Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Sign: Deifying A Man

There is a new online movie that is getting the uber-conservative Armstrongites all weepy-eyed.  It brings back the glory days of the empire at it's greatest.  A position that not a single one of the 700 some splinter cults has ever been able to achieve.  Flurry has not done it.  His experiment has placed him on the verge of bankruptcy.  Dave Pack has not done it.  Even with his stupendously incredible web site he is not drawing in new members, other than a few here and there that defect from other COG's.  Meredith certainly has not done.  His group is on the verge of a major internal struggle as his health declines.

The people that are still stuck in the 1980's believe that Herbert was the world's most important man.  So much so that your salvation is dependent on what you think of him.  Herbert has been raised to the same level as Jesus.  Herbert's message was just as important as the one Jesus proclaimed, yet has been rejeced just as Jesus was rejected.

The Sign fulfilled prophecy (not the movie of course but the actual preaching the gospel) as did the Voice Crying Out.

The understanding of this is why many cannot see why some believe in the End Time Elijah. Of course think about those that were alive to see Jesus in person, those that saw the miracles, heard His voice and still did not believe.

If they did not believe Jesus was Christ how can we expect even many of those who once were affiliated to believe that Mr. Armstrong was The Elijah to Come.

Think of all those that were alive to see Mr. Armstrong in person, heard him on radio, watched him on television. Those today in the various organizations that scoff at those that are steadfast in their beliefs, those that refuse to return to their first love, those that were never truly converted to begin with.

The Sign is of great import. Understanding that preaching the True Gospel to all nations after it had not been preached for over 1900 years is very important.

For those not Keeping His Commands, it seems impossible for them to grasp the truth.

For those that have fallen away, sadly the end cannot come unless this happens and it has.

A barf bag may be necessary after  viewing this.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Is It Wise For Foreign COG Members To Invest In U.S. Properties Before It's Soon Coming Destruction?

Craig White, a long time proponent of British Israelism, and author of hundreds of posts, articles and letters concerning the soon coming destruction of the United States by invading German hoards, is looking to invest in the U.S.

In many of his travels to this country he loves to write how he feels this country is degenerate and depressed and sinking into a moral cesspool.  It's a nation of uncouth slobs who deliberately have turned their back on God and deserve what ever punishments God is getting ready spank us with.  Disease, famine, nuclear blasts, invading Germans who will slaughter most citizens while talking the young women and boys to be slaves in Europe, and much, more.

With all this doom and gloom ready to hit this country within the next 10 years or so, you have to wonder why Craig wants to get in on the action here.

He writes

Purchasing property in the USA - advice requested


For some time I have wanted to purchase property in the USA (went to seminars etc) and have been mulling over this the past few weeks - I feel that now is the time to buy. I really need to add to my portfolio of properties. So, I am wondering if you have any contacts (inc real estate agents) in the USA who could assist in this regard.

I can go through the various companies operating around the world offering their services but really need someone over there who knows the areas that the properties are located in. I don't want to buy a dud! of course, I shall fly over and inspect the property(ies) prior to purchase but need to know beforehand what the areas are like to narrow down my choice.

Please let me know asap if you have any contacts.
