Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Are You Having Intercourse With The World?

Dan Cafeo, of the Church of God In Training splinter cult, thinks that when you educate yourself by higher education or by reading books by non converted COG members you are fornicating with the world.  Looking around my den right now with it's bookshelves filled with hundreds and hundreds of books, I must have been a busy guy!  I do have to say it has been quit pleasurable! Delightful too!

Another reason that false doctrines are spreading in the Church of God is because of intellectualism—which is a mind-eroding cancer! I’ve seen “ministers” walk up to the pulpit with a stack of books and commentaries, in an attempt to show how “learned” and “scholarly” they are. Yet they had no understanding whatsoever. These books and commentaries have no place in the true Church of God. Reading and preaching from them constitutes having intercourse with the world! God gave us books—contained in the Bible—and we don’t need any other!
All of this worldly intercourse has blinded them from understanding what love is. And how great God is.

Say what????????  The images that come to mind that I could use here to mock this moron would surely offend some, so I won't.

Besides being pissed off at books this guy is also pissed off at Richard Ames from Living Church of God.

Now, this letter was inspired by a terrible, false doctrine being taught by an evangelist in one of the larger church groups, Mr. Richard Ames. He is teaching that “God’s love is unconditional.” This is totally false! Nowhere does the bible teach that God’s love is unconditional. If you can find it (and you’re not just “reading into it”) then contact me, I want to know.

There is a lot of what Richard Ames preaches that I feel is not right, but if he is actually saying this then he has scored some points.

So how does this guy PROVE that Ames is wrong?  By showing how God kicked Satan's butt out of heaven:

If you believe that God’s love is unconditional, then consider this: what happened when Lucifer—the epitome of God’s creation—decided to rebel? This bright, beautiful, created being decided to attempt a hostile takeover in heaven, but what happened? God kicked him out of heaven so fast, that Christ said it was like lightning! (Luke 10:18) How long did it take for God to kick him out? Did God give him a “time out” in the corner, like so many parents do today? No, He dispatched Michael to immediately cast Lucifer (Satan) out of heaven and down to earth! (Rev 12:7-9). 

Where was the “unconditional love”? Did God say, “I’ll love you unconditionally, Lucifer, no matter what you do.”? NO! He said, essentially, KICK HIM STRAIGHT OUT OF HERE! 

Can you find “unconditional love” anywhere in the bible regarding that event? I don’t think so

Satan always seems to be the gold standard for proof-texting in Armstrongism.  He is surely one powerful dude, while Jesus Christ and God are impotent because they lost their gospel for 1,900 years.

Richard Ames has also sinned in another area that has ticked off this guy:

I’ve also heard false teaching regarding our prayers. This same evangelist is teaching that we ought to pray for the world, namely world leaders and heads of state. He tried to use Matthew 5:43-48, where Christ commanded us to pray for those who hate, persecute and use us. But this command clearly refers to individuals who persecute us directly on a personal level, not some distant stranger in a high office. 

Brethren, God is the one who is orchestrating His plan on earth. He is the conductor. We are instructed to submit and honor those in authority in this world, because God has placed them in their office of responsibility. (1 Pet 2:13-25). But the Bible does not instruct us anywhere to pray for world leaders. Furthermore, Christ Himself said that He did not pray for the world, but only for those whom God has called (John 17:9). He set the example.

Words fail me.

Apostate Apostle Still Predicting Tribulation By End Of This Year

Apostate apostle Malm is again predicting that the current pope may die and be replaced by another who will the final false propeht who brings about the tribulation.  If you have any fantasy trips abroad you had better do it within the next few months because by the end of the year you will be up the creek without a paddle.

When the final false prophet is set up, he will have a maximum of 1,335 days;  Therefore if he is set up in the autumn we will know that the resurrection will be in the spring; and if he is set up in the spring we shall know that I am wrong and the resurrection shall take place in the fall.
While it is not certain; it is highly likely that this abomination will be set up later this year and that the tribulation will begin towards the end of this year.

This is how the Apostate apostle sees it happening:

The Pope is now finalizing plans for a tour of the Middle East this fall. 
The announcement of the first city has now been made and other cities are to be announced soon. 
I point out that if this pope should die before then:   These things are big events and the trip would not be cancelled;  only temporarily delayed for a couple of months.
VATICAN CITY – Pope Benedict will visit Lebanon for three days in September at the invitation of religious leaders and the Lebanese government, the Vatican said on Sunday.
A brief statement said the trip, the pope’s second this year, will take place on Sept. 14-16.
These threads are beginning to converge on a regional war very soon; and a possible Papal visit to the Holy Place near the end Nov, beginning of Dec.  IF this present schedule is slightly delayed.

Are You Twisted, Bitter and Without Backbone?

Every once in a while I get an angry reader who claims to know exactly what God is thinking. 

Anonymous said....Man, you are all sick. You will not blab your mouth of the way you do when you face God in the Judgement, and see Mr. Armstrong in the Kingdom of God. If I were you pray that you do not die to night---It will be to late to repent of your bitter and twisted attitudes and hearts.

You are all to twisted and bitter because you did not have the backbone to stick it out or endure. You could not see beyond your own sick ideas because you have already given in to your father the Devil, just like Judas. Pray to God for mercy and to forgive you.

"...stick it out and endure..."???????   Endure what?

Thousands of more lives ruined by disgusting splinter cult leaders?  Endure more deaths from lack of medical care?  Endure so that more people can commit suicide because they have been  made to feel like worthless human slime?  Endure so that more families can be destroyed by Flurry and Pack?  Endure so that this generation of COG youth does not go on for higher education because Satan is coming to destroy it all?  Endure so people can go out and sell all their belongings and give it to deviant bastards for the "final push?"

No thanks!  The Churches of God have a proven track record of offering humanity nothing of value.  When you can't follow the name of the person you claim to be followers of, what is the point?

Monday, April 9, 2012

Is Satan Beaming Bad Attitudes Into People Who Question LCG?

With the dawn of the Internet the Churches of God can no longer control the flow of information about church issues.  The Internet has been a great thorn in the side of the COG.  It is what contributed to the rapid dissolution of the WCG when all the changes were coming down the line.  Information flowed too freely and too fast for anyone in "power" to control it.

It's now over twenty years later and the COG's are still trying to control information.  Take a look at Doug Winnail and his belief that Satan is behind anyone that dares questions LCG leadership, doctrines or beliefs.  Even though they don't believe it a lot of what Jesus said and did, they sure love to trumpet out his name when it is needed to be used as a weapon.  Armstrongism is all about the fear factor.

Satan’s Subtle Devices: The Days of Unleavened Bread are a time for self-examination—to carefully examine the motives in our own heart (1 Corinthians 11:29-32). Are we truly motivated by God’s Spirit or by the attitudes of this world? Unfortunately, after months or many years in the Church of God, we can still be snared by Satan’s devices (2 Corinthians 2:11; Ephesians 6:11)—without even realizing what is happening. Satan—who is the accuser of the brethren and the source of doubts, divisions and rebellion against authority—can cleverly beam ideas and attitudes into our minds (Ephesians 2:2) that stir us to criticize, complain, and question decisions, actions and policies of those around us and over us in the Body of Christ. When we see that Satan tempted Christ (Matthew 4:1-10) and then stirred Peter to sharply rebuke Christ (Matthew 16:22-23), we should realize that we are not immune to Satan’s devices. Jesus said that anyone who criticizes, pours contempt on, or harbors anger against others is actually guilty of spiritual murder (Matthew 5:21-22). At this time of year, we need to ask ourselves if we have the mind and humility of Jesus Christ to esteem others better than ourselves (Philippians 2:1-8). If we accuse, criticize and spread doubt and division among others, we have been snared by a device of the “accuser of our brethren” (Revelation 12:10). Let’s all strive to be real Philadelphia Christians who show love and promote peace and cooperation with others in the Church of God. That is what God is looking for in us at this time (James 3:17-18).

Have a profitable Sabbath and Spring Holy Day season,
Douglas S. Winnail

Dennis on Dave Pack's - "Should Accusers Be Accused?"

Should Answerers Be Accused?

Dennis Diehl - EzineArticles Expert Author

I have endeavored to read through "Should Accusers be Answered?"  by DCP.   What he seems not to realize is that Billy Graham, TBN, Benny Hinn and the Pope could all write the very same thing using all the very same scriptures. 

The Bible goes to great lengths to admonish defending the faith, but then gives way too much leeway to everyone to struggle with just what that faith is.  It's a document demanding compliance but  short on explaining compliance to what?  "Keeping the Commandments," always leads to which ones?

DCP goes on to impute the only acceptable motives to those who observe and listen to the words of those who claim to know the mind of God personally. 

"Obviously, these “journalists” are not dirtmongers in their own eyes. They see themselves as merely performing an “information service.” But they function much like the National Enquirer, The Star or other supermarket tabloids, so popular today. The difference is that they do this on behalf of the many splinters, assuring themselves that God is pleased with their efforts. Actually, these “journalists” directly serve the “god of this world,” who loves gossip, talebearing, slander, bad news, discord, division and every other form of human disagreement. While God hates these things, the devil and human nature feast on them. But try to tell them God hates what they are doing."

No,  you hate what they doing. Could we not also say,  "Obviously, these ministers are not Biblically inaccurate in their own eyes.  They see themselves as called by God Almighty specifically and obviously.  But they function much like the Trinity Broadcasting Network.  The difference is that they do this on behalf of themselves assuring themselves that God is pleased with their efforts.  Actually , these "ministers" directly serve their own beautiful minds,   who love to preach to the exclusion of others, connect scriptures that aren't connectable and give them meanings they never meant, Good News that is not good, demand for loyalty and compliance to 'that man" and every other form of human reasoning using as many scriptures as can be assembled to weave their tale.  While they think God hates the noticer and ministerial specialness and seeing themselves specifically spoken of in the Bible, they can't comprehend they are not really educated enough on Bible origins and history to take so much time and life energy from those they dazzle."

DCP goes on to speculate "what if"  there was the Internet during the days of the early Church?

For example, "

"The apostle Paul reported in II Timothy 4:14 that he was attacked by Alexander the coppersmith “who did him much evil.” (We will look at this reference later in the book in another context.) Of course, Paul offers no details beyond this statement about the specifics of what happened. But let’s ask: What if Alexander had been able to post his side of the story on the Internet at the time? How many brethren then would have felt they needed to read “Alexander’s side” of the matter before they could support an apostle? More important for us, how many among God’s people today would resist the tendency to study this evil man’s mind because it was still “archived on the net”?"

Using this example of every person in the NT who questioned the Apostle Paul, resisted him, left him  or simply did not like the man, DCP simply cannot understand why Church members would want to know what's up with that?  This approach certainly gives those who expect to be taken as true in all they say a pretty free reign over the lives of others without accountability.  DCP is right that Paul is long telling us WHO gave him a hard time and did not take everything he said as true but very short on telling us WHAT the disagreement was.  The Apostle Paul laments that "all in Asia have forsaken me," but can't seem to come up with explaining just why they ALL did that.  ALL is a lot of people!  In the Ephesian letter to the Church in Revelation, the Jesus figure praises them for challenging those who "say they are Apostles and are not.'  Personally I believe at this point that Apostle was Paul who the Ephesians rejected and is the "All those in Asia" he was referring to.

Paul tells us he knew a man 14 years ago who went into the Third Heaven (It was him obviously) but could not report on what he saw.  DCP likes this approach at times.  "I have amazing information, but can't tell you right now."  The need is to say one has secret or amazing info to impress or lead along, but not telling what it is keeps the suspense up for a bit.  If the Apostle Paul had an out of body or mind experience, how about he just share it and let us decide if maybe he needed meds and not a following?  Paul even bragged how he withstood Peter to his face, but once again, does not quite tell us what Peter's problem with him was.  I suspect Peter realized Paul was not about to go along with what he said he'd go along with in Acts 15 and the food on the table was not so much unclean as obviously offered to idols.  Paul goes to great lengths in I Corinthians to tell the Church that "WE know the idol is nothing, but in all men (Peter, James and John) is not that knowledge..."  Typically the duplistic and "just what do you really believe?" when around various people Paul.  (Being all things to all men must make one wonder sometimes just what do you believe?)

Simply put, judasiscariot.com, Jannesjambres.com, allofasia.com, alexanderthecoppersmith.com and demas.com would be strictly taboo.   Actually, great humor Dave!  If we don't need their dotcom observations and views, why RCG.com?  I prefer dotcalm myself. But in the world of "True Religion" and "True Churches"  that just doesn't work well. 

DCP continues...

"Many are simply no longer willing to let Christ rule His Church, stating about themselves that “I am not into ‘control’ anymore.” Each person wants to be his own lord—“his own man”—with a “nobody’s telling ME what to do” attitude. When things go wrong, most (ministers and laymembers) lash out because they will not any longer be ruled. They come to their own decisions—their own judgments—on almost everything to do with the Church and Work. As a result, the “hatred, betrayal and offense” (Matt. 24:10) that Christ prophesied would appear in the Church prior to His Return arrived, and in the worst way. It has allowed most to easily justify the “every man for himself” approach to governing the Church. Now, the tail largely wags the dog."

And this true.  It's how clear thinking and critical thinkers think!  We all know the phrase "let Christ rule his Church," really means "Let ME make the decisions."  We're not stupid.  "Each person wants to be his own man," really means "Leave that to me..."  I want to be my own man.  Being persuaded in one's own mind is evidently off the table.  Coming to one's own decisions, judgements and such is ok.  Kinda of a prove all things from what I tell. And we all know that once you say, "Now the tail largely wags the dog,' means you are the tail and stay on your end while I am the brains of the dog. Again, we're not unaware of what these statements really mean. 

Every dig in the NT by the Apostle Paul was a human reaction to the reality he created with his views and personal way of presenting it. One might claim it is the same way God reacts, but that is simply not true. That is an apologetic for human behaviors.   We're simply quoting as if from God, the ever used concepts that keep the powers that be , the powers that will remain to be.

Of course there has to be organization in organizations but voting with one's suggestions for a better way to think, act or be or voting with one's feet is not one of the Devil's greatest tools.  It's what humans who respect their own views and ability to think things through do.


"Did Matthew 18:15 require an apostle of Christ to sit throughout his ministry—for 55 years—hoping not to offend what would be several people in Denver, Dallas, Dubuque, or Detroit, because this “lynch mob” might have removed him if he had? When thought of this way, it makes even considering the idea ludicrous.
The passage instructs, “Go to your brother,” not “Go to your minister.” This is not because ministers are above the law, nor does it mean that you could not talk to your minister if you did not understand one of his actions or decisions. It is because a true minister cannot be removed by any except God Himself, usually through His faithful senior ministers. Even then, of course, they must have right reasons for doing this! (This becomes its own great reason why God’s people must go in search of the government of God and not stop their pursuit until they find it.)"

This is truly false reasoning and actually not the example we see in the NT.  Evidently the Ephesian Church in Revelation outed and ousted false Apostles.  Someone said,  "I am an Apostle."  The Ephesians said, "No you are not."  and Jesus said, "Well done."  Whoever this was probably went out and wrote something like, "Should Accusers Be Answered?" to the Ephesus in Asia Minor but to no avail.

"The passage instructs "go to your brother, not Go to your minister."  Oi. I can see why one of the titles in RCG is not "Brother" for the ministry.   That's kinda like saying , the passage says "Prove all things, not prove all the things I say."   Of course the idea that only God can remove such a one is pure theatre.  Saying it is "usually" through "faithful senior ministers, " is just plain silly as Dave knows he decides who is both senior and faithful.  That tail wagging the Dog thing. Does RCG have any senior  ministers?  Do they ever give sermons?  Could we see a portfolio of RCG ministers so we can pray for them as Mr. Armstrong provided? Maybe that comes after one purchases a Gulfstream II  because travel with the common folk is just too difficult. Ok, we can wait on that a bit longer.


"However, RCG is not for everyone. We exist for those who believe and understand that God has one government ruling His undivided Church. Those who want to criticize, evaluate, accuse, “have a say in how things should be run” or to withhold God’s tithes until things go “more to their liking” will be happier elsewhere. While God’s way is never a dictatorship, neither is it confusion."

Boy, that's the truth!  "While God's way is never a dictatorship, neither is it confusion."  Translation:  "God's way is plainly a dictatorship and to keep it from being confusing, only I run the show."  If DCP can imply that people leave because of Satan, being unconverted and evil sinners and not because they are thinking critically, asking questions and expecting to have a bit of say in what can easily get out of control when decided by just one man, I can offer translations of his concepts. It's too bad so many COG's are lead by demand and not by cooperation. I guess UCG has proven that doesn't work either.  I have learned where two or three are gathered together, one runs the show, one listens and one cleans up and brings the watermelon to the church picnic.


"Again, the official position of The Restored Church of God is to not answer accusers! I have learned—and this is its own interesting point—that those who love the truth do not require or even want me to explain myself. Remember, those always demanding the “inside story” are rarely satisfied with answers anyway, because their focus is all wrong. They ignore that we teach the full truth of God and are doing His Work with real force and power.

So, we let God answer our accusers while we “turn the other cheek.” Although I would love to occasionally write an answer of explanation, I have learned to withhold myself. As explained, and I repeat this for emphasis, when I did this in the past, I could never see what good was accomplished. While I may have felt better personally, it rarely changed anyone’s mind."

Evidently this has not really been learned or it's going to be unlearned. God must not have been clear on this concept in all cases.  However if not answering has now become a grand announcement that answers were about to come big time, then why can't we see that God's inspiration is not exactly set in stone?  Just sayin'. And if I was one who suggested that someone does answer their accusers and got put down for it using the scripture and the non-dictatorial nature of God but now seems to have been right after all...what's with that?  The dog decided to take the advice of the tail after all.  I'm not such a bad just the tail after all, it would seem.

Personally, the "turn the other cheek," "if made to walk one mile, walk two," and "If someone takes your coat," were short term teachings of a man and then expectant church knowing "it won't be long now."  Many such sayings are not life courses but short term admonitions that have long since expired and should be taken off the shelf.  Jesus never expected time to go on after him or the Romans to win.

And finally, the point being made...

"Keep it simple, brethren: The real reason a person leaves the Church—lay member or minister—is that he simply does not love the full truth (II Thes. 2:10). It is no more complicated than that! However, the one who leaves will never admit this, so he must create an “exit theology” in order to (1) soothe his own conscience and (2) portray himself instead as a “grassroots crusader” for God.

If such men cared so much about doctrine, then why did they speak up in this manner, with false accusations and scathing attacks? Why did they not “quit themselves like men” and talk to a Headquarters minister face-to-face when they had the opportunity? Why do they lack the courage to openly state they disagree with Mr. Armstrong, both in doctrine and in approach to doing the Work? This fits well with the tactics of their new “Presiding Evangelist.”

I personally get weary of being told what my motives are for ever learning and never being able to settle on one grand follow me truth. Seekers don't have "tactics," they have a desire to know truth and not be conned into anything less than truth.  I lost my faith in the story, the naive history, the inerrancy, the motives and the clarity of the Book.  The grand leadership, including Herbert Armstrong as present in form and actions of those that followed him simply destroyed my naivete' on things religious and run buy guys.  Now DCP is saying why did you not speak up like a man?  Ummmmm....Dave....it never worked that way.  People were speaking up in all the ways you hate and because humans like you don't listen to the input of others, we have to go away. Herbert Armstrong was not a man given to advice or observations that didn't coincide with his own habit of getting used to having his own ways.  Such are many of the COG lone gunmen.  Everything in me wants to offer a quote or two up from someone close and deep within the experience of RCG to make this point, but I won't do it.  I promised I would not do it ever.  People are screaming at you to join the real human race and the real need for people to have positive hopes and dreams and kind loving leadership if that is what some want you to be to them. The day of the dictator and one man show anywhere on this planet is passing quickly.  I expect it will not go easily.

I will always be personally fascinated with the Bible, it's origins and the impact it has had on the lives of people. I , like many, no longer can abide being told by others what I can examine for myself and examine much more accurately than ever before because good old knowledge has indeed increased since I went to school.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. 

So, please don't accuse me or everyone else when we simply wish to have better answers to really important issues that really effect the quality of life now, much less in the future. When a man sets himself anywhere on this planet as only responsible and accountable to an invisible and actually non-present deity and not the observations of those one actually affect by their beliefs about themselves , that is troubling and very dangerous. Divining the will of this deity without accountability is insane.  History has already taught those with eyes to see that lesson.
