Monday, April 29, 2013

Hey Dudes! The Street Light Is Off!

There is an excellent entry on All About Armstrongism today.

ARMSTRONGISM: What’s The Point of A Moth Buzzing around a Street Light that’s Off in the Daytime? – A State of Armstrongism “Emotional Release” from this Blogger 

The blog owner writes:

....With all of the 700 plus splinters out there, you’d think they would get a clue that something in Armstrongism is completely wrong. Totally wrong. Abjectly wrong. Look at what is happening here. Every group is fighting each other! The one who is physically growing, reportedly the most, is sitting there accusing the others of nearly completely dying off, while another group claims they’re having great growth themselves, to name a few examples. Group after group writing why they have the blessing of God. Group after work claiming unity when anyone looking from the outside in can clearly see that there is little unity to be had. Members jumping from church to church, leaving because of this or that, trying to find the “right one” out of over 700 that most closely agrees to what they think. Churches competing for members of other churches because most “new people from the world” don’t fall for their crap anymore – while rogue leader wanna-be’s pop up and self-appoint themselves with a great sounding spiritual title, start a church, draw some members and start their own version of Armstrongism, usually complete with a new truth here, and a new truth there, here a truth, there a truth, everywhere a truth truth, until the members come comin’ around the mountain till He comes. And it continues over and over and over and over and over again.

And, inevitably, a large enough group of members will disagree with some aspect of the ministry, and, inevitably, a division will result, a split will occur, the church will split, and the division that has started with one large church and has now resulted in over 700 plus churches and groups, will continue to split. I believe the same thing will happen with even the “most growing church” once a new leader takes it over, signs are in place for another church to split, and it will continue to happen as members take their internal beliefs in disagreement with organizational beliefs and start a church with their own interpretations of the law, the bible, and Armstrongism. And the division, bickering, squabbling, arguing, competition, and trash talking will continue.

I feel like yelling at them saying “LOOK! THE STREET LIGHT IS OFF! There is no use for street lights when the sun is up! But you guys are saying the street light is still ON when the sun is up! What’s going on! Can’t you see that when the Light comes the Street Lights are old and useless and have become obsolete? It’s a waste to keep Street Lights on when the true light is here! And you guys are saying that God expects you to keep all the street lighting on when the sun is up? What are you thinking! the sun is far brighter and far more illuminating then street lights! The street lights served their purpose when it was dark! The street light serves their purposes when the earth is cut off from the Sun! Their light was great when it was useful! But now that the sun is up, what use is there of it? Is the Sun up or not? You guys say it is not up, but look, the sun is brightly shining, and you are sitting there telling your people to keep buzzing around the street lights when the sun is brightly up and sets you guys free to explore all the wildflowers, grasses, and insect life that is now plainly seen with the sun. You’re free – but in Armstrongism insanity, you keep buzzing around the streetlights in the daytime that if you just look are plainly OFF because they are not needed anymore. What kind of insanity reasoning is this?!”

Jesus Pranks

Day of Atonement

Relive those wonderful, fun filled days, when you were forced to fast as a child in Armstrongism.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

E. W. King Says: "Behold, the Rose of Sharon amongst the brutish pastors"

Dave Pack's wimpish little ministry is nothing compared to the one and only TRUE Church of God left on earth today.  That church is the original Worldwide Church of God run by E.W.  No harlot daughter of the great mother church (WCG) carries the mantle of God's true church.

King writes:

Dear people who find themselves in any one of the current WCG offshoot groups; it is time to truly “study to shew yourselves approved unto God”. Do you really understand what the true Church of God is? What is all of this? These different groups all are claiming to be the “one true church of God”? Shouldn’t we have the Biblical understanding of the differing church eras? How do we know where we stand in prophetic history without the right understanding of our own times?
Jesus Christ is the one who gave the original COG the name Radio Church of God.  Then Jesus Christ realized how stupid that name sounded and gave it a new name, the Worldwide Church of God."  Jesus Christ was very pleased. He is so pleased now that the name WCG cannot be replaced by any splinter group out there.  These are all apostate whores of the mother church.

First and foremost you must have the correct name of the 6th epoch church era and that is the Philadelphian Church Era. Most all COG groups believe that Mr. H.W.Armstrong ushered in the Philadelphia Era of church time. The counsel to this church which was given by Jesus Christ Himself states of that church: “You have not denied my name.” [Revelation 3:8] What name was that? Jesus says that the name belongs to Him. He gave the Philadelphia church the name; “Worldwide Church of God”. At first, God began to organize His children through the “Radio Church of God”. For the first time the gospel of the Kingdom was being spread with great force worldwide through God’s end time Apostle. The 6th church era came full force in 1968 when Christ gave it the official Philadelphian name, “The Worldwide Church of God”….this cannot be changed!

Jesus Christ had a previous name for the COG prior to calling it Radio Church of God.

[Note: Prior to Mr. H.W.Armstrong ushering in the WCG 6th era, the church under the 5th era was known as; “Church of God, Seventh Day”.]

You would think an all powerful god such as the one King follows could have come up with an original name for the church millennia ago and stuck with it.  But noooooooooooooo he has to come up with a new name ever few decades.

We have all heard for many decades that the "door Jesus Christ opened can never be shut."  That is still true today, that is why WCG still exists.  It can not be shut down.

Jesus also promised this 6th church that He [Jesus Christ] “opened a door which no man can shut”. [Revelation 3:8. So the door to the true Philadelphian church shall be open all the way into and through the Great Tribulation. What all of the offshoot groups have ignored is this very fact!  This means that the NAME OF THIS CHURCH CANNOT BE CHANGED!
All of the harlot daughters of he WCG out there have all turned their backs on their god.  Only one man has had the courage and faith to step out and stand up for the truth.  When E.W. King resurrected the WCG it began the start of the Laodicean era.  Because of that, Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Rod Meredith, Bob Thiel and all the other COG have become harlot daughters with none of them doing a "work."

Now we have studied the fact that during the sixth church era, the Philadelphian, God chose an apostle to direct this organization. We must understand that this true restored church government cannot be changed! During the Philadelphian era God called His church, “The Worldwide Church of God” and promised that this very church would go right into and through the 7th church time, that of Laodicea.
As many of you who have studied now know, we began entering the typical Laodicean era right before the death of Mr. H.W.Armstrong because of the apostasy of his son. Then, the Laodicean era became even more pronounced after the death of Mr. Armstrong. We officially entered the Typical Laodicean era, the seventh church time (era or epoch) on October 7th 2011 due to the “resurrection” of WCG and the revealing of the Hidden Doctrine of Mr. H.W.Armstrong.
We maintain the original title; “Worldwide Church of God”. This cannot be changed! Many “splinter”, offshoots, groups and corporations through men have tried to change this first important fact.  Apostasy began in the 70's. It rose in 1978 and still continues today. The true Church is still “The Worldwide Church of God”. Some have tried to buy this name, some have tried to hijack this name...and most all have tried to change this name! This cannot be done!

Satan is really pissed at the Church of God.  He is out to destroy it.  I think as we all know that Satan had no hand in destroying the church .  Our own men in charge did that quit well without any help from Satan.

Satan has tried to destroy this church over and over again. While Mr. H.W. Armstrong was alive Satan came in through Garner Ted Armstrong and tried to destroy the true doctrine of Christian marriage. He failed! Mr. H.W. Armstrong said that if Satan triumphed over the true doctrine of marriage that, “The Worldwide Church of God would be spewed out of Christ’s mouth.” It is true that the WCG experienced a partial “death” but it was resurrected! [Please read: The Resurrection of Mr. H.W. Armstrong to understand].

King then contradicts Dave Pack with the following.  Dave Pack obviously is a lair.  No one is going to be flocking  into the Restored Church of God.  Everyone is heading over to E.W. Kings group.

“For the pastors are become brutish, and have not sought the LORD: therefore they shall not prosper, and all their flocks shall be scattered.” [Jeremiah 10:21] Only those who have left and heed the counsel that Jesus Christ gave to the Laodicean church can come into [return] to the true Worldwide Church of God. God is calling new converts and old back into His one true Church, the church the Jesus Christ built!

So this Spirit of Truth, this comforter is our assurance or down payment from God in our minds that we , the COGSR, the only true church, are the sons of God. God has given us the ability to understand the mystery of his will clearly. The apostle Paul gives a very clear description of his coming to understand God's will while addressing the Galatians, In Gal 1:11 he says "But I certify (guarantee) unto you brethren, that the gospel that was preached of me is not after (according)  men. vs12 "For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it (by man) BUT BY THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST", or by the Spirit of Truth. Paul is clearly explaining that Jesus Christ made known unto him the mystery of God's will through Revelation, or just put it in his mind.”

Poor silly Dave Pack must be shivering in his boots  in Wadsworth at this news.  I bet his mind cannot handle the fact that the tens of thousands of returning members he is expecting are all heading over to King's group.  What a waste all those new buildings will be in Wadsworth.

There you have it folks.  The real truth only resides in King's group.  Dave and his group are nothing.  Meredith and Flurry are nothing.  They are all hot air. Salvation can only be through E.W.King now.