Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Jesus Talks to James Malm and Church of God Pastors

Idiots In The Pulpit: John Hagee On The Greatest Sin A Woman (always the woman's fault) Can Commit During Sex

Many who are Christians wonder why they seem to be mocked so much by society around them c

Here is one of the reasons:

“Thus, God was instructing the Israelites to avoid using his name in a useless, disrespectful way. Instead, the Israelites were supposed to revere the name of God and use it in a serious, considerate way. Many of the ancient Israelites were so respectful of the name of God that they would not even pronounce it or write it for fear of using it in vain. Those who did write it would often throw away the quill they had used, because they thought that any quill that had written God’s name was holy and should not be used for regular words.

“Dr. John Hagee, the founder and senior pastor of the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, not only agrees with what the Good Book says, but also takes the faith to a level of fanaticism. Speaking exclusively with Newslo, Hagee stated that “in this world of crimes and deaths that surround us, a simple blasphemy does not get that much attention when it should.”

“Saying the Lord’s name in vain might seem petite and insignificant compared to some of the things that are going on in the world right now, even in churches all across America,” Hagee elaborated. “But, that’s precisely the problem. If the shepherds of a faith start doing wrong, what is the flock supposed to do? Follow in their footsteps? I don’t think so. The flock needs to get its bearings and start thinking for itself.”

The pastor reprimanded: “But, nowadays you have people committing sin everywhere you look, including Houses of God, which are the holiest of places.”

Asked how the situation could be bettered, Hagee replied: “Well, we’d have to start with ourselves, as with everything in life. If you’re asking about my personal opinion, there is no greater sin in terms of wrongly using God’s name than women who use it during sex. That is one of the filthiest, most derogatory and sinful uses of the Lord’s name I can think of. If it were up to me, I would put every single woman or girl who does that in jail. That would be a fine example of God’s wrath aimed at what is, in my opinion, a terrible misuse of our Maker’s good name.”
Lest we single him out for saying this, there are also COG ministers and evangelists who agree with him.

With all the troubles in the world that these ministers should be focusing on and how to alleviate despair, they instead focus on silliness like this, end time prophecy speculation and fighting over who is s true believer or Laodicean.  Its no wonder people make fun of this kind of shit!

The Armstrong Churches of God: Built on a Weak and Unstable Foundation

The Armstrong Churches of God:  Built on a Weak and Unstable Foundation
Lonnie C. Hendrix/Miller Jones

My friends in the Church of God culture have asked, “How could you turn your back on God’s Church and TRUTH?” My answer:  I, along with many others, have not turned my back on God’s Church or TRUTH. I can make such a statement because NONE of the human organizations that descend from the Worldwide Church of God represent God or “His” TRUTH! The TRUTH is that the parent organization (WCOG) was founded on a weak and unstable foundation which has crumbled under the weight of experience and scrutiny. Likewise, the daughters (built on the ruins of the parent) have found it impossible to maintain/sustain themselves, let alone expand their reach and influence.

The entire edifice of Armstrongism was founded on the principle that the Bible never contradicts itself and always interprets itself. This gave rise to all manner of HUMAN reasoning about how to reconcile the apparent discrepancies and contradictions that existed among the various writings/teachings that constitute the canon.

It went something like this:

Jesus preached/taught the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. A message about a literal, world-ruling government of God on this earth. Most of Christianity was preaching a message about Christ – not the message that he preached. Hence, they must be wrong. The message isn’t about Christ, it’s about the Kingdom! There is, however, one big problem with this line of reasoning. Paul told the saints at Corinth:  “I have laid the foundation like an expert builder. Now others are building on it. But whoever is building on this foundation must be very careful. FOR NO ONE CAN LAY ANY FOUNDATION OTHER THAN THE ONE WE ALREADY HAVE – JESUS CHRIST.” (I Corinthians 3:10-11)

Since God commanded the Israelites to observe the Sabbath and festivals (and Jesus and the early disciples continued to observe them), then everyone who professes to be a Christian is still obligated to observe them. Moreover, since most of Christianity is in the habit of observing Sunday as their day of worship, Satan must have initiated a grand conspiracy to deceive them. As a consequence, history and Scripture were twisted and perverted to support the notion that there had indeed been such a conspiracy, and the Roman emperor and his church were fingered as the human instruments of the Devil’s cunning plan. Of course, this also obviously meant that the majority of Christianity was deceived and were thus not a part of the “TRUE” Church of God. 

If God promised to bless Abraham and his descendants (and it’s impossible for God to lie or break “His” promises), then the English speaking peoples of the world must represent the fulfillment of those promises. Thus History and Scripture were twisted and perverted to conform to this notion. In more recent times, DNA evidence to the contrary has been dismissed or ignored to uphold what we now refer to as British Israelism. This, in turn, led to the conclusion that all of the prophecies related to Israel must ultimately apply to the English speaking peoples of the world. As a consequence of this notion, a whole host of unique interpretation of Old Testament prophecies surfaced (e.g. the identities of the beast power and the kings of the north and south and the precise timing of the events of the end time).

And, with all of these great TRUTHS in the possession of one organization, that organization had to be God’s one and only TRUE church. That being the case, it was a privilege and an honor to be on the inside and a horrible disadvantage and shame to be on the outside. Hence, anyone who refused to see these TRUTHS for what they were was obviously not a part of God’s church – they must not have God’s Holy Spirit. After all, if they had God’s Holy Spirit, they would see these truths! Never mind that this is circular reasoning at its finest. Don’t believe what your eyes and your ears are telling you – just believe THE TRUTH, and everything will be fine! You don’t want to end up in the Lake of Fire!

It is a TRUTH as old as The Bible:  When you build on a foundation of sand instead of rock, you should expect the edifice to crumble when the wind and rain beat against it. Although I haven’t fully attained it, I’m still in pursuit of God and Truth. What about you? Are you satisfied to stand fast in a house that is crumbling around you and will eventually collapse?

Monday, June 15, 2015

The Mystery Worshiper Hits UCG For Pentecost, Finds Cliquish People But Lots of Eye Candy

Ah United.....what are we going to do with you?  Absolutely nothing you seem to do anymore is right!  After you dumped close to $100,000 on a failed campaign in Cincinnati, changed your web site to hide your doctrines and claiming to be God's best church ever, you still screw it all up.  Even Jelly cant get you out of your mess!

A delightful entry is on the Ship of Fools web site.  They have people who are "mystery worshipers" who attend services in churches around the world and report back on how the service went and if it had any spiritual benefits.

The reviewer writes:
What was the name of the service?
Pentecost Service.

How full was the building?
Completely full. There were 330 chairs set out (I know because the worship leader mentioned it) and more had to be brought in. Lots of children and youth plus adults of all ages. Everyone was dressed in their, erm, Sabbath best. I had chosen my nicest Pentecost red outfit but felt somewhat underdressed nonetheless.

Did anyone welcome you personally?
No. One or two people shook my hand and said hello, but I was ignored for the most part.

Was your pew comfortable?
Standard hotel conference chair – comfortable.

How would you describe the pre-service atmosphere?
Everyone was standing around visiting with friends. Most of the seats had been “saved” with papers, hymnals, water bottles, jackets, etc. placed on them. As I started taking notes my pen went dry, and I went out to the hotel’s front desk to see if I could borrow another one. When I returned, someone had taken my seat. I spied a lone chair against the back wall and made for it.

What were the exact opening words of the service?
“All right. It’s that time.”

What books did the congregation use during the service?
United Church of God Hymnal. There was no program or order of service.

What musical instruments were played?
Digital piano.
 So far it sounds like a typical Church of God's boring service...until the reviewer writes this:
 Did anything distract you?
There was lots of eye candy – handsome young men very smartly dressed.

This will certainly freak out UCG, but I don't know why it should, since there are quit a few gay people in UCG.  I am glad to see it more open now.

Then more fun:

Was the worship stiff-upper-lip, happy clappy, or what?
Not happy-clappy but relaxed nonetheless. The hymns were all traditional-sounding although I recognized few of them. The service opened with three hymns, followed by a prayer and a sermonette. Then the collection was taken up. Just for the occasion I had prepared a special Mystery Worship Calling Card that included an icon of St Valentine, which I deposited in the basket when it came my way. The collection was followed by a vocal solo, announcements, and the main sermon. The service concluded with a closing hymn and a prayer.
Poor Randy Schreiber.  Everyone knows his sermons are boring as hell because he rambles on and on,  so it must be really shocking that a person who hears him for the first time also found him to be rambling way too much.

On a scale of 1-10, how good was the preacher?
5 – That’s the average score, as I would give Pastor Schreiber a 4 and the sermonette preacher a 6. Both spoke in a relaxed, conversational style and made good eye contact with the congregation, but I also think both of them rambled. Pastor Schreiber’s sermon was well constructed and had an interesting theme, but he rambled way too much for me to score him any higher. He spoke for 50 minutes but could have made his point in 10. The congregation were politely attentive throughout, but there was a palpable sigh of relief when he finally walked away from the lectern.
Schrieber has the same issue 99% of the other men in the UCG and COG has; hey don't know when to shut up.  Countless "points" and mindless rambling do NOT a sermon make!  An effective sermon can say everything that is needed in 20 minutes.  Quoting three pages of scripture out of a Strong's Concordance does not accomplish anything but distract members from paying to much attention because they are kept busy looking things up.

The UCG congregation did put their best foot forward and showered the visitor with Christian love though................................NOT!

What happened when you hung around after the service looking lost?
After the final prayer, people started visiting again. Eventually they began walking out into the lobby and out the doors. I stood around both inside the ballroom and in the lobby, but no one noticed me or said anything to me.
 Then the visitor makes a comment that is an apt description of most COG's.  Cliquish!
How would you feel about making this church your regular (where 10 = ecstatic, 0 = terminal)?
3 – I’d like to drop in on one of their regular Sabbath services to see if they’re structured the same way. The traditional music was refreshing, and everyone sang with gusto, but I’d want tighter preaching. Also, they seemed very cliquish and unwelcoming of visitors, but that may just have been the unaccustomed venue. If they were that way at their temple services, I wouldn’t be back.
So did this UCG church put God's best interests forward in showcasing how they love Jesus? Not so much:
Did the service make you feel glad to be a Christian?
I’m going to say “neutral” on this one.
 The the review closes with this delightful comment....
What one thing will you remember about all this in seven days' time?
The eye candy. Pity they’re so down on the notion of St Valentine’s Day!

The entire review can be found here:  2864: United Church of God, Tempe, Arizona, USA