Thursday, August 30, 2012

Abomination of Desolation To Be Set Up In 2-3 Weeks

Guess which one of our favorite legalistic Armstrongite crackpots said this:

Right now we are almost ending Aug and are at a critical time for these signs to appear or not.

In the following few weeks one of  three events will happen:

1)   Pope Benedict dies and is replaced, with the abomination being set up in the Papacy.

2)   Pope Benedict is strengthened and empowered to do miracles being set up as the abomination.
 Remember that Benedict does number 666 in the Koine Greek of Revelation.  This would allow him to start at the run, already having his organizational support set up, as he has ordained most of the Cardinals in the RC church based on their loyalty to him and his positions.

3)   Nothing of this nature happens and we have more time to make ourselves ready.

I expect that we will have enough time to know for sure by the Feast of Tabernacles.

I want to make it very clear that it is the biblical signs that are the key; and that the most important thing in the universe is:  Thy Will Be Done!

For these next few weeks it is most important that we are Wide Awake and Watching Closely for these biblical signs, of the abomination being set up and a genuine dialogue on peace and safety in the Middle East.

and this:

Benedict through his Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone has been working hard behind the scenes to set up the New Europe and the Pope is now openly intervening to help facilitate a New Order in Europe.

Benedict is now openly intervening in the European situationn and since he follows the traditions of men and the Catholic church instead of the word of God, and since the name Benedict numbers out to 666 in the Koine Greek of Revelation, it is quite possible that  Pope Benedict may be strengthened and empowered to do miracles, being set up as the abomination in mid September.

and this:

News is fast coming that strongly indicates that Pope Benedict will be empowered to become the abomination in mid Sep!!!

and this:

I have speculated that the tribulation could begin this year saying that there was as much as an 80% possibility.  I said this based on the fact that the days of Daniel 12 fit exactly into the period of the  1,290th day on the sixth day of ULB, and then adding another 45 days to the 1,335th day on the day before Pentecost.

Of course this means nothing unless the biblical signs including the setting up of the abomination at the beginning of the days [mid Sep] are seen.

The keys are God’s declared and revealed signs, NOT our speculations.

It's our buddy Apostle Malm!  No shocker there though.  Same old nonsense.

UCG Members Pray To Be Protected From "...these unsavory elements." i.e. COGWA Members

Here is more from the story about the Zambian cattle rustling episode with UCG  members and COGWA members.  Apparently the prayers of the UCG members to be saved and protected from the unsavory COGWA's inspired a cow to return home three times after a COGWA member supposedly stole it. Three times! There must be some prophetic interpretation as to that number.

We would like to update you about what happened with cattle stolen by leaders of a dissident break-off group in Zambia. Four oxen were stolen. One ox, called "Avilo" walked back to its rightful owner three times. The deacon of the break off group who took the animal finally gave up going after it. 

People have asked, "what's the big deal with just a few cows?"  What many don't realize is that a four year old ox is a very valuable asset worth about two years income or more. The oxen were taken only from members of the United Church of God using the name LifeNets at a critical time of planting.  This was a warning to others who had been given cattle by LifeNets what happens when they stay with the United Church of God. We have asked the rogue director of LifeNets to cease and desist using the name LifeNets per an agreement we came to in 2004. He has refused.  For a while he changed the name LifeNets to "Life Shine" for an unknown reason, but has since changed it back to LifeNets. 

This behavior is deplorable, but we are not surprised at the ethics of an organization that calls theft "growth" and  is seriously challenged by telling the truth. We know that in the end God will not be mocked. We thank all who have prayed for the safety of our people and for protection from these unsavory elements. 

We are greatly saddened that what relationships we have built, what humanitarian work was done and funding we provided has been turned against us because of becoming embroiled in someone else's selfish controversy far way. We are happy to report a thriving church of 400 in Zambia that has survived nobly through God's Spirit and discerning brethren who have  become stronger than ever.  Again, we thank you for your concern and prayers.

McFlurry and Jr. McFlurry Want Your Money!

PCG is out after your money! Members have been instructed how to easily transfer their assets to PCG after their death. A Royal Vision article asked whether Christians should concern themselves with how their possessions will be distributed after they die.  Obviously since you will be fleeing to Petra very soon, why on earth do you need all of your money to buy a new car, or a house?  Why waste it on your grand kids or schooling for your children?  Why leave a legacy to your children and grandchildren?

So what kind of "possessions" is Flurry after? 

•Certificates of deposit (CDs)
•Checking accounts
•Savings accounts
•Money markets
•Mutual funds
•Stock or bond accounts
•Insurance policies
•Cash assets
•Physical possessions

Six Pack and Junior McFlurry need to fund their lavish lifestyles at the expense of the brethren.