Sunday, November 27, 2011

Weinland Says: "Laura and I understand that this is part of what we must face..."

Weinerdude, the documented failed prophet of the Church of God Preaching the Kingdom, has finally responded to the lawsuit filled by the US Government against him and his cult for tax fraud.

He says:

This will be my response to the indictment concerning the accusation of using Church funds for personal use (beyond normal income), which in turn is being used to say I did not pay taxes upon those funds.

I’ve rewritten this posting several times, as this entire matter has been rather difficult for me to digest. I have been waiting to find out the full details of the indictment and it has been somewhat unsettling as it simply takes time to receive all the information that it is based upon. Although we have known that an investigation has been ongoing since mid 2008, it has all been rather difficult to understand why.

There really is no basis for this. This investigation that covers several years has been difficult to understand, especially in the light of the fact that we have never at any time received any civil notice from the IRS. There has never been a request for an audit of which we would have fully cooperated, as our desire has always been to do things correctly in filing our taxes. The Church has a great team of lawyers and an investigator who are vigorously working to defend the Church and myself.

As people tend to believe what they will, I’ve decided that a posting is not the forum to address the issues at hand, but to fully use our legal system and the courts to do so.

Weinerdude wants you to know that this is Satan at work attacking the true church and it's Two Witless Witnesses.  If Witless Witnness Laura is such a profound end time prophet why is she so silent?  Is she really drunk on the kool-aide from Weinerdude's sippy cup?  Can she be that stupid that she believes she is one of the two witnesses?

Laura and I understand that this is part of what we must face as part of the work we believe God has given us to do in this end-time. We will continue to do as we have ever since we became part of the ministry of God’s Church back in 1981. That makes over 30 years of serving in the ministry. Indeed, we have always sought to faithfully and zealously serve God and His Church. Our plans have not changed and we will continue as we do now by visiting the many congregations of the Church which are scattered throughout the U.S. and other countries.

Then to justify the funds transfers, he claims that they brought that Swiss Bank account monies back to the States in order to finance his failed 2008 end of the world scenarios.  As we all know first hand, every single thing he said has been an abject failure.  So I guess Weinerdude is admitting that the monies wasted on this fraudulent campaign are truly lost. Poor widows tithe money down the drain for nothing.

False Prophet Weinderdude continues:

This posting also provides me with the opportunity to remind our readers of two important doctrines of the Church. One concerns tithing and government taxation, and the second concerns our teaching of what it means to be a “good citizen” in the country where one lives.

Concerning the first of those two doctrines I have referred, we adhere to a strong belief in tithing and giving of offerings as many other Christian churches and those in Judaism also believe. We deeply believe the instruction of Jesus Christ who said that we should pay to Caesar what is Caesar’s (taxation to be paid to government agencies) and to God what is God’s (tithes and offerings). Members are to be as zealous in being faithful to God in tithing as they are faithful to God in paying their taxes to whatever government is over them.

Concerning the second doctrine to which I have referred, you can read on the Church website what the Church teaches about being a “good citizen” in a country, especially as we draw nearer to the end of the final three and one-half years of this end-time. This is stated in the FAQ section under the “Topics” and is entitled, “Citizenship in a nation.”

As the Church continues to remain faithful to God, God is faithful to lead us and fight our battles for us. Indeed, we look to God and His Son Jesus Christ to guide our way and always deliver us.

Weinerdude has made it clear to his minuscule group of followers that they are to continue to send in money to fiance his cult.  Will he end up in Tuscon when the IRS takes over his cult headquarters and repossesses his home?  Will he start claiming persecution.  Will the time of the end be near?  He seems to think so as he claims we are drawing hear to the end of the final 3 1/2 years.  What a moron!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Apostle Malm: "There is no more grace, no more forgiveness"

The Apostle is expounding on the Book of James today.  It's not a pithy read at all.  Typical Malmism's fill the article demanding that you be a law keeper because salvation only comes through the law.

God’s law is a law which brings about liberty. It delivers us from the chains of sin, from the burdens of sin.

That statement along exposes all that is wrong with Malmism and the rest of the harlot Armstrongite splinter cults.  The law takes precedence just like the "piggie" does in Armstrongism.

Imagine making a mistake and bbq some burgers for a quiet Saturday afternoon.  In Malmism you are damned to the lake of fire for that mortal sin.

If you show no mercy to others, no mercy will be shown to you; by God in the
judgment.  If you break the smallest law you are guilty of breaking the whole law itself.  If you cook a meal on sabbath, have a barbeque ect; you face the same judgment as the homosexual if you do not repent.  For the wages of sin is death.

Since Malm does not keep the entire law, he breaks them all every single day.  Is he damning himself here?  And, why are the COG's so titillated by "homosexuals?"  They seem to be the favorite scapegoat for everything  wrong..

His next comment shows how completely ignorant he is of any of the concepts that are brought out in the new covenant.
This is also the issue of Law and Grace; for if we break the law silfully (sic), their is no more grace, no more forgiveness. 
A great many of us are in danger of damnation and we know it not.  Christ will reject us UNTIL WE REPENT, and if we do not repent we shall be condemned.

Malm would do well to heed the wise words of Martin Luther on sin. "Be a sinner and sin boldly..."

."If you are a preacher of Grace, then preach a true, not a fictitious grace; if grace is true, you must bear a true and not a fictitious sin. God does not save people who are only fictitious sinners. Be a sinner and sin boldly, but believe and rejoice in Christ even more boldly. For he is victorious over sin, death, and the world. As long as we are here we have to sin. This life in not the dwelling place of righteousness but, as Peter says, we look for a new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. . . . Pray boldly-you too are a mighty sinner." (Weimar ed. vol. 2, p. 371; Letters I, "Luther's Works," American Ed., Vol 48. p. 281- 282)
Of course the concept that Luther is trying to get across is totally oblivious to those Armstrongites steeped in their legalistic bullshit.  The law and piggies have more power than their "jesus" does.

Next the Apostle wants you to know that you are not to be friends with the world and society around you.

I cannot help commenting and I know many will take this the wrong way, but when
Herbert Armstrong used to brag about how he was friends with the world and he used to say that he is friends with this king, and that prime minister, and this ruler,
and those people, and those members of parliament, and he valued the friendship
of the world. He should have read the Scripture, “Know you not that the
friendship of the world is enmity with God. Whosoever therefore will be a
friend of the world is the enemy of God.”
It is wrong to try and be
friends with this world, with this society.

This is the verse and reasoning that Armstrongisms has always used to get around feeding the homeless, the poor, the disenfranchised, etc.  Why dirty our righteous clean hands when God will deal with it all later.

If we stop breaking God’s commandments, we can be forgiven. If we don’t stop,
how can we be forgiven?
How can we possibly be forgiven if we’re continually repeating the same sin, continually repeating the same criminal act of breaking the law of the kingdom?
If we are continually repeating and continually committing criminal acts, we will be judged a criminal and we will pay the penalty for our crimes.
It is only if we stop being a criminal, stop committing the criminal act, stop breaking the law of the kingdom, only then can we be forgiven, only then will our sins be covered by the sacrifice of the Lamb of God!

Sigh........, Malm just doesn't get it!  Doesn't get it at all!

Friday, November 25, 2011

UCG Hypnotizing Its Members?

If things could not bet any weirder on Apostle Malms blog.  Today he has headed down a new path.  Subliminal seduction, the subconscious mind, hypnoses, visual stimuli, and more.

The human mind filters everything that is put into it; based on its knowledge, previous experience and logic.  If we hear someone say that black is actually not black but  bright red, our subconscious mental filter dismisses that automatically without having to think about it; that is our subconscious filter at work.

Changing the basic settings on our subconscious filter [changing our basic foundational references] is called brainwashing or mental conditioning.  When the basic subconscious filter has its settings changed, we will look at things in a different manner.  Our natural filter will now filter out different things and accept different input as fact without question, than it did before. We will see our world in a completely different way.

To reset our mental filter, new input must be passed by the existing filter and then replace the core beliefs in that existing filter.  Normally that new information would be automatically FILTERED OUT and REJECTED as wrong according to the ingrained standards of  our existing filter.  So the key to resetting our basic beliefs is to argue logically and painstakingly prove our points; or to bypass our existing filter and reset our foundational beliefs.

When the new material intended to be internalized is regarded as patently false by the recipient, the proof and logic route is clearly a most difficult one.

The attempt to condition the brethren to apostatise therefore mainly  involves the use of brainwashing techniques intended to circumvent the presently established core beliefs of our subconscious mind or internal filter.

The main technique is the use of modified hypnosis.  This involves getting the brethren into a very relaxed situation which they are familiar with and quite comfortable in.

When the brethren feel comfortable and are in their familiar safety zone, their normal defenses are in neutral as they are in their safety and comfort zone and hearing from people they trust.  Their defenses are lowered and the are susceptible to suggestion.

At that point an error is slipped into a pile of truth as a straw is slipped unnoticed into a haystack of truth.  Over months, more and more bad straws are slipped in, until the stack of core beliefs begins to look very different; and the error outweighs the truth in our mental stack of truth and error.
This is a gradual process, often referred to, by the frog in the heating pot metaphor.

Apostle Malm thinks UCG is heading down a slippery slope towards changing it's doctrines to liberalize Sabbath and Holy Days.  He is particularly incensed that the remaining UCG leadership is comprised of men who were active participants in disfellowshipping COG members during the Tkach years.  These liberal heretics are in teh process of changes doctrine which will damn UCG members to the Lake of Fire.

It all started with them allowing members to eat on on Saturdays after Church.  Eating out makes you make someone work to fix your food.  And don't use that lilly-livered sissy response that, "...but they are already working."  God forbid if you kept your day care center open for a few minutes after sundown!

Apostle Malm wants you to know how UCG is slowly brainwashing you:

Another part of the technique is: Visual stimuli will be quickly flashed before an individual can process them, with a relaxed and undefended mind; or flashed and then hidden among some truth, thereby interrupting the processing.

Most of us learn by seeing, while some of us learn by hearing; others learn in a hands on manner.  To combine the methods of hearing and seeing, is most effective in reaching any group of people.

The UCG Feast film is a classic in mind conditioning; first disarming the mind with lots of touchy feely, sickly sweet, love love, and pictures of the familiar and safe; followed suddenly with quick flashes of doctrinal apostasy, flashed so fast that neither the eye nor the mind can have time to properly consider the meaning of what is being presented to them; thus bypassing the natural filter or mental defense system.

People just internalize the message that what we eat is not important without questioning or thinking about it, or even realizing it.  later they may hear sermons on the same idea that we are to be defined by our “love” and tolerance and not by what we chose to eat.

Over time and as this is done in a variety of similar subjects the mind is conditioned into the “Love is all” concept; while the very definition of love; which is the keeping of the commandments is destroyed in the mind of the victim.

Apostle Malm goes on to quote part of a letter from a UCG member that "gasped with shock" at what she heard in  the UCG Feast film.

The UCG feast film is very subtle but I cannot understand how brethren can sit through it and think nothings going on because it’s soooo obvious !!

It starts off with the UCG President Luker preaching directly to camera at what looks like the home office.
It is very sugary sweet at times, nice warm close ups of mature  brethren in United talking about how they came into the Church and nicely reminiscing about the past, talking about Herbert Armstrong.

These close ups of mere brethren are cut to nice warm fuzzy childhood memories of Aaron Dean and Eddington. But then the subtle sinister odd part happened amongst these nice, warm cost memories are the screen goes completly blank with a black background and in tiny White type quotes from the NIV flash up. These blackout NIV quots must only be up for a few seconds blink, blow your nose, turn your head away and you would miss them.

The one I found highly suspect was a blackout which had the NIV quote about how we are not defined by what we eat or drink. I was so shocked I actually gasped.

So eating bacon is more defining than being a good Samaritan?  A little sausage is more important than feeding the homeless?  An occasional shrimp cocktail is more important than loving your neighbor?

All I can say is the quicker UCG starts dumping the heretical load of legalistic crap than burdens down members the better!  A life of grace is sure better than all the law keeping legalistic rigamarole that Malm wants to imprison members with.

UCG, it is time to set your people free!  It's no longer 1986!