Thursday, August 30, 2012

Abomination of Desolation To Be Set Up In 2-3 Weeks

Guess which one of our favorite legalistic Armstrongite crackpots said this:

Right now we are almost ending Aug and are at a critical time for these signs to appear or not.

In the following few weeks one of  three events will happen:

1)   Pope Benedict dies and is replaced, with the abomination being set up in the Papacy.

2)   Pope Benedict is strengthened and empowered to do miracles being set up as the abomination.
 Remember that Benedict does number 666 in the Koine Greek of Revelation.  This would allow him to start at the run, already having his organizational support set up, as he has ordained most of the Cardinals in the RC church based on their loyalty to him and his positions.

3)   Nothing of this nature happens and we have more time to make ourselves ready.

I expect that we will have enough time to know for sure by the Feast of Tabernacles.

I want to make it very clear that it is the biblical signs that are the key; and that the most important thing in the universe is:  Thy Will Be Done!

For these next few weeks it is most important that we are Wide Awake and Watching Closely for these biblical signs, of the abomination being set up and a genuine dialogue on peace and safety in the Middle East.

and this:

Benedict through his Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone has been working hard behind the scenes to set up the New Europe and the Pope is now openly intervening to help facilitate a New Order in Europe.

Benedict is now openly intervening in the European situationn and since he follows the traditions of men and the Catholic church instead of the word of God, and since the name Benedict numbers out to 666 in the Koine Greek of Revelation, it is quite possible that  Pope Benedict may be strengthened and empowered to do miracles, being set up as the abomination in mid September.

and this:

News is fast coming that strongly indicates that Pope Benedict will be empowered to become the abomination in mid Sep!!!

and this:

I have speculated that the tribulation could begin this year saying that there was as much as an 80% possibility.  I said this based on the fact that the days of Daniel 12 fit exactly into the period of the  1,290th day on the sixth day of ULB, and then adding another 45 days to the 1,335th day on the day before Pentecost.

Of course this means nothing unless the biblical signs including the setting up of the abomination at the beginning of the days [mid Sep] are seen.

The keys are God’s declared and revealed signs, NOT our speculations.

It's our buddy Apostle Malm!  No shocker there though.  Same old nonsense.

UCG Members Pray To Be Protected From "...these unsavory elements." i.e. COGWA Members

Here is more from the story about the Zambian cattle rustling episode with UCG  members and COGWA members.  Apparently the prayers of the UCG members to be saved and protected from the unsavory COGWA's inspired a cow to return home three times after a COGWA member supposedly stole it. Three times! There must be some prophetic interpretation as to that number.

We would like to update you about what happened with cattle stolen by leaders of a dissident break-off group in Zambia. Four oxen were stolen. One ox, called "Avilo" walked back to its rightful owner three times. The deacon of the break off group who took the animal finally gave up going after it. 

People have asked, "what's the big deal with just a few cows?"  What many don't realize is that a four year old ox is a very valuable asset worth about two years income or more. The oxen were taken only from members of the United Church of God using the name LifeNets at a critical time of planting.  This was a warning to others who had been given cattle by LifeNets what happens when they stay with the United Church of God. We have asked the rogue director of LifeNets to cease and desist using the name LifeNets per an agreement we came to in 2004. He has refused.  For a while he changed the name LifeNets to "Life Shine" for an unknown reason, but has since changed it back to LifeNets. 

This behavior is deplorable, but we are not surprised at the ethics of an organization that calls theft "growth" and  is seriously challenged by telling the truth. We know that in the end God will not be mocked. We thank all who have prayed for the safety of our people and for protection from these unsavory elements. 

We are greatly saddened that what relationships we have built, what humanitarian work was done and funding we provided has been turned against us because of becoming embroiled in someone else's selfish controversy far way. We are happy to report a thriving church of 400 in Zambia that has survived nobly through God's Spirit and discerning brethren who have  become stronger than ever.  Again, we thank you for your concern and prayers.

McFlurry and Jr. McFlurry Want Your Money!

PCG is out after your money! Members have been instructed how to easily transfer their assets to PCG after their death. A Royal Vision article asked whether Christians should concern themselves with how their possessions will be distributed after they die.  Obviously since you will be fleeing to Petra very soon, why on earth do you need all of your money to buy a new car, or a house?  Why waste it on your grand kids or schooling for your children?  Why leave a legacy to your children and grandchildren?

So what kind of "possessions" is Flurry after? 

•Certificates of deposit (CDs)
•Checking accounts
•Savings accounts
•Money markets
•Mutual funds
•Stock or bond accounts
•Insurance policies
•Cash assets
•Physical possessions

Six Pack and Junior McFlurry need to fund their lavish lifestyles at the expense of the brethren.  

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Van Robinson On: "Worldwide Church of God Splinter Groups---The Plain Truth"

The plain truth about all splinter groups of the Worldwide Church of God, is that if you are a member of any of them you ARE NOT being persecuted because others speak out.  The real motive of every "pastor" or "elder" of all splinter groups of the WCG is self-importance, even if any of them are sincere in what they do and preach.  Sincerity is not a surety or guarantee of truth and never has been.  Speakers in pulpits may speak with conviction, but conviction does not mean there is a guarantee of truth from the speaker.  In the world of politics, the world is overrun with human beings who have political aspirations and they speak with conviction to convince those who listen to them to cast their vote for them.

Splinter group leaders of the WCG are human beings with great ego.  They present themselves as reps for truth and God.  Many of us have long ago taken an exit from following human "pastors" or "elders", knowing that no man or woman is God in the flesh, even though many seem to think they are.  The "secret" that the common church goer is unaware of is that the man in the pulpit DOES NOT represent God or truth.  The man in the pulpit represents no one other than himself and the simple minded believe this character is God's agent on earth.

The PLAIN TRUTH is that every splinter group of the Worldwide Church of God, is a man-made institution, founded for no purpose other than to gratify the ego of the ruler of the group.

Van Robison

Dennis On: "What Do You Mean? "It's Just a Story""

What Do You Mean? "It's Just a Story"

Dennis Diehl - EzineArticles Expert AuthorIf I had not....
...had a handicapped brother in the 1950's who had a bad habit of lighting the curtains on fire at our house.....then my parents  would not have felt he had to receive better care at a New York State Hospital.

Had he not been sent the NYS Hospital for the parents would not have seen so many parents drop their handicapped children off and never come back....

If my parents had not seen so many parents not come back to see their handicapped children ever, after dropping them off...they would not have started the Sunshine League for parents of handicapped children who did that and needed to go see their handicapped children and keep them in their lives.

If there had been no Sunshine parents would not have met the Rosenthal family who also had a handicapped son who felt they needed to help stopping parents from just abandoning their handicapped kids to the State.

Had the Diehl's not met the Rosenthals, they would not have become such close friends and even vacationed together as adults and kids in the Adirondaks.

Had the Diehl's and the Rosenthal's not vacationed together, Jim Rosenthal and my sister would never have met. 

Had they never met,  Jim would never have asked his mom 15 years later if she knew anyone he could date when he came home from Ranger School in Boise, Idaho.

Had he not asked and the Diehl's not known the Rosenthal's from years earlier, she would not have suggested Diane.  

Having suggested Diane, and Diane saying yes  (she could have said no) they would not have married and moved to Idaho.

Had they not moved to Idaho they may never have heard of the WCG and asked for a visit which ended them up attending WCG in Boise, Idaho.
Had they not asked if I wanted to come for a visit and had I not said "you bet," I never would have picked up the Plain Truth during some pretty boring days visiting.

Had I not gone to church and heard a sermon on the size of the universe and realized that I never heard a sermon like  that, I may have forgotten all about it, but I didn't.

If there had been no Vietnam war, no JFK, RFK and MLK blown away,even though we didn't start the fire....I may not have thought of going into the ministry.

Had I chosen Roberts Wesleyan Seminary instead of AC I would have had a different religious experience but I went Pasadena instead and now how that went.

Had I not been able to stop my icy slide down the side of San Jacinto Peak 3000 feet to the desert floor in a stupid move on a freshman field trip....

Or...missed a flight to Boise that was hit by a fighter jet...
Or...choked to death on piece of meet at dinner
Or...killed in a head on in Kentucky that I still can't figure out to this day where that car headlight to headlight went..
Or...a whole bunch of other stuff

I'd have a different story to tell.  Or others would tell a different story about me.

But, none of us are our story because the story could go ten thousand different ways at any point along the way.  A left instead of a right.  A yes instead of a no.  A wave instead of a sneer.  

Someone else making a decision about you when they could have just as easily made it about someone all it would take. 

We are not our story even though if the story is stressful enough, we have to medicate our "selves" to live with it.  If we seek counseling , what we really are doing is working through our story.  We council in how the story went.  How it hurt us or made us this way or that.  We try to understand the story or rewrite the story or maybe fix it.  But all that is within the story and we all have one.  

So what do we do with our stories?  I so have to watch out starting my story these days with, "I used to be a pastor."  You see, we all identify our selves by our story and giving up that story for a new one is not easy.  Actually most never do.  Most of us hunker down in our story and repeat it over and over as if somehow some magical change would come to make the story go away.  We are all capable of getting stuck in the muck of the anger, disappointment, fear, skepticism and resentment our story brought to us in living color.  

The mind has a wonderful trip it plays on our true self to keep the story going or at least to keep the rancor and bitching alive and well.  It builds us a pain body that hibernates mostly but then needs to come out and feed so that we never forget we have a story to tell and usually how bad it all was.  

Indulge me a bit on Eckhart Tolle's view of the pain body.  I find this rather hard to argue with.  From a comment by Barbara Clark...

"Our pain-bodies are the energy of our past hurts: the bumps, bruises and scars of life that we never really dealt with fully in the moment. The result is that we carry that pain in an energy field within us.

We all experience pain in our lives and pain-bodies are both individualistic and collective. Whether that pain is from individual circumstances or part of a collective pain because of our identity with a particular group in history that has suffered, negative things do happen to people.

Some people and groups have heavy pain-bodies and it is precisely these people who have a better chance to awaken spiritually than people with lighter pain-bodies.

Most people probably do not want to recognize that there is something within them that seeks negativity, pain and drama. But the reality is that for many, negativity is an addiction. Pain-bodies feed on negative emotion.

Nowhere are our pain-bodies more obvious than in our relationships. Often each partner will re-enact their drama frequently. The pain-body knows exactly which buttons to push in your partner, and it feeds on this drama in personal relationships.

So how do you recognize your pain-body? Becoming aware of your pain-body is the first step in diffusing it. However, it is not often easy to see the pain-body in ourselves, so it is often much easier to see the pain-body in another.

How do you strive to continually diffuse your pain-body? Author Tolle suggests that we must constantly strive to be present. Instead of being “caught up in the mental movie making” of our thoughts and emotions from the past or concerns for the future, he says that we can learn to not add to our pain-bodies by becoming as present as possible in all situations.

It doesn’t matter if these negative thoughts and emotions are from years ago or just minutes ago: continually practicing being present diminishes our pain-bodies because in doing so, “our very Presence then becomes our identity.”

Pain-bodies will fight hard to stay alive, so you may be thinking how could you let go of past hurts or collective suffering? Some may argue that we have to remember; that it is part of our collective identity as women or minorities, for example. Alternatively, individual pain-bodies may heavily identify with traumatic things that happened in our childhood. While there is nothing wrong with remembering, there is a difference if we define ourselves by our suffering. This is the pain-body feeding upon itself and in doing so, the energy of all that suffering becomes our identity. So the challenge is to move away from defining ourselves by our past and we do this by becoming present."

Consider this: “Nothing ever happened in the past that can prevent you from being present now: and if the past cannot prevent you from being present now, what power does it have?”-  The New Earth-page 141

I don't know why I had to have the story I did with WCG, but I know it was just one of thousands of possibilities.  I can't change the story that has already unfolded but I can change the one that opens up from now on.  

"Comedian" Bill Hicks said it well.

"The world is like a ride in an amusement park. And when you choose to go on it, you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very brightly colored and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time and they begin to question, is this real, or is this just a ride? And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, "Hey - don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because, this is just a ride."  And we kill those people.

I'm just sayin......


Dennis C. Diehl