Tuesday, January 17, 2023

The January 16 Hoax


While the letter below pertains to the Philadelphia Church of God cult it might as well pertain to the other COG splinter groups who now number well into the 400+ range. Every single one of them claims they are following Herbert Armstrong to the letter and yet, every single one of them is lying that they are. Not even Bob Thiel, the most perfect human COG leader to ever exist, follows what HWA taught. Bob has added so much filth and additional stuff that HWA wouldn't recognize Bob's abomination if he turned in for a video. Then there is Ron Weinland and Dave Pack, two certifiable liars who have made so many false prophecies that even Gerald Waterhouse and Simon Magus would be appalled.

None though have taken the worship of Herbert Armstrong to the extreme as has the Philadelphia Church of God. Even with its Armstrong relics that are placed in prominent places for adoration, the church is so far from what HWA taught that he would not recognize it. Like Bob Thiel, Flurry has added to what HWA taught and deleted what he did not like. Like Bob Thiel, PCG's false prophecies continue to fall by the wayside.

May we all continue to speak out about the abuses in the church as we are witnesses of the slow agonizing death of Armstrongism!

PCG’s Great January 16 Hoax:
January 16, 2023 
The great January 16 hoax is upheld by the PCG and treated as if the time between December 7 and January 16 is yet another “God-ordained” or “holy” time period. That hypocritical “church” may poke fun at the “pagan holiday” of X-mas, calling it a “ho-ho-hoax” in their little flyers that come with “church literature,” while at the very same time and during the very same season, they enforce their own unbiblical “season” of 40 days stretching over and beyond what the “pagan world” calls “the holidays.” 
While the PCG accepts and enjoys many “seasonal” donations during that jolly old time, their god forbids that any little PCG child accept a Christmas card from Grandma or Auntie. 
This mythical 40-day period of the PCG’s is upheld and enforced not by some invisible spiritual entities, which the PCG would have their members believe, but real physical hands of real conscious human beings are at work during this period of time, hoaxing the brethren. Not the hand of God, nor the “work” of God, but the work of wicked and greedy men. 
I pray for the pillars of that wicked religious fraud organization to crumble and crash. And I pray for mercy, real mercy that is, for the brethren and relief. And I also pray everyday that the actors in that wicked religious organization and all their cohorts be busted and that they be exposed for the dangerous fraud that they are, and prosecuted. May GF’s own hoax turn on him. –Former PCG member. Exit and Support Network

Double-Minded Self-Appointed Prophet Calls Dave Pack A False Prophet


Here is a perfect example of the pot calling the kettle black.

Bob Thiel, the Great Bwana to Africa, the self-appointed double-minded prophet rejected by Rod Meredith and Dibar Apartian has got his holistic undies all in a twist over Dave Pack's latest failures. 

One of the biggest narcissists, a certified liar, and a false teacher in the Church of God is calling Dave Pack a false teacher! I kid you not!

No other COG leader is as perfect as the Great Bwana or more accurate.

While the Bible is not wrong, David Pack will again be proven wrong on the timing of both the Day of the Lord and Elijah--as 2023 is not a possible option for either based upon various statements from Jesus. David Pack does not properly understand many biblically prophecies and is again making false predictions.

For over a decade, I have written that the following was applicable to RCG:

1 But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. 2 And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. 3 By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber. (2 Peter 2:1-3) 

Yes, I consider that RCG's leader, David Pack, is a false teacher who causes the way of truth will be blasphemed. His destruction, in my view, has been going on for years as RCG has shrank in size as CCOG has grown.

I still expect RCG to one day basically totally implode.

Dave Pack - A Double-Minded Man Is Unstable In All His Ways


Dueling Daves


The movie “Deliverance" starring John Voight and Burt Reynolds, was released in 1972. During an iconic scene, Ronny Cox and a young boy have an impromptu musical duet titled “Dueling Banjos.” They were both trying to outplay each other.


Amos 3:3

Can two walk together, except they be agreed?


In 1804, Vice President Aaron Burr fatally shot Alexander Hamilton in a duel. They obviously could not walk together.


But what happens when the person you need to duel is yourself?


James 1:8

A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.


David C. Pack brings that scripture to life. It is almost as though James had him in mind when it was written.


The documented patterns of instability and back-and-forth teachings from The Restored Church of God are astonishingly consistent. Facts and time make the case very clear, transcending the realm of personal opinion.



During “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 414)” on January 14, a “new” prophetic construct was recycled from old machine parts. Abib 1 was previously filed under "Been there, done that.”


The Day of the Lord is now set for March 22, 2023, starting at 7:40 pm ET.


Part 414 – January 14, 2023

@ 1:07:49 So then, what did the Bible just directly tell you is the Day of the Lord? Abib 1. It’s impossible to argue with that.


@ 1:08:46 I could stop the sermon now and go on to other things, but I’ve decided I’m just gonna drive it home and crush all idea that the Day of the Lord is not Abib 1.


But that was three long days ago, and anything is possible by now. 


Is the Day of the Lord, which is the beginning of the Kingdom of God, which is when Jesus Christ returns, going to occur at sunset on March 22, 2023? Is it impossible to see it any other way? Is it inarguable?


Pester General David C. Pack, please signify 1 for “Yes” and 2 for “No.”

1 Kings 18:21

…How long halt you between two opinions?


Since the votes are even, stand back and let David C. Pack duel David C. Pack on the matter to settle this once and for all.


The question for him is simple: On which date does the Kingdom of God arrive?


For everyone else, can you determine which of the following men told lies?



The Kingdom of God Arrives On…?

March 22, 2023


January 13, 2023


December 25, 2022


December 9, 2022


November 2022


October 11, 2022



Okay, those were trick questions.


The answers are: All these men told lies. The Kingdom of God will not arrive on any of those dates.


Note that Thanksgiving Day and New Year’s Eve were excluded as videos but are included on the very long list of failed dates which stands at 37 since June of 2022.


Anyone who believes a single word of David C. Pack has no excuse. He may have some speaking skills and the ability to string Bible verses together to get them to say what he desires at the time, but he has been doing that since 2012 and has never had anything he said come to pass.


Deuteronomy 18 is not the only place the Bible spells out how to manage such people.


David C. Pack is a false apostle. He is a false prophet. He is not revealing The Mystery of God. God is not guiding him to teach “The Greatest Untold Story!”


The David C. Pack of today will perpetually duel the David C. Pack of yesterday.

Marc Cebrian

See: Dueling Daves