Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Did UCG/COGWA Ministers Play "The Good Germans" or Were/Are They "Academic and Ethical Prostitutes?"

The Malmites have been an a tear against the "academic and ethical prostitutes" that run UCG and COGWA.  These men, all former WCG leaders who actively worked to disfellowship those people who were not in agreement with WCG's new teachings, while working in the background to form a new church.  While they played heavy handed dictatorial policies towards others, they themselves were whoring themselves out to a new organization and the almighty dollar.  The Malmites are correct in their observations of these men and the continued hypocrisy they all share to this day.

This is a comment written in by an acolyte of Malm.  Malm's comment is the highlight section.

No second hand, twice removed, hear-say, gossip in this matter. Rather, we have the informed and published comment of Michael Feazell and the official WWN heroic triumphal PR releases published for the consumption of the brethren.

The truth that emerges from these documented sources is that Donald Ward was in early and up to his eyeballs in the process of indoctrination of both the executives and the academic teaching faculty of WCG Inc. in evanghelical protestant theoogy(which is to say reformed Roman Catholicism).

Ably assisting and helping in the process were such other UCG bigwigs as Robin Webber, Larry Salyer, and David Hulme.

Don’t forget Victor Kubik, Michael P Germano [who now "educates" LCG youth and is a big influence behind Bob Thiel's false prophecies] and Michael Synder [the Tkach front man to the Evangelical Movement from at least 1990] who is now the consultant for the changeover to the New UCG. James

They and the others of their ilk not publically identifiable (at least not yet anyway)were mostly either the “good Germans” who would never countenance the results of their superiors actions, but efficiently carried out their assigned duties like so many parts in a well oiled ($$ being the “grease” applied) machine. As Victor Kubik told Warren Zehrung at the UCG founding conferance in Indianapolis when asked by the latter for an apology for having disfellowshipped and fired him from his former employment–”of course not, I was just doing my job.”. Like the switchmen who kept the Reich’s trains of cattle cars running and the guards who “maintained order”, they were the “good Germans”.

Some others were academic and ethical prostitutes who just wanted the best job they could find and who would go wherever and do whatever it took for that to occur. (Like Larry Salyer whose COG career eems “born to trouble as the sparks fly upward” (Job 5:7).

Those who behave in such a manner declare themselves more intersted in their reward in the here and now than in waiting for Christ to grant it to them at His return. Those who remain willingly blind to such motivations on the part of their presumptive leaders and brethren are more to be pitied than mocked.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Malm: COG's Full of Fornicators

James Malm, the gift that just keeps on giving:

Modesty is not only in the way a person dresses, but in their behaviour. A lady in a burka can still give that “come hither look” with the eyes.

True Christian modesty is about attitude and honest humility which then rsults in dressing so as not to inflame passion in the society where one lives.

I happen to know that there is agreat deal of imopdesty and even fornication going on in many COG Groups. Those activities come from a basic carnal worldly attitude. If you are forni ating; then MARRY your lover. If you are just looking for conquests, or you ladies are looking to seduce; you should be ashamed of yourselves and withdraw yourself or be THROWN OUT of the assembly.

If the elders vigorously taught and enforced the commandments of God; there would be absolutely no need for man made dress codes. Modest dress would come naturally from a real zeal for God’s commandments rsulting in God’s spirit inspiring a balanced and modest behaviour.

Our lack of modesty is a symptom of our lack of zeal for God and his commandment’s, our general spiritual condition and our lack of God’s spirit inspiring our behaviour.

Malmites: UCG Women Showing Too Much Cleavage and Leg!!!!!

The Malmites are incensed at the immodest harlots parading around UCG services.  How dare these women show cleavage when they sing special music!  How dare they wear stockings that have patterns on them!  It is making the men in the congregation lustful and have to avert their eyes in order to control their sexual urged. The Malmites sound more and more like radical Muslims.

In the Executive Committee Report one item stands out which is “Mr. Kubik explained the next item offered for Council input. Some have recently asked about the Church’s policy of appropriate Sabbath wear for speakers, song leaders and for those giving opening and closing prayers.” Where is the leadership training? Where is the guidance from the ministry? Why aren’t the commonly understood standards being enforced (ooops maybe there aren’t any)? Must the COE rule on this, or, couldn’t the President make a policy decision, or perhaps even, the Director of Member and Ministerial Services? Doesn’t anybody have real authority? What would Paul have done in his time?

Additionally, the item above leaves one important aspect out of the view of the COE. Ladies dress code. Why do we see Deaconesses showing cleavage? Why are women showing half their thighs when they sit down in a dress? Have women forgotten the use for a “slip” as a piece of modest dress? Why are young women walking around in church with skirts 1/3 – ½ way up their thighs? Oh, I guess modesty and decorum for women isn’t part of the COE or ministry’s agenda. (By the way ladies, it doesn’t make any difference if a man is a Christian or not – he still notices. However, the Christian will not concentrate on, nor think further about your immodest dress at worship services {which does not give you an excuse to keep dressing that way}.)


Since UCG is so careful about how the men appear before the congregation, what about the IMMODESTY of some of the ladies & how much skin they are showing these days. When they do “special music”, they are before the congregation – does that not matter more than a fellow who shows up missing his tie or jacket? More & more “cleavage” is showing also & I don’t appreciate my husband & my brothers having to look the other way to avoid looking at their suggestive dress. Several years ago during the Feast, a male friend sat with us – the gal (not lady), who did “special music”, was showing so much cleavage & otherwise, that both men averted their eyes, until she was finished. How about the “patterned hosiery” that many are wearing now – why do they want people’s attention averted to their legs? Think about it ladies!! One of our deaconesses has & is “leading the pack” in these behaviors & it’s so disappointing. Why aren’t our men reminding us wives, when they see a problem such as this? AND, why aren’t the elders addressing it? Oh, well – since the pictures of the ABC women show so much cleavage in their group photos & a new Pastor’s wife was also, in a United News article a few months back, I guess it doesn’t matter anymore to Home Office. It’s disgusting!!