Friday, July 6, 2012

Dave Pack Strikes GOLD! Oh, Sorry! Make that ROCKS!

A most miraculous event happened in Wadsworth this past week. Dave Pack, the second biggest prophetic failure in the Church of God, made a mind boggling announcement on how God has richly blessed the Restored Church of God.

Dave breathlessly writes to his several hundred followers:

Finally, a massive 12-foot-deep hole for the foundation of the Administration Building footprint is near completion, leading to the next major step-pouring concrete and footers for the foundation of the building. (An interesting sidepoint is that while preparing the foundation last week, we accidentally tapped into and dug up very large sandstone rocks that can later be used for landscaping and other needs. We literally stumbled on 500 to 1,000 tons-one to two million pounds!-of rock.) Brethren, please pray that God blesses us in all elements of the construction.

A house built upon sandstone weathers and blows away over time.  Is this a prophetic indication of the soon coming  collapse of the Restored Church of God?

Dave's member letter:  RCG Member/Co Worker Letter