Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Beware Of Tricky Looking Cows With Low Morals! They Are Just Like Church of God Ministers!

More fun sent to me today from those wacky folks on Yahoo. The mind of an Armstrongite at work again.....oy!

As a farmer I sometimes liken Ministers to Farm Animals.
Friesian Bulls I liken to the Far right Ministry. Very aggressively astute, to body language / everything is power / Hound weakness.  No morals.
Dangerous. (but give good warnings)

Jersey Bulls. I liken to the far left  Ministry.  Look extremely kind, easy going, yet having a tricky look. They act without warnings to kill .  Acting with complete, astute stealth. Once wild they never cool down. Lack morals by getting into frenzies.
Very Dangerous.

Good Ministers remind me of Short Horn Bulls. Strong yet astute to be kind. Easy going, keeping out of the way.
Dangerous only because of their size.

Bush Bulls of all Breeds. (not domesticated) remind me of the Independent Ministry. Charging anything that moves. Time can tame them.
Dangerous when they see you. Yet kind to their own.

Yet strangely, Cows kill more farmers then Bulls.
A Cow with its calf is extremely dangerous. They trample more than charge, get into frenzies. I liken this to people, with their pet ideas.  

Sheep eat what is before them, they independently act together, needing a shepherd.

Goats only eat what they like, only very clean food, only the tips of growth. Very affectionate, astute, having strong individual personalities.
Need good fences and yokes to control. Respond greatly to kindness.

One cow this guy forgot was the Malmite cow. This is like all the fence sitters in Malmism who are waiting to see if James Malm's prophecies come true before they jump ship with their money.

Armstrongite Says It is OK For Christians To Be Killed "It is about time they got a taste of their own medicine..."

Young Tunisian about to be beheaded for converting to Christianity.

The minds of Armstrongites continue to fascinate me with the sheer stupidity that comes out of their mouths.  A reader on Yahoo sent this to me tonight. It is from one of the Yahoo groups that claims to hold on to all things HWA pre-1986 and has a few Armstrongites pretending to be Jews.

A lot of the putting down of Christianity I see involves the Sunday keeping Christianity. For example, their Christmas programs not being allowed in public places like public schools and elsewhere, their Christmas trees and other Christmas decorations not being allowed in public and and public places. And their religion not being allowed in the public schools. I don't believe or accept anything that they teach so their being persecuted doesn't bother me one bit. It is about time they got a taste of their own medicine, how they have persecuted Jews and others, forcing their filthy pagan religion on others. Maybe this sounds harsh, but maybe you would not think so if your family was Jewish and you had family members that had been persecuted by that evil religion of Sunday keeping Christianity. It needs to be abolished and stamped out completely.

And most of the Christians you read about being persecuted or killed over in the Middle East are the Sunday keeping Christians.

HOWEVER, when those of the true way are lumped in with the Sunday keeping
Christians, that is a cause for concern. And yes, it too is increasing.

Where on this entire earth are Church of God members being martyred, tortured or prohibited from worshiping?  No where!  Yet, thousands of Christians die around the world almost daily because they firmly believe in their faith. These sick Armstrongites pretend to be abused for their beliefs and that the world is picking on them.

Obviously to that warped mind it is OK that Egyptian, Syrian, Pakistani and other Christians are killed for being "fake Sunday keepers."   Apparently it is OK to murder the women and children that have been killed recently.  They deserve it for picking on the True Church of God and for worshiping on Sunday.  Can you imagine the hell hole the world this COG member thinks they will be ruling over in the world tomorrow would be like? Sick, sick people!  Can the depravity of Armstrongism sink any lower?

More Doom, Gloom and Sex From Rod Meredith

Poor Spanky.  He has been shouting this same message for close to 60 years now.  For 60 years he has struck out 100% with his failed prophesies.

As usual with Spanky, it's wars and rumors of wars, droughts, food shortages, famine and gays.  I have never seen a man more obsessed with gays and sex than Spanky.  No matter what the natural disaster or war, sex and gays has to be brought into the equation.

From all indications, a big war is soon to get underway in the Middle East! For Iran continues to rapidly develop the capacity to produce nuclear weapons. Iran is the sworn enemy of Israel and of the United States.
Meanwhile, what many have called the worst drought since the “Dust Bowl” years of the 1930s continues to devastate vast portions of America’s Midwest and Southwest.

Will the United States, Canada, Britain and Australia truly repent and turn to the God of the Bible before more devastating droughts, floods, earthquakes and other natural catastrophes strike? Will we repent of what God Almighty calls the “vile passions” of homosexuality, when “men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting” (Romans 1:26-28)?
Then Spanky makes a bold declaration that all Living Church of God members are to start warning their neighbors, family and friends about the terrible doom and destruction soon to reign down on the US, England and Australia.  There is no way in hell most LCG members will start proselytizing their neighbors.  Most Armstrongites in the lay membership have been embarrassed with their beliefs and do not talk about them publicly.

All of us in this Work of the living God are part of a “team” which the Creator is using to warn the British-descended and American peoples, especially, of the coming Great Tribulation. 
 Brethren, let each one of us go “all out” to help warn our friends and neighbors nearby—and all those around the world who will listen. Jesus Christ said, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work. Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together” (John 4:34-36).

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

UCG Says, We In The Church of God Are Our Own Greatest Enemy

UCG recently made an observation on the divisions and schism that continue to plague Armstrongism.  Too bad that UCG does not seem to want to fix the problem and how it continues to contribute to it..  How many splits and divisions does UCG need to go through before they realize they are weak and impotent?

Could it be possible that the shattering of the power of the holy people is caused from within? Are the divisions we’ve seen in the last decades fragmenting the Body of Christ? Each fragment is weaker than the whole. Could it be that following in the footsteps of so many before us, we are our own greatest enemies?

There was a great American statesman who once proclaimed that the United States was safe from foreign invasion, and if defeat was to be her destiny, it would have to come from with her own borders.

That seems to be what we are witnessing as the divisions result in more and more fragments of the Church. Each group seems to be working at odds with the others. Each little fragment that leaves become less able to preach the gospel strongly, and power certainly is lost. Is that part of the shattering/scattering that is foreseen? But God did promise Daniel that some would be purified and that the wise would understand (Daniel 12:10).

In the last 25 years, I have observed the Church change to the point that the former association no longer exists and the fragments left over that still strive to preserve the truth have a combined attendance of no more than 40,000 people. In almost every case, the splits, divisions and troubles came from within. Many ministers and members alike seem to have lost the powerful desire to be united and at peace. Paul’s words that there is one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and a measure of grace are words that do not fit what we see today (Ephesians 4:4-6). There are more than 300 splinter groups that believe they make up part or all of the Body of Christ. There is no logical way that we can reason that all of them are the Body of Christ when one group considers the others enemies or antagonists. One can only imagine where we would be today if the ministry and members who are entrusted with the truth could have remained together in one organization. How many saints would there be? What impact would the Church have on the population of the world?  

UCG is right when it talks about troubles originating within.  Look at how they kicked out COGWA members and ministers over disagreements.  Look at the numerous harlot daughters UCG has produced over the last 18 some years.  UCG has no desire to be united and at peace. It's all about power and control with that almighty paycheck waiting at the end of the day.

Pod-casting the Tribulation in the Next 5-6 Weeks?

Apostle Malm is again predicting that the tribulation will begin in 5-6 weeks when the abomination of desolation is set up in Jerusalem.  The apostle thinks he has an inside track into Middle East politics right now and is predicting a soon coming war to defeat the radical Muslims.  According to the apostle the Europeans will really get pissed at the Muslims and defeat their sorry asses leading the way to the antichrist to set up his throne in Jerusalem.  That is all supposed to start this year around Feast time.

Apostle Malm writes:

I do still think that there is a very good chance that the abomination will be set up and the tribulation may begin later this year.  We shall know if this is happening in five or six weeks.
 Then he makes this rather sad comment about his son. 
 If that does happen, I plan to continue with this effort and cover that activities of the two servants of God until the faithful leave.   I hope to see my son married and enjoying some happiness in the prepared place, after he has spent a lifetime helping and  holding me up.  I see the possibility that God might choose me to be one of his two as being remote.

You have to feel sorry for his son. The guy apparently loves his father so much that he has put his life on hold in order to take care of his ill father. Malm only sees hope for his son to be married in Petra.

I look back at the thousands of lives of young people in the Churches of God that had been marred by this kind of thinking.  Lives were put on hold, educational dreams were destroyed, relationships put on the back burner all in the anticipation of the sudden exodus to Petra all because the end times were upon us.  For two thousands years these wolves have been screeching this same message because they inwardly have no hope or security in the One they claim to be following.

He then lays out a subtle hint for hi acolytes to start sending him more moeny.  The apostle wants to start "fireside chat's" through podcasting his earth shattering messages.  Yes folks, lets sit around the fire tonight and talk about you sorry bastards that continue to eat out on Saturdays profaning the Sabbath and how your ass is going to end up in the lake of fire.  That makes me warm and fuzzy thinking about it.  Where's my glass of wine!

If we are given more time I plan to begin making regular audios of about 15 to 30 minutes duration and posting them at the site as well as podcasting them to itunes.  These would not be sermons as such but fireside chats style talks about God and his ways.

As soon as finances permit I want to move from this noisy apartment by a busy highway to increase the quality of said audios.  If I am moving I want to get into a quiet and slightly larger rental apartment where I can set up a room with the necessaries to begin making audio video presentations as well.

I do not need a million dollar studio to do this; a good camera and mic and a quiet room is all that is needed.  I also do not need to spend millions on TV program time; I will be loading these on Youtube and advertising this to the public on the Outreach Site and here.

The apostle has also started an adverting campaign hitting religious sites around the world with pop up ads.  Impotent Dave Pack must be shivering in his boots right now!

The Outreach advertising began in earnest yesterday with a target of 100,000 full page popup ads for 30 days, at religious and media sites in the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand set for the campaign.
I don’t want to mislead here.  The vast majority of these exposures will be quickly deleted; however that 1% who read a few pages, comes back for more and tells their friends makes this very worthwhile.  Remember that 1% of 3 million is still over 30,000, and as these events unfold more and more interest will be generated in news and prophecy; leading into doctrine.

When people find out he is connected to Armstrongism the remaining 1% will delete him also.