Thursday, July 26, 2012

Van Robison: "No Church and No Pastor Has Authority"

Church goers by the millions live in fear all their lives.  They think that they must "obey" those who pretend that they have authority over their lives.  Preachers who stand in pulpits and who speak with a sense of authority or with a bombastic personality tend to intimidate church goers.  In reality this is nothing short of spiritual or religious abuse.  Why people subject themselves to these religious control-mongers is quite amazing.  I can guarantee that anyone who exits a church and stops attending, will not be given a ticket and have to pay a fine.  Nor will their eternal life and salvation have so much as any bearing upon not attending.

Virtually every preacher who stands in a pulpit thinks his or her authority is founded and based upon certain verses in the Bible.  Many women think Joyce Meyers who preachers on television is a voice that speaks for God. Folks, Joyce Meyers is a multi-millionaire and lives a life of splendor and luxury that millions would envy, and all she does is in the name of "Jesus Christ."  Yeah sure!  There are many television preachers who live a life of absolute luxury and all because gullible and naive human beings send them $money.

Television is overflowing with frauds who use the name of "Jesus Christ" and it includes such "ministries" as "It's Supernatural" to "Manna-Fest" to "World Harvest" to virtually every preacher on television.  The pure motive of all television preachers is self-vanity, self-importance and your $money  (yeah sure, become a partner and laugh while your bank account goes broke).  One old man on television plays a guitar and seems to have a grocery store shelf of canned goods in the back ground, while he sings songs.  What part does music play on human emotions and whip people into a hypnotic trance to send $money to these clowns?

Of course all Saturday Sabbath groups think they are privileged and that they have an "insight" about "God truth" that all others do not have.  The Mormons and the Jehovah Witnesses think the same thing, as do the Roman Catholics, the Baptists, the Pentecostals, the Charismatics and all other groups on planet earth.    Perhaps each group should take a challenge and the Roman Catholics should go to a dozen different other types of churches for a few years, and perhaps the Saturday Sabbath folks should attend a few Sunday going groups for a couple of years and expand their horizon and learn something that they never knew or understood before.

So shallow and narrow-minded are church goers that they have no clue of just how big and overwhelming life is.  So you attend the church of Rod Meredith?  Why not exit his highly controlled group and go elsewhere, and even become so radical that you attend a charismatic church group, or perhaps a Baptist church or a Methodist church or a Roman Catholic Church or a private house church group???  Afraid?  Fearful?  Why?

Van Robison

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

God's Chosen White Race: "Mixing the breed alters the characteristics."

You can tell this guy is from Armstrongite stock by the way he talks about whites being the chosen race.  That is the main premise of British Israelism that HWA and the Church of God latched on to early in it's formation.  God's chosen were whites.  God's lesser creations were black, Asian or Indian.

E.W.King, God's latest gift to the Churches of God has this to say:

It is amply evident that by the time of Noah there were at least the three primary or major racial strains on earth, the white, yellow and black, although interracial marriage produced many racial mixtures. 

God does not reveal in the Bible the precise origin of the different races. It is evident that Adam and Eve were created white. God's chosen nation Israel was white. Jesus was white. But it is a fair conjecture that in mother Eve were created ovaries containing the yellow and black genes, as well as white, so that some of the children of Adam and Eve gave rise to black, yellow, as well as white. 

The one man God chose to PRESERVE the human race alive after the Flood was perfect in his generations--all his ancestry back to Adam was of the one strain, and undoubtedly that happened to be white--not that white is in any sense superior. 

If you are a livestock breeder, planning to enter your prize animals in a livestock show--perhaps at a state or county fair--you will be sure to enter only thoroughbred or pedigreed stock! Mixing the breed alters the characteristics. 

God originally set the bounds of national borders, intending nations to be SEPARATED to prevent interracial marriage. Notice, "When the most High divided to the nations their inheritance [speaking of land or geographical boundaries], when he separated, [notice--he separated] the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people..." (Deut. 32:8). But people wanted to intermarry--until there would be only ONE RACE!  That desire seems still inherent in human nature today! 

Noah was of perfect lineage in his generations. His wife and three sons were of that same white strain. But Japheth evidently had married an Oriental woman, and Ham a black.