Saturday, May 14, 2011

Two Mile Long Line For A Double Double

Anyone who was ever in Pasadena with any ties to the WCG has probably had a burger at IN-N-OUT Burger on Walnut Street.  That is of course unless you were one of Armstrognism's food fanatics.

In-n-Out is a home grown institution that started here in Southern CA. Started by the Snyder family it is still a family owned business.  All the food is fresh and never frozen.  Service is fast and friendly with many employees making careers with the company. 

They feed all the people that work and participate in the Rose Parade each January 1st with over 10,000 burgers. And with no apologies, all their burger wrappers and cups have a Bible scripture somewhere on it.

There is a great story in the London Daily Mail today about an IN-N-OUT that opened in Texas recently. Cars were in a two mile long line!  The IN-N-OUT in Glendale can have 30 some cars in line for several hours at a time around lunch and dinner time.

I wonder if Flurry and Weinland will have a stand ready in Petra when they all show up next year?  Perhaps Spanky has ordered one when he takes his little flock to Petra when Thiel's 2012 predictions come true.

Daily Mail: In-n-Out Burger

Friday, May 13, 2011

Feeding Your Dog Unclean Meat

Looking through some of the blogs of Armstrongite acolytes today was really depressing.  What a SAD, unhappy, miserable bunch of people!  Do they not have any joy in their lives??????  Everything is satanic or 'of this world' and not to be enjoyed.  What morons!

So to lighten the mood today, some dog humor: