Friday, June 24, 2011

Some Things Never Change in the COG

The new and improved, 'authentic' splinter group, Church of God a Worldwide Association, has laid down the law regarding how it's leadership will be run. The grumpy old men still rule.

In a typically crafted COG document they have laid out a plan that keeps the old guard in power yet again.  They were trained in WCG, jumped ship to UCG where they wielded the same power they thought they had in WCG, and now plan on continuing with that same power structure. New ideas will be left by the wayside.

Only ministers who have been ordained more than 20 years will be allowed to sit on the Board of Directors.

Board members will serve eight year terms.  If five out of the seven members object to a person they can vote to have him removed.  Elders can request a ballot to removed a board member if they gather 25% of the elders signatures.  Then it will take 60% of the elders voting the person officially out.
 (According to J Malm) In practical terms this 20 years point narrows down the Board to AC Alumni only.  This means that the split leaders will be in total control of COGWA regardless of the selection option chosen.  ONLY they meet the required qualifications.  In reality this is a choice between irrelevant options.  Elders are being allowed to decide the method they will use; and will have no real choice as to WHO leads!  With very little exception they can choose between members of the same group only! 
 They are being told to choose between two irrelevant issues!    The Franks/McCullough/Kilough group wins either way!  THE BIG CON!
Only those currently employed or ordained in the last five years are allowed to nominate men to the Board. This is slick because the ministers who have been employed by the COGaWA are those that were hand selected out of the entire group when they all jumped ship.
Malm writes: That is a condition which disenfranchises those unpaid elders who have not  had paid jobs for the past five years in UCG;   this is  great for the Old Guard. It may be preferred by the paid Old Guard like McCullough/ Franks/Kilough and friends.  This is the key issue behind the power struggle in COGWA; only the inner circle of friends and AC alumni have been hired; and may nominate candidates if Option One  passes. This entrenches the Old HWA Guard. This gives the lie to the mantra of "Servant Leadership" as they define it; because it maintains the same old Caste System of the past.

The president of the church must have fifteen years experience and at least five years with 'pastoral' experience.  He is chosen by the board and must serve their desires and  needs. In other words, he will not be a spiritual leader like Meredith is.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Isn't It Time You Started Questioning Sabbath Keeping?

If Charlton Heston had never went up that mountain we would not have all the Sabbath keeping controversies today!

Armstrongism is continuing to lose members because they realize sabbath keeping is not required of Christians.  Seventh Day Adventists are leaving too.  In 2005 the SDA church announced that 1.5 million SDA's have left the church in the last five years.  Part of the reason why is the same phenomenon that is decimating Armstrongism: "The Internet has made information accessible to people worldwide who are seeking for the answers to their questions about Adventism."
There are numerous web sites out there that have a wealth of information for those who are questioning sabbatarianism.

Kerry Wynne is a former third generation Seventh-day Adventist.  William Hohmann is a former Worldwide Church of God member.  The Sabbath “heritage” of both authors goes back to one, single group of believers which adopted Sabbatarianism almost immediately after the Great Disappointment of 1844. Thus, these denominations are truly “sister” churches.   Both authors graduated from the universities which host(ed) the theological seminaries of their respective denominations. The authors have worked in association  with biblical researcher, Robert K. Sanders, a former Seventh-day Adventist who now hosts a comprehensive web-site which addresses issues in Adventism and Sabbatarianism—Truth Or Fables.Com.