The other day he got all hot and bothered by Grace Communion International putting emphasis on using the Revised Common Lectionary. The horrors!
Prophet Bawana writes:
GCI (Grace Communion International, essentially the group that originally ran the new and changed Worldwide Church of God) posted the following today:Dear GCI Family and friends,
Health is a relative term. …
You are aware that I have been preaching and promoting healthy church, and we are just beginning to focus on what this means. …
What is the diet of the church? Ultimately, we should be feeding on Jesus, the Bread of Life. This is why we have some of our best writers creating sermon outlines for the cycle of the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL). …
Working toward better health,
Greg Williams
The idea of a “Revised Common Lectionary” caught my attention for a couple of reasons.
Many churches around the world today use the Revised Common Lectionary as a means of reading the entire Bible, publicly or in private worship at home, over a three year period. These are daily readings of Old Testament scripture/s, Psalm/s, New Testament readings and finally a reading from the Gospels.The first is that it reminds me of what Roman Catholics and many Protestants do, which is to essentially write and mandate what their clergies are to preach.
The Revised Common Lectionary is NOT a sermon topic outline predesigned to preach, you idiotic fool! It is a list of appointed scripture readings for the calendar day. READINGS!Basically, lectionaries are sermon/topic outlines. So, the pastor does not need to come up with ideas and will also speak on what someone wants him/her to speak about.
Some churches make up outlines using all of the various verses for the preacher to use as a template, which is something that Bawana Bob, of the improperly named "continuing" Church of God is seriously in need of!
Who in their right mind needs to preach a sermon with 30-40 DIFFERENT topics?
I will tell you who...a shallow preacher who has no ability to reach into the depth of his understanding to preach a 15 - 20 minute sermon of a couple verses selected for the day. It is the same man who has to rely upon old articles of the Personal Correspondence Dept put out by the old Worldwide Church of God, which felt the need to tell members what they should be believing about EVERYTHING.
Personal intelligence and responsibility have never been a hallmark of the leadership of the COG.