Thursday, September 27, 2012

UCG: Feast of Tabernacles Rap

A reader here just sent me this. This is sure to get the conservative Armstrongites in a tizzy!
Will Dave Pack and Gerald Flurry make their own version next?  
How about Dave in his speedo and Gerald with his prayer rock.  
What a sight that would be!  
Snicker, snicker.

Dave Pack's Mind of God

In light of the blog post below about pastor-gods in the Church of God, here is a quote from God's most important man on earth who has the world's largest and most effective ministry ever to grace humanity.

Dave Pack

What a joy to spend all day with the brethren-Sabbath services, luncheon and then an extensive Bible Study answering the longest list of questions I have ever received at any Bible Study (some were still left unanswered). It is obvious that the brethren are studying and are interested in knowing the mind of God. This is a far  cry from my last years as a pastor in the early 1990s.