Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Geoff Neilson: Armstrongism's Other Failed Prophet

Armstrongism has the clear distinction of creating thousands of men and women who thought they had some prophetic insight to world events over the last 70 some years.  Every single one of them have been proven to be liars.  Yet they continue to blabber on with useless baloney as if their god cared.  Every single one of them fails to recognize the scripture that even if ONE of their prophecies failed, they are false prophets and are not to be followed.

Below is a small sampling of a huge prophetic timeline by Geoff Neilson, another in a long line of "deceivers of the brethren."  Neilsons prophecies are all based on his belief that Herbert Armstrong was God's greatest prophet. Even though there are well over 200 documented failed prophecies of Herbert Armstrong, these people still look to him as some inspired guru.

  • Exactly four 19-year Moon Cycles between the 7 Jan 1934 official start of the World Tomorrow broadcast, and this date.

1290 Day count in this scenario: or Abomination of Desolation occurs.
HWA Day 30484,
Endtime Day 33717
23 Feb 2010

1260 Day count: Tribulation theoretically starts
HWA Day 30514,
Endtime Day 33747
25 Mar 2010
10 Nisan 5770
Traditional day the Passover lamb was selected for slaughter.

8-9 Sep 2010
Endtime Day 33914-5
Feast of Trumpets
(starts the evening at the end of the 8th)
End of 3 Sun Cycles from HWA Day 1
(which started Trumpets 9 Sep 1926).  
Sep 9 starts the 4th Sun Cycle since Trumpets 1926.

29 Sep 2011
Endtime Day 34300
Exactly 70x70 weeks (inclusive to the day) from the Balfour Declaration to this Feast of Trumpets. 
       First day of the 22nd prophetic year since the start of the Gulf War on Day 23507.
Possible start of the Day of the LORD
HWA Day 31421
Endtime Day 34654
17 Sep 2012: Trumpets
(40 Hebrew Calendar years after Trumpets 1972).

1335 Days end (theoretically)
HWA Day 31774
Day 35007
Feast of Trumpets
5 Sep 2013
1 Tishri 5774
Possible time of the blowing of the 7th Trumpet,
heralding the arrival of the Messiah.

  • 5 days short of one 28-year Sun Cycle since HWA launched Mystery of The Ages, and 11 days less than a Sun Cycle after his last public sermon, on Trumpets 1985.
  • Exactly two 19-year Moon time cycles after Trumpets 1975, when the LORD delayed his coming.
  • 40 prophetic years (less 33 days) after Ambassador Auditorium was dedicated in 1974.
  • 40 Roman years (less 31 days) since the 1973 Day of Atonement War nearly defeated the State of Israel
  • 5001 weeks (inclusive) from the Balfour Declaration of 1917.  

The Ghost of College Past