Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Van Robison: "Make-Up and Cosmetics in the Pulpits"

Make-Up and Cosmetics in the Pulpits

Among the greatest deceptions on earth is the world of Churchianity.    Make-up and cosmetics change the real person.  Anyone who stands in a pulpit wears make-up.  Cosmetics hide the real person.  Of course I am speaking about fraud in the name of God/Jesus Christ.  The world is an ocean of fraud and young, inexperienced people are frequently the victims of such fraud.  Many young people are seduced into going to Bible colleges as if these man-made institutions are the source of light and truth, success and purpose.  The reality about all "Bible" schools and colleges is that they are business enterprises.    Often in life, it is only through hard experience and later in life, that many come to know beyond doubt that Bible schools are foundations to indoctrinate young people and of course they are $business enterprises.

Any human being can stand in a pulpit and pretend that they represent God/Jesus Christ.  They may speak with a sense of "authority" as if they have a direct phone connection to the throne room of God in heaven.  They may act as if God works through them, even though God does not.  Those who stand in pulpits are like magicians, who work their "magic" and their "illusions" that deceive people.  They are really just common human beings, whose vanity, pride and lust for power and control over others is extreme.  They also are addicted to position and the never ending flow of free money.  The praise and adulation of humans is a common addiction to those who stand in pulpits.

We all know that make-up and cosmetics and plastic surgery can change the appearance of any human being.  In the world or churches, the make-up and cosmetics of those who stand in pulpits is often very seductive.  Public speakers can be very persuasive and seduce the gullible and the naive.  Apparently the seduction is very powerful, because many bow and worship at the feet of the make-up artists, who feign that they represent God on earth. Their false mission is to "preach the Gospel to the world", while they live in luxury and splendor at the expense of the simple minded.  Religion is among the greatest frauds on earth and always has been.  "Thus saith the Lord" has been used by the unscrupulous for thousands of years.  When was the last time God Almighty appeared to you in person and spoke so much as one word?  And of course millions sit in pews like little puppy dogs wagging their tales and thinking that the speaker in the pulpit sits on the right hand of God and all must listen and "obey" as if these very fallible humans represent God on earth.

Truth is that every human who is a public speaker is just as human as you are.  They are no more "Holy" than a skunk.  And in history, they were no more "Holy" than you or I.  God alone is Holy.  Not even the "Bible" is "Holy." Those who stand in pulpits wear make-up and cosmetics to hide their true self.

Van Robison


click to enlarge

I knew some here would appreciate this.

Church of God Eternal: Satanic Ministers On The Loose in COG's

People get angry with me for pointing out the shenanigans of Church of God ministers, yet they are hypocritically silent when COG organizations make accusations against all the other COGlets.

The Church of God Eternal has a letter up warning the faithful to beware of the satanic influence of ministers and leaders in the COG who are leading people astray. What he writes is true, that the minsters are leading the "faithful" away from truth since that has been the standard operating procedure for the COG since it's inception.  Sadly, COGE fails to realize that what they are accusing others of is the exact same thing that they are doing to their own members.  This letter is a damning indictment against the Church of God Eternal too!

The work of deceiving spirits is evident in the church today. Satan's own ministers, who appear as ministers of righteousness, are teaching his lies. They are not following Jesus Christ. They have wormed their own way into the church of God and have seated themselves on doctrinal boards and have assumed teaching positions in churches. They work from within as an official part of the church organization. Using subversive tactics, Satan's ministers have subtly and skillfully taken control. Under their control, the Truth of God is changed little by little into a lie. The doctrines are so cleverly worded and so skillfully presented that even staunch believers cannot detect it.
What he describes below sounds exactly like COGE!  They use scripture to sound impressive while promoting heretical garbage as truth.
Because they know how to twist the truth, their false doctrine looks and sounds blessedly true. What can be wrong? Yes, the Word of God is the Truth, but handling it deceitfully produces error. Their interpretation of God's Word is backed by clever arguments of philosophy and theology with intellectual-sounding words. They appear to be words of wisdom and logic, but they are truly Satanic and diabolical. They are not dividing the word of Truth honestly; the scripture is being used, but dishonestly.

By handling the Word of God deceitfully, false teachers lead the people into spiritual blindness. Because they are walking in blinding darkness, they do not perceive that they are headed for a dangerous fall. They are like the man who built the ship, Titanic. The man believed in his own mind that even God Himself could not make the ship sink. But alas, the ship sank, killing many people.

 These false teachers and false apostles had succeeded in infiltrating the church of God by the 1970s and were actively changing the true teaching of Jesus Christ and perverting the gospel. 
COGE fails to see that the original false teacher started decades before the 1970 debacles.  Try 1936 when Herb popped on to the scene.  A rebellious man who refused to follow the authority of the church that ordained him, who created his own set of extra-biblical doctrines and who split off to start his own church all on the whim of a nightmare Loma had.  Bad dreams produce bad results and the current state of the Church of God's prove that.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Your Guardian Angel Is Actually YOU Who Has Come Back In Time To Protect Yourself

I get accused by some for "making things up" concerning the Church of God crazies out there that I make fun of on here.  Below is a post from a COGer who claims that if you are a "good" Christian then you have a guardian angel watching over you.  Now this may not be just any angel, it may actually be YOU who has transported back in time to watch over yourself.

So let's get this straight - you have been a faithful servant of God and have gained eternal life and are now a spirit being.  Since you are now spirit you can go back in time to protect yourself.  You are currently watching over yourself this very moment!  Unless of course you are an evil atheist or apostate, then God help you because you are on your own!

 There is no way in hell I could make up something as stupid as that.  So here are his exact words:

If you are a good Christian, chances are, even if there are no other people with you right now, you are not alone. You have at least one constant companion quietly and invisibly serving you.
Apparently if you are a nominal Christians or may have slipped up one day, you angel is going to desert you and all kinds of bad things could happen.

The other view point can be taken here that anyone who has life issues, trauma, health issues, death, etc. have done something to make their guardian angel leave them. Or make that, you have done something to piss your self off so you have left yourself.....oh my............!

Angels, those who have chosen to remain forever obedient to God, are our good friends. Along with the many other things that angels do, they are also assigned to protect and guide people - "Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?" (Hebrews 1:14)

The same angel or angels may have been with you right from the moment you were conceived, and in all probability know far more about you than you know about yourself. It could be that everything that you have ever said or done has had at least one irrefutable witness.

Spirit beings are not however bound by the same physical laws as humans. For them, the physical laws that create paradoxes do not exist. Spirit beings can travel through time without the same sort of consequences that affect humans. They can, and almost certainly do make physical changes in human events that adjust future outcomes in desired directions. A large amount of Prophecy might actually be fulfilled just this way - to not just have the ability to know events of the future, but to have the power to actually bring them about exactly when and how they are desired. The difference is, that when God or His messengers make adjustments, they do it perfectly.

After your physical life's journey has ended, if you have accepted God's offer of eternal life, you will be changed to spirit, a spirit being that can travel through time perhaps just as easily as you can now travel from one thought to the next. It is entirely possible that, along with the angels now there to protect you, you might also get an occasional visit from the future "you" that you will be after you have been changed into spirit. And why not - who better to advise angels on how to take good care of you than the one who survived being you? Your Guardian Angel