Saturday, July 7, 2012

UCG Begging For One Million Dollars

Beyond Today TV Studio is Really, Really SMALL!

United Church of God wants all it's members to know just how incredibly small their TV studio is.  Just look at those three men all crammed on to one pathetic little stage.  Poor little guys! One desk cannot serve them all properly.

After the membership initially balked at the the proposal for  new studios earlier in the year, now the UCG brass are trying to ramrod it through again.

I would like to ask for your prayers regarding the need for a larger and improved television studio so that we can produce even better and higher quality programs. We have a great team working together, and they do an amazing job considering the small size of the studio and the equipment available. And please pray for our three TV presenters, Darris McNeely, Steve Myers and Gary Petty, that God will continue to inspire and strengthen them and help them grow stronger and wiser in preaching and teaching His truth! They need our prayers and support even more with the expansion of our Beyond Today TV program into many more countries around the world.

Then UCG takes a page right out of the Paul and Jan Crouch fund raising book.
And one final matter that I would like to share with you and ask you to pray about. God has blessed the United Church of God with a good, steady income because of your faithfulness in tithes and offerings, and we are doing well considering the church split we went through about 18 months ago. But now we are growing and expanding our efforts to preach the gospel and prepare a people.

So what am I asking you to pray about? It is this: that God will provide the “faith line,” an extra one million dollars income that we have included in our new budget, on faith, in order to keep growing and moving forward. Our treasurer, Aaron Dean, included this same amount in last year’s fiscal budget as a faith line—trusting God to provide the extra income that we would need to balance our budget—and God did provide it!

Oh, and we are just one big happy lovey-dovey family!  The reality is, you are only loved as long as you toe the line.  Deviate anyway off the path and you will experience true Church of God love rather swiftly.

Here at the home office in Cincinnati, Ohio, we are working together in peace and unity to accomplish God’s work. We all love one another and enjoy working together. As a result, God is opening many doors and blessing us with new opportunities to do His work and serve others.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Dave Pack Strikes GOLD! Oh, Sorry! Make that ROCKS!

A most miraculous event happened in Wadsworth this past week. Dave Pack, the second biggest prophetic failure in the Church of God, made a mind boggling announcement on how God has richly blessed the Restored Church of God.

Dave breathlessly writes to his several hundred followers:

Finally, a massive 12-foot-deep hole for the foundation of the Administration Building footprint is near completion, leading to the next major step-pouring concrete and footers for the foundation of the building. (An interesting sidepoint is that while preparing the foundation last week, we accidentally tapped into and dug up very large sandstone rocks that can later be used for landscaping and other needs. We literally stumbled on 500 to 1,000 tons-one to two million pounds!-of rock.) Brethren, please pray that God blesses us in all elements of the construction.

A house built upon sandstone weathers and blows away over time.  Is this a prophetic indication of the soon coming  collapse of the Restored Church of God?

Dave's member letter:  RCG Member/Co Worker Letter

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th!

Ron Weinland Daughter Audra: The Money Shuffler

Mike has another great entry from Juror 215 that convicted Ron Weinland recently.  The juror is telling about Ron's daughter Audra being examined by the lawyers.

The church had, during the time in question, about 10 bank accounts at 6 different banks. There were three persons authorized to access those accounts:
- Ronald Weinland
- Laura Weinland
- Audra Weinland

The Weinlands, during the time in question, had about 8 domestic bank accounts at 5 different banks. Again, there were three persons authorized to access those accounts:
- Ronald Weinland
- Laura Weinland
- Audra Weinland

The Weinlands had about 6 credit card accounts from 4 different credit card companies, each account with a $50,000 credit limit. In some cases, for a single account, there were separate cards for both Ron and Laura.

Audra’s testimony is where the accounting process to pay the bills was revealed. The bills for the card would come in, or Audra would check the balance online. Audra would transfer the full amount of the bill from a church account into a Weinland account, and then would pay off the card from a Weinland account. This was the process that was established by her mother prior to Audra’s employment by the church, so she just went along with it. Audra made no attempts to audit the credit card statements for the nature of the expenses, she just kept paying them off monthly.

Read the rest of the posting here:   Audra Weinland: A Little Testimony

Apostle Malm: People Are Blind To My Truth's

The apostle has delivered a "State of the Work" message today to his miniscule group of followers.  Apparently we are supposed to believe he has the ONLY true message in existence in the world today.  Only HE is preaching such a message.

I have been warning for five years now and thousands are on a strong learning curve.  Even those who love to hate this effort, and visit just to condemn; are getting an eyeful of warnings and sound doctrine that will stick with them and later be remembered.

I have so far never advised anyone to leave their Groups, and have instead been calling the groups themselves to turn back to God.

Very soon now, if the Groups will not accept sound doctrine and turn from the sin of falling away from zeal for God and His commandments; it will be time for the brethren to take personal decisions, as they did in the 95 WCG.
Thankfully most are ignoring his legalistic malarkey.  The apostle realizes that and he has this to say to them:

The fence sitters need a serious eye opening experience to demonstrate that what I am warning of is true;  

The apostle is being encouraged again to start a Feast site for the only true believers left on earth today. Because the apostle is weak in the faith, he has said no.  He has no way of knowing how many will show up, nor does he have a way to vet the speakers to make sure they are all on the same page he is.

One of the main problems with this is that people are widely scattered around the world and there is a lack of speakers and organizers who would be guaranteed to be on the same page.  We are still in a preliminary growth situation with a few hundred people already committed to sound doctrine and thousands more  sitting on the fence.

He claims to have a large number of Elder's out there from various COG's that agree with him, but are weak little men of little faith. They agree with him, but are afraid to leave their respective organizations.

A large number of fence sitters including some elders are in agreement with the doctrinal teachings presented on this blog, but they are gun shy and super cautious over the festival and  prophetic material that differ from what they have believed for over a generation.

He then ends his writing encouraging his acolytes to attend yet another Feast with the respective apostate churches.  He also has added another day to the length of the Feast.  The apostate COG's do not realize that they need one more day added. The apostle wants his followers to remain one more day in their respective Feast site areas to observe that day.

I have so far never advised anyone to leave their Groups, and have instead been calling the groups themselves to turn back to God.

Very soon now, if the Groups will not accept sound doctrine and turn from the sin of falling away from zeal for God and His commandments; it will be time for the brethren to take personal decisions, as they did in the 95 WCG.

For the coming Festivals I advise everyone to observe the Feast of Trumpets and Atonement with like minded friends or alone; and then to go to their regular Groups for Tabernacles, planning to stay an extra day to keep the Feast according to God’s Calendar; which is a day later than the apostate Rabbinic Calendar used by the major COG Groups today.