Saturday, June 23, 2012

Dennis On Ron Weinland's Sermon 6/23/12: " Today's Sermon Stand Fast ....Even if..."

Today's Sermon

Stand Fast ....Even if...

One of the jurors remarked,
Out of the 90% of $4.5 million, the Weinlands alone, spent at least 80% of that money. We are talking Lasik eye surgery, Insight cable bills, utility bills, car insurance, global & domestic shopping sprees for clothing, art, & jewelry, homes, on and on….basically everything and then some. In a nutshell these scumbags paid any and all exspenses down to groceries and morning coffee out of these church donations! The so called “church money” equals Ron and families money.
What a brazen piece of garbage. These people are sociopaths. I feel for those of you who were ever entangled with this freak! There is nothing at all Godly about this man. That is putting it lightly.
Apparently, Weinland wasn’t completely convinced that he was going to heaven. In 2002, he announced that he would begin preparing for the second coming of Christ. And by preparing, he meant redirecting church funds to a Swiss bank account and carrying jewels and precious metals with him, since he would need liquid assets for bartering when the financial system crashed (I guess that was the back-up plan if the Swiss didn’t come through).

And all the time that he’s been preparing, the IRS and the Departmnet of Justice were watching with interest. On November 10, 2011, Weiland was indicted by a federal grand jury on five charges of tax evasion. The allegations included that he had understated his income on federal tax returns, used church funds for personal use and failed to report that Swiss bank account.

Despite the fact that he believed the world would end, Weinland set himself up pretty well. He lived in a nearly $400,000 home, where he used church money to pay for security. He wore expensive suits and went shopping at Nordstrom, allegedly on the church’s tab. On his taxes, he deducted stays at Las Vegas casinos and other tony venues, defending them as meetings with his followers.

Juror#215 says: 
ronaldweinerhead- Mr Weinland reported a $35,000 gross income each of the years 04 – 07. This figure was supposed to include an additional $35,000 “parsonage allowance” for his home. So essentially, he was claiming that his salary was $70,000, but that half of that was parsonage allowance on his mansion, so his gross income was $35,000.

He claimed that he gave himself a “raise” in 2008, and listed a much higher gross income that year, somewhere in the $200,000 range. This was the year that he had a CPA prepare his return more than a year past his extension deadline. However, even this increased number was short of the real total if his income by about $150,000.

J- the let [list] of inappropriate expenses were extensive; literally thousands of pages of receipts, cancelled checks and credit card statements, but I’ll try to summarize and categorize it as best I can remember.

- BMWs for Jeremy and Audra
- Jewelry for Laura (lots of jewelry)
- Family vacations around the world, not on church business
- Cruises, including spa and massage services while on the boat
- Trips to Las Vegas, not on church business
- Trips to visit other family members out of town
- Dining out around Cincinnati and northern Kentucky, while not doing church business
- Audra’s condo mortgage, and monthly homeowners association fees
- All of Audra’s utility, cable and phone bills
- All of Ron and Laura’s utility, cable and phone bills
- Security systems for both their home and Audra’s condo
- Medical and dental services, including LASIK surgery for Audra
- Miscellaneous expenses for Jeremy, including ski trips
- Personal grocery shopping trips on a regular basis
- Many trips shopping for expensive clothing, including places like the Fashion Show Mall in Las Vegas, Nordstrom’s, and Tommy Bahama
- College tuition paid for Jeremy
- Wedding ring set for Jeremy’s wife
- Wedding ring set for Audra
- Expensive artwork presumably housed in Ron and Laura’s home
- Miscellaneous entertainment, including shows on the Las Vegas Strip
- AND all of Laura’s airfare and meal expenses when she accompanied Ron on his church related travels around the world

You can pretty much count on the fact that wherever they traveled to visit members, they ate well, entertained themselves, and went shopping.

This list is by no means complete, it’s just some of the big memorable pieces. I’m sure that Bags can add to the list from his memory as well.

Dennis Diehl - EzineArticles Expert AuthorI have to say I am stunned that he can be in such denial and that his followers do not confront him.  This is not about persecution in light of God's truth.  It is about stealing and materialism, lying and mental illness.

I no longer have any feeling for those who follow Ron.  They are brain dead and can't separate 2000 year old scriptures from crime.  I had once felt Ron, while mentally troubled, may be sincere, but now feel he is just mentally deluded.  The man cannot say the words, "I am sorry, I was wrong, please forgive me."  
Those who still believe in this man's views get what they deserve.  You will soon be totally dis-illusioned, which is not bad as delusions hurt you.
Ron is being persecuted because he is a criminal.  He has taken your money and enjoyed the materialism of this world.  He is not a humble man nor is he Christ like.  He is deluded and going to prison.  The Apostle Paul did not go to prison because he stole an bought stuff for himself.  Actually we have no clue why the Romans executed Paul.

Perhaps it was an embarrassment to the Church so they did not give the real reason. 
Ron is going to prison because he is a criminal. He is a fool and those who follow him perhaps more fools than that. 
He is bullshiting you folks!  If his wife does not get indicted, he will leave her in charge while he cooks in prison.
It is time for you that follow Ron Weinland to wake up and be at least as smart as the children of darkness.  They aren't mocking you for your faith.  They are mocking you for your stupidity, naive perspectives and delusions about Ron Weinland.  Please wake up.

Dennis C. Diehl

Friday, June 22, 2012

Ron Weinland: Making The Churches of God Proud!

Weinerdudes story has hit the Huffington Post.  No longer is this story sitting in the shadows and read by a fringe few with ties to Armstrongism.  This must be a proud moment for all the Churches of God!

Ronald Weinland, Doomsday Prophet, Found Guilty Of Tax Evasion 

Out of the 90% of $4.5 million, the Weinlands alone, spent at least 80% of that money.

The God Discussion blog has an article up about the Weinlands escapades.

Jesus fails to save 'God's Final Witness' from jury's guilty verdict for tax evasion 

One of the jurors remarked,
Out of the 90% of $4.5 million, the Weinlands alone, spent at least 80% of that money. We are talking Lasik eye surgery, Insight cable bills, utility bills, car insurance, global & domestic shopping sprees for clothing, art, & jewelry, homes, on and on….basically everything and then some. In a nutshell these scumbags paid any and all exspenses down to groceries and morning coffee out of these church donations! The so called “church money” equals Ron and families money.
What a brazen piece of garbage. These people are sociopaths. I feel for those of you who were ever entangled with this freak! There is nothing at all Godly about this man. That is putting it lightly.
The jury foreman's opinions were not expressed quite as strongly, but he said that the courtroom experience and verdict was draining, adding that the jury carefully deliberated the evidence. He noted:
I do admit that while none of the witnesses from the church appeared to be violent people, the thought has crossed my mind that if any members of the church were to go off the deep-end, it wouldn’t be much of a stretch for them to decide that we are the “enemy” and to seek vengeance, which is why I advised the other jurors to make sure to keep our actual names hidden online and in the media.

Ron Weinland: "...was hand-selecting the “leadership” of the church based on how completely gullible and easily manipulated they were."

Juror 215 has posted another tidbit on Mike's blog.  I am still in amazement at the things that Weinland did.    Corruption is nothing new in the leadership of the Churches of God. It has been going on for so long that most are really good at covering their tracks.  But not so in Weinland's case.  He comes across as an incredibly stupid little man.  Apparently, according to this juror, he surrounded himself will a bunch of bumbling idiots. These morons are the ones preaching to the flock every week too.  How sick is that!

Juror#215 says:
Trial tidbit of the day:

Johnny Harrell – Co-conspirator or Clueless?

I believe that there has been some discussion here regarding Johnny Harrell, Mr Weinland’s ‘Senior Evangelist’ and how much he really knows about the chruch’s scams. Mr Harrell took the stand for the defense, but he really didn’t do anything to help Mr Weinland’s case at all. He came across in his testimony as a bumbling fool. For example…

In an attempt to prove that the Swiss bank account was really church money and not the Weinland’s personal money, Ron and Laura flew Johnny and his wife to Switzerland with them (Mr Harrell testified that he paid for their own expenses for this trip) in order to have Johnny sign a Power of Attorney form there, giving him the rights to the account in the case of the Weinland’s death. I believe that this was in 2004 or 2005. Now, this seems like a plausible defense to establish the $400,000 in the Swiss bank as being church money and not personal, until the prosecution began their cross-examination.

Did Mr Harrell know how much money was in the account? No.

Did Mr Harrell know the account number? No.

Did Mr Harrell REALLY know what the Power of Attorney form was that he had signed? No.

The prosecution had Mr Harrell read some of the content on the PoA form aloud for the court. He stumbled over the words, not seeming to understand the relatively simple legal jargon. The prosecution asked him the meaning of what he had read, and he really didn’t know. Johnny came across as just an especially clueless minion, and it appeared to the jury during our deliberations, that based on the church elders that we had seen in the trial, that Mr Weinland was hand-selecting the “leadership” of the church based on how completely gullible and easily manipulated they were. Mr Weinland needed someone who could access that money in the event of an emergency, but he wanted to make sure that the person he chose had no clue what they were doing.

One particularly telling part of his testimony was when the prosecution was trying to ask him questions about Mrs Weinland, and to give some kind of evidence that she had done SOMETHING in the church, other than being Mr Weinland’s wife, that justified Ron declaring her the Second Witness. Mr Harrell’s response back to the attorney was to turn red in the face, get a wild look in his eye, and start screaming, “READ YOUR BIBLE!” It has apparently never occurred to him that other people in the world might read the bible and come up with an entirely different interpretation of it than what has been forced upon them by Ron all of these years.

It was just sad and pathetic.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Apostle Malm: "There is no sin in warning of possibilities as long as we do not declare such possibilities as facts "

Not all of apostle Malm's followers latch on to his every word.  Some have questioned his "prophetic understanding" which has really ticked him off.  He is also not happy that Prophet Thiel is ragging on him again.

The apostle wants you to know that there is no problem if  his predictions don't come to pass, as long as he does not say, "In the name of the Lord" when he utters his earth shattering prophecies.He can lie all he wants and its OK as long as he doesn't say, "In the name of the Lord" afterwards.

Red highlights mine:

The signs are biblical; as to when these things will come, that is up to God. Whether I am correct in warning of the possibility for this year, will be proved out by events as to being true or false.

There is no sin in warning of possibilities as long as we do not declare such possibilities as facts and do not do so in the “Name of the Lord”. To do that would be presumptious and would make one a falee prophet if they do not happen.

I remind everyone that I have NEVER declared anything in the Name of the Lord and have always clearly published that all the signs had to be present and that any dates I presented were only possibilities and NOT set in stone facts.

I remind everyone that HWA did presumptously declare many such predictions in the “Name of the Lord”: ALL of which failed; and this is what the scripture has to say about what HWA did.
Deu 18:20 But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die. 21 And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the Lord hath not spoken? 22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.

Those who call me false and then blindly follow HWA are double minded; since I NEVER declared anything in the “Name of the Lord” and was always very careful to explain that I was only discussing possibilities.

Bob Thiel is on the attack again although at least he now appears to be admitting that I am not setting dates [saying I am speculating]; instead of lying about me as he has done in the past. James