Monday, May 14, 2012

Have No Fear! HWA Is Here!

Herbert Armstrong has been resurrected!  
Our salvation is secure!  
He has come back to put the church BACK ON TRACK and to prepare us for Petra and into glory!  

He cares so much for us all that he has set up a Facebook page to gather in all the wayward backsliders.  His vital end time message will soon be going out to all the world. Again....

Word has it he was none to happy when he came back onto the campus in Pasadena.  
He found a tongues talking personalty cult in the auditorium, so called Christians running a school, and the Health Center torn down and condo's going up.  Non COG people are living in in Manor Del Mar and Mayfair and a company using his house as a business adventure.  

The biggest blasphemy of all was seeing a cross in the gymnasium amphitheater.  He had previously banished crosses from the Auditorium when an opera company was using them for a Tosca production and now this!

Since he set this page up on April 28th, he obviously had to have been resurrected prior to this. 
 Maybe Easter?

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Idiots in the Pulpit: Jesse Peterson

When women were given the right to vote, this country headed downhill.
I imagine Rod Meredith is shouting YES to this right now!