Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Prophet Thiel: Large Hadron Collider a Tool of Europe to Attack US?

Robert Thiel, the Official Spokesperson of the Living Church of God, Rod Meredith's personal mouthpiece and self-appointed authority on the precise sequence of events related to end time prophecy, is concerned about the Europeans using their technology to destroy the United States.

Prophet Thiel has had a particular beef with their Large Hadron Collider.  It seems it is bigger than the one in the US and it will therefore be used for bigger experiments that will make the US look weak.  The Official Spokesperson for the Living Church of God also feels that the rise in European technology is a sure indication that they will soon attack and destroy the United States.

The LHC is a European, not American, project.  It is the largest physics project in the world.
Large physics projects tend to produce military weaponry. Now if the Large Hadron Collider does have military potential, which I have long indicated that it does, all should understand that it is likely that the Europeans and not the Americans will benefit from it:
As I am sure the US version is used first for US interests and then for other use.

Then the Official Mouthpiece on prophecy for the Living Church of God has this specific prophecy:

So, whatever technologies are spun-off from this highly important science project are expected to primarily benefit the Europeans and not the Americans.

The understanding of the Living Church of God that the Europeans will be able to attack and takeover the United States and its Anglo-descended allies (cf. Isaiah 10:5-11; Daniel 11:39) is correct and will come to pass. And it still appears, to me at least, possible that the past and likely future successes of the CERN LHC may assist in the fulfillment of those prophecies.

You would think with all the degrees and certificates that the Official Mouthpiece of the Living Church of God brags about that he would use that education to make wiser judgements and stop uttering such ridiculous false prophecies.

The Temple of God Is NOT In Jerusalem But In.......

I bet all of you back sliding cretins out there that have forsaken God's truth never realized that the Temple that is described in Revelation was not in Jerusalem but in Pasadena!  Click on the following picture for that shocking TRUTH!

I don't know who the crackpot is that runs that site but it is already out of date because of his failed prophetic utterances.  August 2010 has come and gone and nothing has happened.  Another failed prophet not worth following.

Check out there very end of his "front" page for the picture of his "granny" with an angel floating in the air whispering in her ear.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dan Cafeo: No Movies, TV's, Video Games, in World Tomorrow

A few words of wisdom from Dan Cafeo of the Church of God In Training:

Look at what happened to the United States during the “roaring 20’s” following World War 1. Excess gave rise to immorality. Lavish parties and cabarets. Short skirts and heavy drinking. Then what happened? The Great Depression and “dust bowl” brought on by severe drought. This national experience was felt by everyone, even the wealthy.

The man is built differently. His muscles are bulky and larger to bare the physical burden of working the ground and constructing things. The female is more delicate and gentle, with greater compassion for raising children. The man has a greater capacity to focus on accomplishing a singular task. The woman has a greater capacity to multitask and care for energetic, young children. The man works primarily outside, the woman works primarily inside. The man is rugged and rough, laboring in the heat of the sun, while the woman is protected from the elements, therefore soft and fair. And these two attributes were designed to be attractive to each other. Women are attracted to ambitious, hard working, rugged, masculine men. Men are attracted to virtuous, discreet, gentle, delicate women. Like two magnets drawn to each other.

There will be NO movies, TV shows or video games in God’s Kingdom to come. Human beings were designed to be creative, inventive and productive—not mindless, idle “zombies,” hypnotized by entertainment.

Children fighting over toys are like murdering dictators:

Satan’s way is the way of get—be it a child who takes another child’s toy or a ruthless dictator who murders whole populations without a conscience.

Andie Redwine: "I Was Born and Raised in a Doomsday Cult"

Check out Andie Redwine's blog  Dear God, What Now? about life in the church.

One of my earliest memories is sitting on a blanket in a room filled with folding chairs, looking up at panty-hosed legs, playing with Fisher Price Little People, and listening to Herbert Armstrong’s voice. 

“And this gospel of the Kingdom SHALL BE PREACHED,” he’d scream while pounding a desk “in ALL the world for a witness unto ALL nations and then shall the end come.”

Now Herbert Armstrong wasn’t in the room.  But his Voice was.  He was on a cassette tape playing at the front of the assembly.  But there was a microphone.  A man would get up and talk, and then he would sit down.  And then the Voice.

I wasn’t aware of the cassette tape.  I believed that God was standing in front of that microphone.  Everyone was taking notes and staring straight ahead.  It had to be the Voice of God.

Unbeknownst to me and my family in this pre-Internet age, Herbert Armstrong was in quite a bit of trouble at his headquarters in Pasadena, California.  The state had placed God’s true church into receivership, and Herbert had left the state, and later?  The country. 

It turns out when you get a quarter of a million people to give you nearly 30% of their pre-tax income, you do pretty well financially, but it might be difficult to call yourself a non-profit corporation.

A lot of people close to the Headquarters of the Worldwide Church of God saw the corruption and gave up.
But we didn’t.  We were told that we were being persecuted, that it was all coming to pass the way Herbert Armstrong said it would.

And we became more committed, if such a thing is possible.

Some After Easter Fun With The Silent Monks