing the fulfillment of this prophecy, or is this yet another instance of a self-proclaimed prophet attempting to reshape the truth to fit his narrative? The Philadelphia Church of God issued a piece in their trumpet magazine authored by their Prophet Gerald Flurry titled Donald Trump's return in Bible prophecy the subheading many are waking up to a forecast I made over three years ago suggests that Donald Trump's potential victory in the 2025 election would validate Gerald flurry's previous 2020 prophecies essentially breathing new life into old failed predictions. Let's revisit exactly what was preached around the time of the 2020 election. You can find the articles featured in this video here: #trumppresidency #falseprophet #trumpprophecy #philadelphiachurchofgod

Are You In A Jezebel COG? If So, REPENT And Return To The One True WCG!

God has sent his warning message to all COG members who are in Jezebel splinter groups to repent and return to the one true Worldwide Church of God so that you can support the two witless witnesses that can only arise out of the one true faith.

When wolves came in, and the discontented took over our facilities and congregations, it was not evil to leave them and avoid them. What they did there, was they spoiled the Church, ransacked the assets and properties, and left it in ruins.
We are left in a situation like Zechariah and Haggai. Which is about the Temple of God being restored in Jerusalem.
That began with Herbert W Armstrong. He is the Zerubbabel type Christ is using.
The hands of Zerubbabel are the two witnesses(Zechariah 4), and they are finishers of the Zerubbabel work.
Ultimately we will be based and Headquartered out of Jerusalem, with Christ at His return.
When we arrive in Jerusalem before the Tribulation, we are going to be there to support the men of God who will be the two witnesses. Because of our obedience to God, we shall receive the promise of Jesus Christ(Rev.3:10). We are going to be protected.
Those who are separated at that point, in any other church and/or organization, will need to repent, and keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. Their era, is an era where the Church of God is an obedient Church.

They were just fooling themselves beforehand, because Jezebel, that Great whore, desired them to be separated into their own groups. And being involved with that religious confusion, and having facilities given them from that Jezebel, they will go into the Great Tribulation where half of them will repent.(Matthew 25)
But as Revelation 2 says, they can repent beforehand and become right with God and “…Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues;
“for her sins are heaped high as heaven,
and God has remembered her iniquities.”(Rev. 18:4-5)
The Great Tribulation is correction intended for people to respond to God’s call to separate from sin and the great Whore. But we can separate today, now, before the Tribulation if we are diligent and faithful. Samuel Kitchen