Saturday, February 22, 2025

Wade Cox: "christ" to return in 2028 with City of God arriving in 3128

No one has ever said that Wade Cox is the brightest bulb in the pack when it comes to theology and prophecy. He and Bob Thiel must have studied at the same double-wide trailer in India for their so-called prophetic understanding.

He makes these claims:


Christ born

27 CE 

Jubilee with John the Baptist and Messiah.

30 CE 



End of the 2000 years and


End of the Time of the Gentiles.




Thirty Years Mourning for Aaron and the Reclamation of Jerusalem. End of the 2300 evenings and mornings.


Thirty years of the wars of the end. Corresponds to the month of the mourning for Moses and signifies the removal of the Princes, Priests and prophets of this age. End of the Sign of Jonah.


Possible Advent of Messiah and subjugation of the planet.

2027/8 Jubilee

Fortieth Jubilee since ministry of Messiah.



Thousand years of the Millennium begins under Messiah.


Satan released. Wars of the Camp of the Saints (Rev. 20:7-9).



Second Resurrection of the Dead and 100-year judgment.



City of God

I can guarantee with assurance that this is just one more Church of God liar trying to deceive people with nonsense. 

Even more blithering nonsense:

4005/4 BCE


1005 BCE

David enters Jerusalem and the control passes to the kingship in Judah. Halfway through the era of the creation and nations.


Messiah born. The Exilarchs are removed from rulership prior to this event. Messiah is in effect the prince of Judah over the period to 30 CE. 

27CE Jubilee 

Acceptable year of the Lord. 4000 years of the closure of Eden.

30 CE

Messiah hailed as king and executed. Forty Jubilees in the wilderness begins under the Sign of Jonah. 


6000th anniversary of the creation.

3000th anniversary of David’s entry to Jerusalem.

2000th anniversary of the Messiah’s birth.


Beginning of the transition of the age and the destruction of its existing order.


Period of the Witnesses and the 

Advent of the King-Messiah at Jerusalem.


Jubilee of the end of the age.


Millennial rule from Jerusalem


And more asshattery:

73 CE

Fall of Judea and the Masada

77 CE



Thirty-ninth Jubilee of the Sign of Jonah.


End of the Time of the Gentiles (cf. Table 6). Beginning of the Month of YearsThe  Mourning for Mosesthe Removal of the Princes, Priests and Prophets (cf. Measuring the Temple (No. 137)) and the Destruction of the Last Days (cf. Tables 7; 11-12).


Reading of the Law in the twenty-first year of the fortieth Jubilee.


The first year of the last seven-year cycle of the Sign of Jonah. The nations or Gentiles were given forty Jubilees on a Jubilee for a year basis to Judah and a Jubilee for a day basis for Nineveh. 




The fortieth Jubilee of the Sign of Jonah. 

The  Messiah commences destruction of the nations that do not repent.

Every rule and every authority and every religious system of this world or of this age is destroyed.





The millennial system commences under the Law of God.


And more steaming piles of bullshit:

2012 Thirty-fifth year of the fortieth Jubilee. Sabbath year and end of the Mayan Calendar and the Sun system.

The Whore is gradually destroyed by the Beast and finally by the advent of the Messiah after the period of the two Witnesses, perhaps by 2024-2028.


2024-2025 is the probable last time for the two Witnesses to be in place in Jerusalem. Droughts of the two Witnesses commence.

2028 Probable last date for the return of the Messiah and the subjugation of the planet given the 2028 commencement for the millennial. 


Kings of the East called down to Jerusalem and destroyed.


2025  Perhaps less than 500 million people left alive on the planet.

2025/26  Treble Harvest year for the Jubilee

2026/27 Sabbath Year

2027    End Day 6

2027/2028  Fortieth Jubilee since Messiah and Forty-ninth since the second Temple and Ezra/Nehemiah.

2028  Beginning of the Jubilee of Jubilees from 1 Abib. The fiftieth Jubilee since the construction of the Temple and the restoration of the Temple and the Law under Ezra and Nehemiah


The one-thousand-year millennial reign of Jesus Christ begins. The planet is run in peace and prosperity according to God’s Laws for 1000 years.

3028 Satan is released and the last war of the end begins.

3028 The General Resurrection of the Dead

The 100-year Judgment.

3127 The City of God is complete and the Universe is structured anew. 


Thursday, February 20, 2025

New Music: The Ballad of Dr. Bubba Thiel


Check it out here: The Ballad of Dr. Bubba Thiel

 The best thing on the internet today!!!!!!!


Good old Dr. Bubba Thiel prophet THD, he thinks he’s fooling you and he thinks he’s fooling me, but in all reality, it’s his own delusion, Africa is conning him Big Evans and Radson. Their boss Satana is putting all the pins in place, spinning the wheel of fake dreams and gaslighting everyone’s face!


Good old, Dr. Bubba, I am telling you, eat some humble pie before your through ohh! Listen to the advice Dr. Rod gave you and brother you repent true before the con of Africa destroys you! 

(2 verse)

Good old Dr. Bubba Thiel listen to what I tell you! You had an elder by the name of Sasha, who was true blue. He only tried to warn you, but you wouldn’t see it through! You chose to believe the witch doctor spiel of an old villagers tale! They blinded you to reality, that’s all I have to say. Good old, Dr. Bubba please get out of the way! Let the true Christians, do their duty true and have it Gods righteous way!

(3rd verse)

In conclusion, Dr. Bubba, Dr. Bubba Thiel, please stop sending tens of thousands to big Bana Africa because all it’s going for is Evans gold mining corruption and witch doctors spell. Listen to Sasha Veljic, he was so true blue, get rid of the African shim sham dance, that’s conning you!

Armstrongism: A Brief Case Study in Theodicy


Evil Shatters the World

(Fair Use)

Armstrongism: A Brief Case Study in Theodicy

By Scout

Is he (God) willing to prevent evil, but not able? then he is impotent.  Is he able, but not willing? then is he malevolent.  Is he both able and willing: whence then is evil?  - David Hume, Eighteenth Century Philosopher

“I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.” - Job

One of the most difficult areas of theology is theodicy.  Theodicy seeks to answer the question, “If God is all-powerful and perfectly righteous, why is there evil in the world?” I have come across many unsatisfactory answers to this question in my reading of theology.  I personally do not have a solution to offer.  In this short essay I would like to pose a much narrower question of theodicy: If Armstrongism is harmful to people, why does God permit it to exist?

Answering this question, as I have approached it, is essentially justifying God. This starts with the proposition that Armstrongism is harmful.  And this harmfulness is an assertion that I will not deal with in this context though the pages of this blog are rife with data in support of this proposition.  Then one must explain why God would permit something harmful to exist and have influence.  What follows are two reasons among many for why God might permit Armstrongism to exist:

·       God wants us to understand that a religion can be concocted using Biblical vocabulary that may sound like Christianity but it is not.


·      God wants us to understand that the nature of a church is not to be found in what it says about itself but in what it does. 

These are just two justifications that might emerge in answer to this question.  There are many others.  And reactions to these justifications will vary.  To some people this is evidence that God mercifully teaches people using real world issues.  Christians have been elected to train for the Priesthood and will reign with Christ and understanding the two principles above will be important.  To others, the idea that even only one person loses salvation because of the existence of Armstrongism places a mark on all of us and diminishes all of us throughout eternity.  The cost is much greater than any benefit. What we need is the clarification that would be granted to us by knowing God’s view on this yet when we independently try to construct the Godly view our limited understanding fails us. 

Why doesn’t God just pull the plug on Armstrongism, if it represents a serious harm to lives of some people? I admit that I do not know.