Thursday, September 6, 2012

Rod McQueen: Former Evolutionist? Critic Says "What A Load of Crap."

The blog Bible, Wheels, and Brains: Free Thinkers Exploring Religion, Science and the Mind nails a former Church of God minister who claims he left a devout belief in evolution to believing in creationism.

That former minister is Rod McQueen.

Reading McQueen's stories you would assume he was a devout evolutionist well trained in all of it's complexities through college and further study on the subject.  So just where did McQueen get all of the nasty evolutionary understanding from?  High school!  High school educators had such a rich deep understanding of evolution that McQueen bought it hook line and sinker.  The trouble is, if you asked a regular high school student today to explain evolutionary theory they could not do it. Most adults can't except for a few basics.  Most high school students today can't even understand US and world history, so how in the hell do they understand evolution?

Rod McQueen has a ministry called "Dawn to Dusk" where he has many articles detailing biblical creation stories and mocking of evolution.

So what caused McQueen to see the light after such a deep in depth study at the age of twelve?  All thanks and glory need to go to Herbert W Armstrong and Ambassador College! The source of all real understanding on ALL subjects.

Bible, Wheels, and Brains says:

Back in July CWH posted the supposed Confession of a Former Evolutionist which was written by a Rod McQueen, a long-time pastor in Herbert Armstrong's hyper-fundamentalist cult called the Worldwide Church of God. In his "confession" he said he "was raised on the milk of evolutionary theory. In year twelve at high school, our biology class required an in-depth study of the theory of evolution. I was zealous for what was taught. I swallowed the supportive evidence as if it were proof. Not mindlessly, mind you; I really felt it was quite compelling." OK - so in HIGH SCHOOL he was a convinced "evolutionist." What happened after that? He went straight from High School to study Theology at Ambassador College, founded by cult leader Herbert W. Armstrong! Here is what Rod says about his history on his own website
 "Former evolutionist" my ass. He was a HIGH SCHOOL KID who went straight into theology at a cult's own school! What a load of crap. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Why is Armstrongism's "god" Such An Impotent Little Wuss?

Apostle Malm has a guest piece on today by Richard Trevor about church government and how Armstrongism perverted it.

One interesting little blurb is that Armstrongism's God was prohibited from giving WCG members the fruits of the spirit because of the organizational structure that HWA eventually settled upon.  That god sure is a weak impotent little wuss if he could not freely give his gifts to his own supposedly "called out" ones.

Atop the list of deficiencies created by our later-adopted organizational model, is the obstruction of direct inspiration of any individual, minister or otherwise.  God effectively was hamstrung in His ability to give spiritual gifts (‘Talents’) to anyone without the approval of the ruling class operating within the Church. For Him to have done so, and for the authority structure NOT to have approved such ‘gift’ first, an obvious ‘problem’ would have existed. 
One where the ministry would have seen it their obligation to squelch such a gift, and if not squelchable, to excommunicate the individual.  This caused a response where anyone so ‘gifted’ or who came to an understanding of a point of truth not first sanctioned by the chief seat(s) suffered repression.  

Richard is right that Meredith and other Church leaders did freely kick out anyone that claimed to posses fruits of the spirit. Meredith and crew thought, and still do to this day, all godly inspiration came from the top down and that the sheeple could not exhibit fruits greater than their overseers.  We have all seen that happen, but to say that God was "hamstrung" in doing it is absurd.

Apostle In Urgent Need For A Used Vehicle

The apostle's hands are open once more for his acolytes to fund him. Being an apostle is rough.  I guess sitting home all day doing proof-texting studies doesn't allow one time to have an actual job.  So please heed the call of the apostle and open your wallets.  PS  He does not want to hear any coin clinking, silent money only.

ANNOUNCEMENTS:   My 1995 Astro van radiator and cooling system has died and the cost to fix it is now much more that the van is worth, as it also has several other major problems.   Your prayers and help would be much appreciated as even a used vehicle is very expensive here.   

Monday, September 3, 2012

Van Robison on "Are You Happy Because You Go To Church?"

                                            Are You Happy Because You Go To Church?

I have found that I am much happier because I don't go to church.   In fact I love to go to the beach and enjoy other activities in life.   Going to church is the same monotonous routine week in and week out.   In my life time I have heard thousands of sermons by preachers who stand in pulpits pretending that they are "somebody", when in reality they are nobody.   As a former member of the Worldwide Church of God, in fact very often when I did go to church happy and cheerful, I came away depressed.   The unhappiness I experienced is because of the preachers and their foolishness.   I was a young adult then and had to learn the hard way, that preachers are NOT God.

The world is overrun with hypocrites who stand in pulpits and who sit in pews.   Preachers and church goers have driven many into atheism, because the hypocrisy is simply unacceptable.   The church world is full of self-righteous human beings who think they are "righteous", while many others are not.   Is it a sin to drink a bottle of beer?   Is nudity a sin?   Is it wrong to "think" and ask questions?  Is it "rebellion" to doubt or question preachers?   Is it a sin to skip church?   Does God judge you as preachers preach that He does?  Are "professional" pastors really reps for Jesus Christ?   If you smoke marijuana are you bound for hell?  Does human government represent God or Satan?

Well, you get the point!  No matter how you "think", there are other options that you may have never considered and it is extremely doubtful that God is going to take a baseball bat to your head.  If you think that God sits on the edge of His throne, ready to pounce on you for what you think and how you live, you have been indoctrinated and programmed most likely by frauds who stand in pulpits.   Humans have been running around naked in the jungles of the world for thousands of years, and no doubt God loves them just as much as he does self-righteous people with clothing on their naked bodies.   My oh my, must women wear a net or bonnet on their head in order to please God?

Come now and let us reason, because no matter what you think that God thinks, you are most likely WRONG!

Van Robison