Saturday, May 30, 2015

The Church of God Bill of Rights

  • You have the unalienable right to read the Holy Bible without any man telling you how it should be read or understood. You have the right to read scriptures without any aid of any of the church literature. You also have the right to read study and examine scripture through any concordance, Bible helps, scholarly works, books by theologians and scholars far, far removed from XCG background. Yes, the late great  Samuele Bacchiocchi had some great Adventist works—but try something different—let say N.T. Wright if you dare!
  • You have the inalienable right to read ANY and EVERY book that has been critical of the Church of God movement. You have the right to know that these people had legitimate complaints. They were not under satanic control but had enough of the hypocrisy, deceit, the manipulation and other non-(and anti-)Christian behaviours that the XCG executives portrayed.
  • You have the right to not attend every Sabbath service. You have the right to visit other family members whether members or non-members. You have a right to sleep in, for married couples to have a special time for lovemaking, to spend extra time with children, a weekend at the cottage or just taking the whole family out in the woods just to have a walk until sunset. Attending Sabbath services does not make any one a Christian just as one person who stands in a garage makes oneself a car.
  • You are entitled to the concept of that every believer is part of a kingdom of priests, a concept that every man, woman and child if they want to have free open access to their Creator and to freely read scripture as they see it. This is a concept from The Reformation (Oh, by the way you might want to study about The Reformation and forget the ‘60’s articles on The Plain Truth About The Protestant Reformation) and the irony is that the ministers like the Catholic position sooo much because they ALONE believe that they have access to God. How selfish!
  • You have the right to use any and social media without the approval any minister telling which to participate or not participate. You have the inalienable right to tell a minister who wants to spy on your regular routines on the internet that it is none of his business and he should spend his time on feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, housing the homeless and taking care of the poor. If he is doing absolutely none of these things, he is not a minister but a hireling.

The complete list by Felix can be found here:  The Bill of Rights For The Average Member of the XCGs

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Is Living Church of God's Michael Germano the Church of God Hypocrite Extraordinaire?

Click to enlarge in all of its appalling glory

Gavin Rumney had an interesting screen capture on Thursday that was written by Michael Germano.  Germano is the "brains" by Living Church of God's fake "university" that is seeking accreditation.  People have always assumed that Germano was a little more educated than many of the hierarchy in the Worldwide Church of God.  He was also the one of the people behind the push to get Ambassador College/University accredited both times it went through the process.  Germano was also part of BibArch "magazine" a pseudo-archeolology site that tried to prove many things from Scripture and to match things up with Armstrongite mythology.

His bio contains the following educational pursuits:

Michael P. Germano, a graduate of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, holds earned doctorates from the University of Southern California and the University of La Verne. He completed post-graduate study in anthropology, archaeology, and theology at Southern Methodist University and Texas A&M University at College Station
Just check out all of the "worldly" education he received.  Contrast that to his mind boggling comments above:

The American academy has been overrun by an evil leftist ideology turning many college and university schools of arts and sciences into citadels of deception and factories of deceit. Many English, anthropology, history and political science departments are staffed with flaming leftists with a very few exceptions. It is almost impossible to find PhD faculty in these disciplines that reflect traditional American values. Their brains have not just been washed but scrubbed clean and reprogrammed. Part of the deception is that academic leftists not only see themselves as the most brilliant, enlightened and balanced people on the planet capable of governing everyone in every context but as moderates. It is impossible to have a reasonable conversation with members of this elite as they have convinced themselves of their indignant, deceptive righteousness. It boils over into lefty religion and includes some well-meaning evangelicals who have been attracted by it. The building of America has taken many generations but it is being shredded. As the saying goes, any old jackass (an appropriate symbol) can kick down a barn but it takes a skilled carpenter to build one.
I am sure the accrediting organization  that is working with Living "University" would love to hear how degrading Germano is to them.

Some in the Church of God thought Germano was going to be a "breath of fresh air" as he readily acknowledged that Christians are NOT bound to keeping Sabbath, unclean meat rules, paying tithes, circumcision and "holy" day observances.

Germano should be a breath of fresh air for LCG. Here's an excerpt from his article The Sinaitic Covenant and the Law of Moses: Irrelevant? Or, Do They Still Matter?

"In apostolic Christianity, Christians of Jewish or Gentile origin were free, as they remain today, to adhere to the Ten Utterances and observe various Mosaic Covenant traditions such as observing the Sabbath, celebrating the annual Sabbaths and associated festivals, abstaining from unclean meats, paying tithes, and circumcision, but they were not bound to do so."

(SOURCE: ).  see  University in a Broom Closet

My how times have changed! Germano knows better but has prostituted himself out to Rod Meredith's mindless rantings.  For shame!

Consider Germnao's letter to the Worldwide News dated May 9, 1995:

The encouraging comments from our ministry all across the nation have been inspiring to my wife, Brenda, and me. It seems that each person had his or her own personal struggle in coming to understand what God is leading us collectively to know and do as his children.

Learning is painful; there is nothing easy about it. I used to believe, and preach, that the most difficult aspect of life was child rearing. I have now changed my mind. It is being a Christian.

Thanks to Mr. Tkach's leadership and relationship with God, we have been led by the Spirit of God to come to a deeper, richer, fuller understanding of what it is to be a Christian. The understanding appears to be wholly of the Spirit. When the veil is removed, all comes into place. Spiritual renewal is being worked out in a powerful and wonderful way throughout the Church.

At Ambassador University we have some on the faculty (both lay members and ministers) who have not been able to see or accept the
New Covenant understanding. The majority of the faculty, however, have and are deeply thrilled and excited about the new understanding. Some faculty and students have decided that they will work in active opposition. This is sad, but each person has come to his or her decision.

All of our children and their mates remain loyal to God's Church and work as it is administered by Mr. Tkach. I believe that by the early summer the Ambassador University community will all be of one mind once again, and we can go forward with the wonderful work that lies ahead. It is going to be a very large and exciting work, and I hope we can all grasp the vision and significance of it.

Our prayers and thoughts are with all our brothers and sisters in Christ—the ministry and the brethren. Please pray for Ambassador University. We love all of you and we know you love us.

Michael and Brenda Germano
Ambassador University
The Germano's claimed  to have been lead to grace during the changes in the Worldwide Church of God.  Their lives were deeply enriched with the "fuller understanding" on what it meant to be a Christian.  They claimed that the "veil had been removed" from their eyes."  Yet they have become mouthpieces for the legalistic lies of Rod Meredith.  Deep down they KNOW what Meredith teaches is WRONG yet they do NOTHING.  The almighty paycheck still reigns supreme!

The Arrogance of WCG TV Archives

Get a load of this from the Facebook page of WCG TV Archives:

You are not to leave OUT, remove, change, cast out, pervert, REBEL AGAINST, ANYTHING that God has given to His Church through whom HE HAS CHOSEN. You did not choose the instruments God uses. You cannot DENY the WORK DONE by those instruments. For it was a Work done by GOD. And it is God you are denying. Do you want to be found denying Jesus Christ? FB post

No brethren, DO NOT even dare to think for yourselves or attempt to disprove anything the COG teaches.  You are denying their god if you do!