Monday, June 20, 2016

Why Has Rod Meredith Refused To Admit He Made A Mistake?

I never make mistakes.  
I thought I did once, but I was mistaken.

Living Church of God is reeling today at the number of ministers and members that were served subpoenas for upcoming testimony in the lawsuit that the Scarborough's brought against Rod Meredith and the church.  The number of those served papers is said to be around 250 people.  You can quickly see why LCG is in such a turmoil today.  That is a huge number of people that can spill the beans on the way the Living Church of God works.

Some are deeply offended that the Scarborough’s filed this suit.  “Church members are not supposed to sue church members”, is the claim being thrown around.  This is LCG's attempt to divert peoples thinking away from the actually abuse that Meredith and his ministers dumped on the Scarborough’s and members that Saturday during the sermon where he demonized the Scarborough’s.

One comment made here says this:
Matthew 18 says ...and if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector. 
The Scarborough's took it to the church in the letter they sent all of us. But our leaders wouldn't yield and make peace. So the Bible now gives them permission to treat Mr. Meredith and Mr. McNair as heathens.
It's that simple. LCG leadership had a year to behave as the Christians they claim to be but instead of "manning-up" they continued in their lie. Instead of showing the love and mercy of Christ, they decided remain stubborn and prideful carnal, ungodly men.
 I have never been so disappointed.

Living Church of God is now paying the price for the bullheadedness and arrogance that permeates the upper levels of the LCG hierarchy.  Meredith, Ames, Weston and others have always felt that were unaccountable to the membership and could say anything they wanted. That has come back to bite them big time.  Apparently the public marking of the Scarborough’s was particular vicious and extended.
I was at church the day the Scarborough's were marked. It was the most vicious attack I have ever been witness to. The entire day was focused on defaming these people.

I'm sure that is why they are deposing so many people.

250 people won't lie for LCG even if a few decide to.

Witness testimony plus an un-edited copy of services that day will be pretty damning to LCG's defense.

Add to that witnesses that testify to how the Scarborough's helped them over the years or showed generosity toward them to show that they were good people and it seems like a no-brainer (and I'm not a lawyer).
The question many are asking is how many of the deposed will actually lie in order to keep Meredith and the church in a good light.  If the LCG hierarchy is counting on a large swath of members defending them, they are going to be in for a shock.   By constantly spreading around the myth that convert church members would never sue other members, they are counting on people never delving into the topic.  Plus, when the ministry says it is a sin to go against the leader it instills another level of fear into the members minds.  

Rod Meredith teaches that Jesus Christ is the Head of the church, and since Jesus hasn't removed Meredith, He must approve of what Meredith is doing. Therefore, to go against Meredith is rebellion against Jesus Himself. This makes the leader infallible! Any man could say this, could he not? Meredith is very good at manipulating people into following him. Without that manipulation, propaganda, and brainwashing, I wonder just how small his following would be.
Throughout all of this the arrogance of the ministry has been at play here as one writer here wrote:
LCG ministry absolutely believe they are above being corrected. I know this first hand. I was once smugly asked by a minister in LCG if it was my job to correct the ministry. In their minds they are too right to ever be wrong.
When Meredith was sued the last time he was represented by the Worldwide Church of God with unlimited funds and a large team of lawyers.  All he had to do is sit there and let the church pay for everything, though while this was going he was plotting with others to form a church he could run after he left WCG. He had no problem in letting the church spend their money to defend him while he was setting himself up to take millions in tithe money.  Ethics have never been a strong point for Meredith. 

Now he will let his own church defend him with a large stable of lawyers at his beckon call. Millions will be spent in tithe money but he doesn't care.  His arrogance reigns supreme and is more important that admitting he made a mistake. Ethic's be damned.

PCG Drops Tens of Thousands of Dollars in Tithe Money and Over 6,000 Man Hours to Produce Song of Songs Sex Oratorio

From a PCG source:

A recently posted Philadelphia Church of God news item describes the latest amateur musical presentation of the PCG under Ryan Malone. The brief three paragraph article accompanied by a ten-minute video describes how Ryan and company put together this latest "masterpiece".

Naturally in the article we learn that the plum roles were of course reserved for quintessential self-promoter Ryan and his wife Paula.  However we also learn the very telling fact that this performance took around 6,000 man-hours to produce!  That's right, 6,000 man-hours, roughly the equivalent of three full-time workers engaged over the course of a year.

Obviously many would have contributed their time freely behind the scenes, however it would be safe to assume that the final cost of this production would have literally run into the tens of thousands, if not much, much more.  All this to put together a musical essentially preformed and attended solely by the Edmond PCG elite and their families.

No doubt the man-hour figure was quoted to impress, but what it unwittingly reveals is the extent to which music has to all intents and purposes taken over in the PCG.  It also reveals how casually member's tithes and offerings are being spent, especially when it comes to music and dancing. This kind of activity should be for organisations with oodles of cash, not aging churches currently experiencing a 25% drop in income.

The article can be found here: Armstrong Choral Union Presents Song of Songs

I wonder if Gerald Flurry ever thinks about what he is now doing with the church’s tithes and offerings in relation to what he originally wrote back in 1989 in Malachi's Message?

Page 123 “Will a Man Rob God?”
Here is a quote by David Hulme, from the Worldwide News, August 14, 1989: “The Ambassador Foundation, through the PRESENTATION OF A GRANT by Chairman Joseph W. Tkach, took a significant step forward in promoting international understanding here [London] July 18.  “Mr. Tkach established the foundation’s involvement in REBUILDING THE GLOBE THEATER, where many of William Shakespeare’s plays were first presented. 

“Far from being merely a performing arts facility, the new Globe Theater complex will include a cultural center and FACILITIES FOR LITERARY SCHOLARS TO STUDY SHAKESPEARE’S WORKS” (emphasis mine). 

WCG leaders say they can’t afford to print Mystery of the Ages, BUT THEY CAN AFFORD TO PAY “LITERARY SCHOLARS TO STUDY SHAKESPEARE’S WORKS”?! The decision to help fund the Globe Theater was made shortly after it was decided the WCG couldn’t afford to continue THE MAJOR WORK OF GOD’S “ELIJAH”! God holds them accountable FOR SUCH TWISTED PRIORITIES!......I believe we can begin to get a feel for why God spews the Laodiceans out of His mouth with extreme disgust!"

How long are rank and file PCG members going to put up with this crap?  Clearly the leadership of the church have nothing but contempt for them.

2016 is shaping up to be an interesting year in terms of the PCG's long-term stability.


Sunday, June 19, 2016

BREAKING: Living Church of God Depositions To Start This Week In Scarborough Lawsuit

Just in from LCG source:

Depositions were the hottest rumor on LCG streets this Sabbath. It seems that quite a few members and ministers have received subpoenas to be deposed  by the Scarborough's attorney in the next two weeks. I can't confirm exactly how many LCG members have received the call so far but based on the chatter this Sabbath, it's a lot. I was also told that it's not just people in the Charlotte congregation. I spoke to several women in the Charlotte LCG congregation who were either called themselves or who's husband's had been called for depositions later this week.

There are a range of emotions amongst LCG members. Some are angry that the Scarborough's are "dragging them into this mess". Some are angry that LCG won't "do the right thing". People talk in hushed voices so they don't get in trouble from the ever-present LCG spies. One person I spoke to bluntly stated that they were "glad to be given the opportunity to finally tell the truth" and seemed resigned to the fact that telling the truth might get them kicked out of church.

Mr. Ames likes to ask congregants for a show of hands during sermons so that he can come up with an estimated percentage. From my surveying since learning of this lawsuit, I would say that the majority in LCG sympathize with the Scarborough's and think they were treated unfairly/ slandered but those same people don't agree with filing a lawsuit to resolve the situation. I have thought about this myself many times. It's a difficult situation because I think I would want to defend myself against false accusations too but I'm not sure suing a brother is the right thing to do either. The best thing would have been for all parties involved to act like Christians and talk out their problems.

Knowing that such a large majority of brethren privately sympathize with the Scarborough's, it will be curious to see if they choose to tell the truth in the depositions (which will surely hang LCG) or if they will choose to lie to protect LCG. LCG feels like it's on the brink of destruction regardless of the outcome of this case but the case isn't helping. Among the LCG people that I have spoken to about this lawsuit almost ALL have a hard time understanding how Mr. Meredith could let the situation go this far; costing the church so much money and bad publicity. It seems the Scarborough's made repeated attempts to make peace prior to filing this suit but LCG has refused them (at least according to facebook posts I've seen - so take that for what it's worth). Everyone knows that Mr. Meredith and Mr. McNair are prideful men but it's hard for us to understand how they can allow their pride to cause so much damage to the church that so many people love.

There are more important things LCG could be doing with their time and our money. What a total disappointment.

Rod Meredith's Latest Co-worker Letter: "Your family, your children and your job will be blessed" if you support Meredith's enterprise.

From an LCG source:

Here's Rod Meredith's latest nauseating co-worker letter. On a positive note, it's not as money grubbing as usual. Maybe all the flack he received on Banned for being such a greedy beggar hypocrite who lives in a huge house and has a fat bank account made an impact?! One can only hope.

I especially liked the line about how British Israelism is thoroughly explained with "Biblical and historical proof" in their U.S and Britain booklet. Dr Winnail, Dr. Fall,  and Dr. Germano among MANY  other COG ministers and members are smart enough to know that B.I. has been totally disproven but ol' Spanky decides to double down in this latest letter. Do you think Rod Meredith has even heard of DNA? His ignorance is astounding.

Then Meredith goes on in his delusions to say that the Living Church of God is the "only one Work, one group of dedicated human beings - who are preaching the true message of Christ's coming Government".  Well I guess that can lay to rest the rumors that LCG is attempting to form a merger with COGWA  or UCG. 

RCM used to say the other splinters were also COG's but that LCG was "the spear head". Now, apparently, LCG is the ONLY COG. Funny how things change when you are hemorrhaging members and trying to scare those who remain out of defecting to those other Laodicean churches. 

Perhaps the scariest line in the letter is, "will He not render to each man according to his deeds". If I were RCM that would definitely keep me up at night. I wonder what compulsive lying, meanness, vanity, greed and corruption renders?

Fear, lies and manipulation are the chief operandi at LCG. Will they ever understand the message of love that Christ left for us?


June 16, 2016
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers with Christ,
We should never forget the recent headlines: “MASSACRE—Orlando Mass Shooting Deadliest in U.S. History.” “Shooter pledged allegiance to ISIL.” “ORLANDO—The heavily armed assailant who killed 50 people in a packed nightclub early Sunday in the deadliest shooting spree in U.S. history pledged allegiance to the Islamic State before he was killed in a hail of gunfire, authorities said” (USA Today, June 13, 2016).
Dear friends we understand the details of what happened, but the big question which very few are able to understand is why these attacks are taking place with increasing frequency in America, Canada, Britain, France, etc. The Wall Street Journal reported: “As we learned again after December’s murders in San Bernardino, ISIS propaganda over the internet can all too easily reach Muslims alienated from American society. Young men who are second generation immigrants seem to be especially vulnerable to calls for jihad…. President Obama could also help if he weren’t so reluctant to acknowledge the domestic danger from ISIS. Mr. Obama did say in his Sunday remarks that this was ‘an act of terror,’ though he still can’t muster the words Islam or jihad or Islamic State. The truest words he uttered were that Orlando ‘could have been any one of our communities’” (June 13, 2016).
It is important to understand that both our national and religious leaders seem to have no real understanding of how to deal with radical Islam. They do not understand who we are and what is definitely prophesied to occur in the near future.
While Meredith did not go into one or his nauseating homophobic rants he has to get his dig in anyway claiming the innocents slaughtered were "godless and Christ denying."  I have seen more Christ denying men in LCG and the COG than than there were in that club that night.
My friends, this “Orlando massacre” was not just some occasional incident. It was undoubtedly part of the beginning of an entire series of such terrorist acts and other tragedies that are going to overwhelm our society in the next few years in a way we have never seen before! Why? The answer is that our leaders fail to acknowledge the fact that there is a real God. They refuse to even consider that He may be intervening and guiding world events—including at least allowing these kinds of tragedies to occur and to come down on a godless and Christ-denying people who virtually spit in His face!

Then he brings in the discredited belief that British Israelism is a valid belief just because John Ogwyn wrote LCG's booklet on the topic.
I hope that all of you will carefully read and study one of the most meaningful and powerful booklets we have ever published. It was written by one of the most dedicated men I have ever known, John H. Ogwyn. It is entitled, The United States and Great Britain in Prophecy. It thoroughly explains—with biblical and historical proof—the fact that the American and British-descended peoples were, originally, primarily the descendants of Jacob—whose name was changed to Israel. It shows that we—through our ancestry—were promised awesome national blessings and power. “Also God said to him: ‘I am God Almighty. Be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall proceed from you, and kings shall come from your body. The land which I gave Abraham and Isaac I give to you; and to your descendants after you I give this land’” (Genesis 35:11-12).
So our ancestor, Jacob—whose name was changed to “Israel”—was to be the father of an entire “company” of nations—this certainly was fulfilled in the “commonwealth of nations” which Britain had and in the great single nation, the United States, which was also indicated in verse 11. 
Meredith shouldn't be lecturing alone about "spitting" in god's face.  He does that daily when he denies Jesus. 
Great national blessings were promised to come upon us because of the example of heartfelt obedience of our father, Abraham. Yet Almighty God does not continue to bless those who deny His existence—who virtually “spit in His face”—and completely turn away from obedience to His laws and His statutes!
In His inspired Word, God tells us in Deuteronomy 28 that He would bless and bless our peoples if we would continue to obey His commandments—He would set us “high above all nations of the earth” (Deuteronomy 28:1). God said to our people, “The Lord will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow. And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today, and are careful to observe them” (vv. 12-13).
Dear brethren and friends, it is obvious—according to the inspired Word of God—our people will continue to receive horrifying punishments from God of almost every description. If we do not turn to the true God of the Bible in heartfelt repentance we will have worsening drought, fires, flooding, famine, massive earthquakes and some of the most horrifying disease epidemics ever to hit mankind—all of these unless we repent and begin to turn to God as a nation and as a people. Some of you will object and say, “But I think….”
Meredith's god is on the warpath and spanking out divine punishment 
Please understand. It does not make any difference what “I think” or what you think. If you have the intelligence and the courage to dig into the facts and prove to yourself that there is a real God, that the Bible is His inspired revelation to mankind, and if you can muster up the humility to obey your Creator, you will then truly understand what God says and what is already beginning to happen, right now, even as I write! For this recent tragedy in Orlando is not just an isolated incident. It is no doubt the beginning of an entire series of national tragedies as part of the divine punishment meted out by Almighty God the Creator. If we are willing to understand it in this context, it should drive all of us to our knees! It should make us realize that the specific promises God gave to our ancestors have come about. And now the national punishments prophesied in His Word are also beginning to occur—more and more with each passing year. The end of this society is not going to be tomorrow or this year. We are not saying that. Rather, we are saying that we are truly living in the “time of the end” and that God is going to continue to intervene with increasing power to show that He is God! We need to prove that to ourselves and begin to act accordingly.
Meredith makes it known that there is no "truth" outside the LCG.  No other COG is doing the work. Flurry is not, Pack is not. Kubik is not, Frank's is not...
At this point in modern history, there is only one Work, one group of dedicated human beings—who are preaching the true message of Christ’s coming Government to this earth with increasing power, who truly do understand the details of Bible prophecy, and who are willing to do what God says in every area of our lives. The Living Church of God is sponsoring that very Work!
Then Meredith claims that the work of LCG has never been bolder nor bigger.  The entire world is hearing the message of the LCG.
Each month, this Work increases with power in our impact on the entire world. Right now, we are having a tremendous increase in our impact through many aspects of the Internet. We are very grateful for this—and grateful for so many of you who are helping us out as members and co-workers in the Body of Christ. I am grateful that so many people are responding to our powerful new Internet initiatives, such as the telecast on Roku. But I also appreciate that for many long-time supporters of this Work, plain old postal “snail mail” still has its place. Most of you brethren and co-workers already have your own copy of our powerful and inspiring DVD, Feed My Sheep, which we sent out several years ago, featuring insightful comments by many Living Church of God ministers revealing their hearts about the Work being done around the world. A couple of months ago, we sent a special offer to more than 46,000 U.S. subscribers who did not already have that DVD, and more than one-in-six responded to request the free DVD! As any of you who work with “direct mail” will know, a response rate approaching 17 percent can be considered outstanding—especially for a DVD like this that focuses more on the spiritual impetus of the Work rather than the “flashy” details of end-time prophecy that some “religious hobbyists” like to hear. This response shows powerfully that so many of those being reached by this Work really do have their “hearts” in what Jesus Christ is doing through this Work!
Also, I hope and pray that thousands of you who have not yet read Mr. Ogwyn’s powerful booklet, The United States and Great Britain in Prophecy, will now want to write in, call in or order over the Internet to request this free booklet. As most of you know there will be no charge, and no follow-up for donations as a result of your requesting this booklet. It is very interesting. It is filled with information that will really help you understand what is beginning to occur all around you right now. So call or write today and request your free copy of this powerful and insightful booklet that every one of us ought to read and study to understand the events that are now beginning to occur in a massive way effecting the British-descended and American peoples. 
Meredith's god is a god who dishes out blessings only to LCG members who have their "heart" in the work.   Anyone who is not 100% behind Meredith will NOT be blessed.
Please remember—for your own good—Almighty God’s instruction in Proverbs 24:11-12: “Deliver those who are drawn toward death, and hold back those stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, ‘Surely we did not know this,’ does not He who weighs the hearts consider it? He who keeps your soul, does He not know it? And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?” God certainly rewards those who have their hearts in His Work and in proclaiming the warning which we are trying to give about the events that are now beginning to come upon our peoples. We certainly need your help to “grow” this Work in power and effectiveness.
Almighty God also tells us: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21).
Apparently if you fully support Meredith and the LCG you will then be blessed beyond measure.  You, your children, and even your job!  Of course that means if you are blessed at your job then you will be getting more money which means you will be giving more to the church.
If you will join with us in “going all out,” in doing your part to help get this Work going and growing more than ever, God will certainly bless you—bless your family, your children, your job and everything you have. For He is God. God is “real.” As you learn to obey Him and serve Him, this reality will become more and more fixed in your mind and you will understand and you will have faith as you see God intervening. So put your “treasure” in the very Work that is preparing the way for Christ’s Second Coming as King of kings.
“Boy!” How we need His coming Government on this earth right now. Let us do everything we can to help prepare the way and have God’s blessing on our lives and our families as we walk with God and join with Him as “co-workers” and members in His Body in preparing the way for Christ’s Second Coming.
With Christian love,
Roderick C. Meredith