Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Apostle Malm: People Are Blind To My Truth's

The apostle has delivered a "State of the Work" message today to his miniscule group of followers.  Apparently we are supposed to believe he has the ONLY true message in existence in the world today.  Only HE is preaching such a message.

I have been warning for five years now and thousands are on a strong learning curve.  Even those who love to hate this effort, and visit just to condemn; are getting an eyeful of warnings and sound doctrine that will stick with them and later be remembered.

I have so far never advised anyone to leave their Groups, and have instead been calling the groups themselves to turn back to God.

Very soon now, if the Groups will not accept sound doctrine and turn from the sin of falling away from zeal for God and His commandments; it will be time for the brethren to take personal decisions, as they did in the 95 WCG.
Thankfully most are ignoring his legalistic malarkey.  The apostle realizes that and he has this to say to them:

The fence sitters need a serious eye opening experience to demonstrate that what I am warning of is true;  

The apostle is being encouraged again to start a Feast site for the only true believers left on earth today. Because the apostle is weak in the faith, he has said no.  He has no way of knowing how many will show up, nor does he have a way to vet the speakers to make sure they are all on the same page he is.

One of the main problems with this is that people are widely scattered around the world and there is a lack of speakers and organizers who would be guaranteed to be on the same page.  We are still in a preliminary growth situation with a few hundred people already committed to sound doctrine and thousands more  sitting on the fence.

He claims to have a large number of Elder's out there from various COG's that agree with him, but are weak little men of little faith. They agree with him, but are afraid to leave their respective organizations.

A large number of fence sitters including some elders are in agreement with the doctrinal teachings presented on this blog, but they are gun shy and super cautious over the festival and  prophetic material that differ from what they have believed for over a generation.

He then ends his writing encouraging his acolytes to attend yet another Feast with the respective apostate churches.  He also has added another day to the length of the Feast.  The apostate COG's do not realize that they need one more day added. The apostle wants his followers to remain one more day in their respective Feast site areas to observe that day.

I have so far never advised anyone to leave their Groups, and have instead been calling the groups themselves to turn back to God.

Very soon now, if the Groups will not accept sound doctrine and turn from the sin of falling away from zeal for God and His commandments; it will be time for the brethren to take personal decisions, as they did in the 95 WCG.

For the coming Festivals I advise everyone to observe the Feast of Trumpets and Atonement with like minded friends or alone; and then to go to their regular Groups for Tabernacles, planning to stay an extra day to keep the Feast according to God’s Calendar; which is a day later than the apostate Rabbinic Calendar used by the major COG Groups today.

School of the Supernatural to Be Opened On Ambassador Campus

Herbert is rolling over in his grave right now.  Little would he have ever dreamed that a charismatic personality cult would have bought the Ambassador Auditorium where people would be barking like dogs, pogoing and rolling around on the floor in fits of ecstasy.  I remember the fits of rage HWA went into when he found a crucifix on stage for an opera production.  All hell broke loose.  Imagine what he would think to find out a School for the Supernatural will be opened in the Hall of Administration!  Oy!

Harvest Rock Church, who bought the Auditorium, has declared that they will be purchasing the Hall of Administration for their use.  The Hall of Ad had been bought by a senior retirement community developer several years ago.  Pre-sales of the million dollar retirement condos were swift.  Then the economy tanked.  The company backed out and Maranatha Schools leased the building out for film shoots and other rentals.

Harvest Rock posted this:
A kairos moment is again laid before us!
We have an opportunity to buy the administrative
building next to HRock in Pasadena
for only cents on the dollar.

For years, respected prophetic leaders have prophesied to us about an expansion of HRock Church and Harvest International Ministry on this campus, and the increased impact it would have for ministry here and abroad. 

This seemed beyond our reach until I received the recent news of an unprecedented price drop for this facility. 

As you may know, this site served as the former world headquarters for the Worldwide Church of God. They have been guarded in who is allowed to purchase property, and what was available for sale. God gave us favor when we miraculously obtained the remarkable auditorium where we meet for conferences and as a church.  

However, since we gained that facility in 2004, our tiny staff offices have remained on the other side of our city in an old building. We haven’t had the space for vital things we need, like a permanent 24/7 house of prayer, healing rooms, staff offices and of course, a home for HIM.

Our vision for the building is to establish a top-notch Christian preschool, elementary and junior high school, our international seminary, Wagner Leadership Institute, Arts and Entertainment Academy, and the new School of the Supernatural we are slated to begin in the Fall. The building is perfect for a food bank to feed the poor in our city. We also need Sunday school classrooms, ministry classrooms, meeting rooms, organizational facilities and offices for staff.

I believe this is the next step in your and my part to establish the Kingdom through the ministries of HRock and HIM. God reminded me of an unusual strategy to purchase this building: I am asking 9000 people to give $1,000 each so we can buy it outright. That would total $9 million dollars. 

These are the same folks that poured salt in the auditorium lake to expel the demons of Armstrongism.  These are the same people who walked around the Auditorium and the campus pouring holy oil on the sidewalks, benches, bridges, porches, etc. to drive away the satanic forces of the Worldwide Church of God. Plants, trees, flowers and grass were prayed over to get rid of any demons that might be living in them.

Walking around that property now is a really creepy experience.