Friday, May 25, 2012

Ron Weinland Cult Member: Remain Indoors Saturday and Have Plenty of Food

One of Ron Weinland's lemmings had this to day in regards to the horrors that will descend on earth starting Saturday:

God Bless those who can read this thread and learn about how mankind reacts to a true prophet of God at the most crucial time in God's plan for mankind. In God's infinate mercy destruction has been confined to a day or so, because unless those days be shortened, no life would exist beyond it. Nuclear war cannot happen for 3.5 years, it cannot happen for 3.5 months, nor even 3.5 days. You will soon understasnd why God's revealation through His prophets is so beautiful and perfect and the only it can be done in order to save the most lives at the end.

On Saturday, in the US and Canada; please remain indoors and in an underground room if possible. Buy some food and water to use after the destruction and keep God in your hearts
. On the other end of this period is the glorious reign of the Kingdom of God, the goodnews Jesus taught is about to begin.

No one other then those God has called or those that were scattered were meant to understand Ron Weinlands revealation by design; God has not yet revealed Himself to all of mankind, but that time is soon over that is EXACTLY what God is doing now, and those who have eyes to see and ears to hear will hear their shepherd in the moment they reolize the truth was indeed revealed through God's end time prophets; Ron and Laura Weinland. Above Top Secret

So only the U.S. and Canada are getting their asses fried this weekend?

Ron Weinland: 7,000 Ministers and Leading COG Members Will Soon Die

Ron Weinland has declared that both he and his wife will soon be made immortal and then soon after that will ascend into heaven.  Can you imagine the hell Weinlands wife is going through right now. Does she really believe her husbands utterances, does she dare question him?  If she believes, imagine what is going through her mind that the world will be engulfed in nuclear war in less than 48 hours?  What does she think about her friends and neighbors that will die horrible deaths?

Sadly, what we are about to see is Ron Weanland start making excuses Monday morning as to why God delayed the endtimes.  Excuses will abound.  It will all become "spiritual" instead of reality.

“After three and one-half days [prophetic 3 ½ years] the Spirit of life from God entered into them [not physical life, but spirit life as the two witnesses are changed from mortal to immortal at Christ’s return], and they stood upon their feet [were made to “stand” in God—in His truth—in the sight of others once God shows all the scattered body irrefutable proof of their “standing” with Him through this resurrection] and great fear fell upon them who saw them” (Rev. 11:11). This is not talking about the world, but it is talking about the scattered Jerusalem who is struck with fear when they are brought face to face with this reality and truth of the resurrection of God’s two witnesses to immortal life as part of the 144,000.

“And they [God’s two witnesses] heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, ‘Come up here.’ And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud, and their enemies beheld them” (Rev. 11:12). These two witnesses are not received by the scattered body as being brothers spiritually, nor as sent from God, but spiritually they are received as enemies to their belief and understanding of God’s will.

Then he goes on to make this absurd prediction:

This describes a scattered Church that God awakens through the reality of what they must now face. A nuclear war has erupted and Jesus Christ is returning in the atmosphere of this earth. God’s two witnesses are changed from mortal to immortal. Then 7,000 “named” (literally named by God and not random) individuals die, which includes first and foremost the ministry and other leading and well known people in the scattered groups. It also includes those who push themselves forward as “teachers” or individuals who are in the “know” about matters in God’s Church, especially in their attacks against God’s witnesses.

7,000 ministers and members who have rejected Weinerdude and his wife will die.  I guess I had better get my funeral plans in order.  Idiot!  Bring it on, fool!

Ron Weinland's Calendar Of Events

Click picture to enlarge

Check out this site for more charts for the Adventists, William Miller and Christadelphians where some Armstrongites have migrated to.

End of the World Prophecy Charts