Thursday, October 11, 2012

Terrace Villa On Pasadena Campus Soon to Go Up For Sale

Those of you out there that have deep pockets and money to burn can get ready to buy Terrace Villa on the old Ambassador Campus.  Terrace Villa was one of the few buildings that the Church did not destroy it's architectural heritage.

For decades it served as a women's dorm.  The kitchen was removed, it's previous shape left in tact. It had a huger basement that even included a small "hidden" room that was behind a bookcase.

If you are planing on buying the house you need to be prepared to dump a lot of money into restoring it.  It needs a new roof, a complete kitchen installation and a means to keep people out of the garden area on the West side of the house.  It was recently declared to have historical significance which means loads of issues with Pasadena Heritage.  You won't be able to use the bathroom without these meddlesome people telling you what kind of toilet paper to use.

Terrace Villa declared historical landmark.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

E. W. King On Why Guilt Leads to Hatred of His Cult

E. W. King, the great leader of the Worldwide Church of God Speaking to the Remnant is not happy with those that pick on him in their BLOGS!  He hates these BLOGS because he thinks they are attacking whatever it is he calls "the truth."

One condition I find amazing that I wish to bring up in this article is the fact that there are some people who have dedicated their entire lives to attacking the true Worldwide Church of God [Christ’s Church]. Why? They are running deeper and deeper into denial of the Truth. This is how they are dealing with their guilt because they have not been shown how to properly deal with sin. It amazes me that those who deny the Truth of the WCG continue to go on with their hate BLOGS. If they do not believe in what we teach then why cannot they just move on with their lives? But they continue. This means that they must have some sort of inner struggle with the Truth.
The effects of a disturbed conscience have been experienced by everybody. Troubled conscience can display itself in numerous ways. It can even manifest itself in various physical ways [what psychologists refer to as, physchosomatic issues]. Actually, God states that physical death itself is due to sin. [Genesis 3:3] We read in the Psalms how David’s body actually began to hurt because of his iniquities. When the brain can no longer carry the load of guilt it then moves it to the human body. Sin is a deadly practice!
Some symptoms of guilt may manifest as;

Obsessions [such as hatred toward WCG/COGSR]
Escapism [as through drugs]
Fantasy [such as New Age beliefs]
Blaming others [such as picking on Christians]
Rituals [such as counting things, obsession with cleaning and or controlling specific issues]
Intoxicants [can also mean ‘toxic’ or ‘false’ teachings]

I assume from his list above he is describing the typical hard-line Armstrongite who call Christians "fake," who are alcoholics, over eat, commit suicide, are fatigued from useless and worthless laws rules and regulations on how to follow God, are depressed because they can NEVER measure up to the lofty standards that their "god" expects of them, blame others for their church issues and split into hundreds of self serving splinter groups.  The list could be endless when applying the above to Armstrongites.

Is Imitation the Best Form of Flattery?

Bob Thiel, the "unofficial" Official spokesman for the Living Church of God, the world's foremost authority on prophecy and Mayan gibberish, has posted an article justifying the use by WCG and LCG of using the Psalms instead of Christian hymns for church singing.

My first reaction was to the picture of LCG's hymnal.  Why is it that none of the 700 some splinter groups can EVER come up with an ORIGINAL idea?  They took WCG's old purple hymnal, changed the color and added a picture of an old school house.  I guess that is very appropriate since that seems to be where many COG's meet.  I do think a Masonic Temple or Odd Fellows Hall would have made a better picture though. 

Why is it that none of these hundreds of splinter groups could come up with original names for their groups, magazines, colleges, etc.?  It's 2012, the old RCG/WCG is 70 plus years in the past and yet none of these groups have moved into the 21st century.  Ministers preach the same recycled sermons, evangelists preach the same things over and over and never open themselves up to new things.  The old guard still rule and the younger leaders are considered potential heretics.  The COG's have turned into tired, worn out, useless organizations that are strangling their members spirits.

 (Yes, I know it is their weird looking HQ building. Good taste in architecture is not a strong point of the splinter groups anymore.)