Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Aaron Dean on "The Sign"

"...we do have a respect for HWA that was often missing by some who have left."
(talk abut taking the knife and sticking it in COGWA's ribs and twisting it!)

You all know that I believe what I was taught by HWA. I helped write his books and was trained in all his schools, 12 years of Imperial, 4 years of Ambassador and 12 years with him. I treasure the time I spent with him and the many lessons in faith. He made me promise to help prepare the bride and continue the work. I have hoped and prayed every day that this world would end and have tried to encourage brethren. My greatest fear is that Christ would tell me that I buried my talent and didn'd contnue to do what he taught me to do. 

While there is no Question that God used HWA powerfully in building the endtime church and reaching the world, he himself told me we should keep on with all the energy and power we can give. If we do not fellowship or help one another, how can we grow spiritually?  If we don't have a cause greater than ourselves to give to, how will God judge us?  I asked HWA in his final weeks if we should stop preaching the Gospel when he died. He said "no" because there was no place in scripture that said when he died that the work was over. (Remember, he picked the telecastor's that would replace him - something he wouldn't have done if it 'was over.)  He knew there would be a falling away. He told me people would quit keeping the Sabbath and quit tithing. He knew there would be men who would seek power and start their own churches if they couldn't be in charge. He knew many things would stop, but he didn't want us to be the cause of stopping it. The spiritual body should go on. Christ is still alive.  We are still judged by what we do with what we have. That doesn't change.

I attend with UCG because God hasn't named a replacement for HWA. We are not to forsake fellowship and I do believe many of God's children are here. Christ is the head of the church and always had been - HWA taught me that in no uncertain terms.  Sadly we have had men who thought they should be in charge to the point that they started their own churches to be in charge. God hates division, and I pray for those who have done this, especially since they lied and caused great damage to the brethren of God on their way out and since. They have taught others to follow them, not Christ.  The splintering has also hurt the power of the Holy people-the spiritual body. I wonder if this is what God fortold through Daniel.  I am happy in UCG, because for the 1st time I feel we have men who are yielding to God for direction and not to themselves. We have few assets and little strength, but we do have a respect for HWA that was often missing by some who have left. I know, because past men asked me not to speak about HWA. They wanted to build their own names. We also try to respect others of like belief who do not attend with us. God knows his sheep.

It was obvious God used HWA, and following him was to follow Christ as he taught us. I pray the 2 witnesses appear on the scene soon. This country has so forsaken God in every way. We all need each other for encouragement and hope. HWA wanted the members to stay together, as only with a common cause can we provide local churches for fellowship, and feast sites with which to worship God together.  While this HWA film evokes so many fond memories, I pray it doesn't make anyone complacent that they can sit on their talents and expect God to be happy with that. HWA would never condone sitting at home alone if there were members to fellowship with. He even sent the young men on baptizing tours to fellowship with Sardis. It will be a sad day when everyone sits at home by themselves with no one to fellowship and no greater work going on to help educate the world as to God's way of life.

I pray for all of you.  HWA did finish his work God had for him to do, but 26 years later, if all we have done is hold on to our talent, then what will Christ have to say to us. HWA would be mad at me if I stopped trying to do the work of God. I will talk about the Kingdom of God till my last breath, and serve God's people as I am able. It is often discouraging, as I am sure it was for a young John Mark or Timothy, in watching Paul's death, or Policratees and Polycarp who tried to uphold the Apostle John's teaching as apostacy jumped in.  May we all hold to the truth of God and be using what talents and tithes we have, and be judged worthy to escape what his soon to come.  I wish I could fellowship with you all.

With Deepest Respect for all,
Aaron Dean

The Sign: Deifying A Man

There is a new online movie that is getting the uber-conservative Armstrongites all weepy-eyed.  It brings back the glory days of the empire at it's greatest.  A position that not a single one of the 700 some splinter cults has ever been able to achieve.  Flurry has not done it.  His experiment has placed him on the verge of bankruptcy.  Dave Pack has not done it.  Even with his stupendously incredible web site he is not drawing in new members, other than a few here and there that defect from other COG's.  Meredith certainly has not done.  His group is on the verge of a major internal struggle as his health declines.

The people that are still stuck in the 1980's believe that Herbert was the world's most important man.  So much so that your salvation is dependent on what you think of him.  Herbert has been raised to the same level as Jesus.  Herbert's message was just as important as the one Jesus proclaimed, yet has been rejeced just as Jesus was rejected.

The Sign fulfilled prophecy (not the movie of course but the actual preaching the gospel) as did the Voice Crying Out.

The understanding of this is why many cannot see why some believe in the End Time Elijah. Of course think about those that were alive to see Jesus in person, those that saw the miracles, heard His voice and still did not believe.

If they did not believe Jesus was Christ how can we expect even many of those who once were affiliated to believe that Mr. Armstrong was The Elijah to Come.

Think of all those that were alive to see Mr. Armstrong in person, heard him on radio, watched him on television. Those today in the various organizations that scoff at those that are steadfast in their beliefs, those that refuse to return to their first love, those that were never truly converted to begin with.

The Sign is of great import. Understanding that preaching the True Gospel to all nations after it had not been preached for over 1900 years is very important.

For those not Keeping His Commands, it seems impossible for them to grasp the truth.

For those that have fallen away, sadly the end cannot come unless this happens and it has.

A barf bag may be necessary after  viewing this.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Is It Wise For Foreign COG Members To Invest In U.S. Properties Before It's Soon Coming Destruction?

Craig White, a long time proponent of British Israelism, and author of hundreds of posts, articles and letters concerning the soon coming destruction of the United States by invading German hoards, is looking to invest in the U.S.

In many of his travels to this country he loves to write how he feels this country is degenerate and depressed and sinking into a moral cesspool.  It's a nation of uncouth slobs who deliberately have turned their back on God and deserve what ever punishments God is getting ready spank us with.  Disease, famine, nuclear blasts, invading Germans who will slaughter most citizens while talking the young women and boys to be slaves in Europe, and much, more.

With all this doom and gloom ready to hit this country within the next 10 years or so, you have to wonder why Craig wants to get in on the action here.

He writes

Purchasing property in the USA - advice requested


For some time I have wanted to purchase property in the USA (went to seminars etc) and have been mulling over this the past few weeks - I feel that now is the time to buy. I really need to add to my portfolio of properties. So, I am wondering if you have any contacts (inc real estate agents) in the USA who could assist in this regard.

I can go through the various companies operating around the world offering their services but really need someone over there who knows the areas that the properties are located in. I don't want to buy a dud! of course, I shall fly over and inspect the property(ies) prior to purchase but need to know beforehand what the areas are like to narrow down my choice.

Please let me know asap if you have any contacts.



Sunday, October 21, 2012

Bob Thiel on Judging Others

Dr. Bob Thiel, the "unofficial" Official Spokesman for the Living Church of God, world renown author on prophecy, Catholicism and Mayan gibberish, is all a twitter today about Pope Benedict XVI wanting good conservative Catholics to turn more to Mary.  Bob is upset that they are turning to Mary and not Jesus Christ.

Bob writes:

Today, after declaring 7 others ‘saints,’ the Roman Pontiff Benedict XVI, Bishop of Rome Benedict XVI said following:
…let us turn to her who is the Queen of all the Saints, the Virgin Mary, thinking of Lourdes, stricken by a grave overflowing of the Gave, which has also flooded the grotto of the apparitions of Our Lady. Today we would especially like to entrust missionaries to the maternal intercession of the Virgin Mary – priests and laity, who sow the good seed of the Gospel in every part of the world. We also pray for the Synod of Bishops, which, over the course of these weeks, is confronting the challenge of the new evangelization for the transmission of the Christian faith.

I find it hilarious that Bob is mocking the Catholics for giving Mary more air time than Jesus Christ, while he and the Living Church of God only pay Jesus Christ lip service. Most of the Church of God's are in the same boat.  They can talk about Father God 99% of the time but can't even say the name Jesus without adding Christ to it.  Entire sermons are preached in Armstrongism with the name Jesus never mentioned.  There will be 500 scripture references on law keeping but nothing about Jesus or grace.

Bob writes:

Mary is not one to pray to or to entrust oneself to–including Catholics, Hindus, etc.

Jesus is.  And this is something that the Pontiff knows, but did not seem to mention today.

It's also something that Rod Meredith knows, Flurry, Pack, Malm, and all the rest of them.  You never hear them talking about Jesus Christ except when he will be retuning with guns blazing to destroy the wicked.  Armstrongism gets off on that.  The only time COG members hear Jesus discussed the most is at Passover when they beat him to death year after year with the amplified breaking of matzo's.  Then when the service is over they have basically left Jesus Christ hanging on the  cross stake, in the grave, or still in the high school gym till next year. 

The only time you hear Jesus Christ is even mentioned in Armstrongism is in the last 5 minutes of an hour and half sermon on the law, or in the last couple of paragraphs of an article.

Before Bob throws any more stones at the Catholic Church he had better open his eyes to his own church and how it ignores Jesus Christ too.

Why Would Anyone Want to be Part of the COG Millennium?

Preaching the Gospel (COG) has an entry up about the great white throne judgment and the Church of God's part in it.  This guy is a little more gentle in the roll he thinks church members will play.  This is in sharp contrast to the other spiritual deviates out there in COGland  who are looking with relish at the thought of ruling with rods of iron and whipping people into submission.  However, the things he claims COG members will be doing in the millennium is in sharp contrast in how they do these things today.

The billions who will come up in the white throne judgement will need to be fed, clothed, and housed. They will need a multitude of supplies and equipment. There may even be more people raised up than the earth can feed with the farming produce that is produced during the white throne judgement period.

Growing needed food, manufacturing the clothing and other needed items, and building the housing that will be needed can be the work of the people during the millennium, and by so laboring, they will be learning the give way of life, not just by our instruction, but by putting the lesson into action.

It's interesting how they claim to want to help feed, cloth and house people in their "millennium" yet won't lift a finger in this present age to help the hungry, homeless and the downtrodden.

God has given the Church a great work of love that goes beyond the Church itself - a labor of love of warning Israel about the tribulation to come if they do not repent of their sins and of preaching the gospel to the world as a witness. 

A "work" of "love?"  LOVE?????  Really??????  When so many of the splinter groups rage and spit about the Germans, Chinese, Holy Roman Empire, concentration camps, being sold as sex slaves and being hung up on meat hooks, just WHERE is the love in that?  Trying to scare people shitless is NOT showing love.  Armstrongism's love is totally directed inwards instead of outwards.  Jesus love and concern was directed outwards and upwards, drawing in the rejects of society, while the ministers, evangelists and splinter group leaders of that time were left outside either pissed or wanting in.

Likewise, in the millennium, we will preach to the people of the world the way of love and of give, but also, they will learn that way of life by putting it into practice - by contributing to the buildup of food, clothing, supplies, and physical needs of the billions who will come up in the white throne judgement. They will all be poor - there is no indication their possessions will be resurrected with them, just their bodies (Ezekiel chapter 37).

Does anyone in the world want the "love" that most all of the splinter groups exhibit in 2012?  We have seen that love in action with hundreds of splinter groups formed by angry men who wanted to form their own empire because they, and they alone were right.  Other than Victor Kubik and GCI, none of the larger splinter groups do anything for those around them in the world. They do not care for the hungry, the poor, the homeless, or the stranger at their gates.  If they can't and won't do it now they certainly will not do it in the future.

But the giving will not necessarily all be by compulsion as it was when Joseph ruled Egypt. Rather, we will teach the people to give willingly of their time, labor, and material possessions as their are able, and they will know that by contributing they are helping those who will come up in the white throne judgement, who will need all these things. 

True leaders set the example.  If these people really think they are going to teach people to "...willingly give of their time, labor, and material possessions..." then they need to be setting the example today in the 21st century!  To do otherwise is to do nothing more than blow hot air.

We will be able to teach the people this way of life because that is the way we are learning ourselves when we give to the work of preaching the gospel to the world. We are not just helping our own Church of God group. We are extending ourselves outside of the group we are part of to serve the world - the millions we don't even personally know, people who are sinners and have not yet repented. Yet, just as God loved the world, which was sinning against Him, enough to sacrifice His Son for the world, likewise we are to love the world and give them what they need to repent, that is, the truth.

What a load of bullshit!  What are they learning NOW? Their focus in this day and age is inwards.  They care ONLY for their respective Church of God community.  There is no cooperation between COG's, there is no extending themselves to care for those around them, there is no concern for neighbors, etc.  As for those who have not "repented yet" if you are really a follower of Jesus (who was not mentioned in there article except for one word "son") then you would realize that at that point in time those sins are 100% forgiven.

So just as God has us learn the give way of live by giving to the work of preaching the gospel to the world and the Ezekiel warning to Israel, so also we will teach the people in the millennium the give way of life by leading them and teaching them to contribute what they are able to the physical preparations for the white throne judgement, cheerfully and with a willing heart.

Right now, in this day and age, the "give way" that the Churches of God claim to proclaim is totally worthless and hypocritical.  Most COG's today are all about stealing members from other groups, claiming exclusive leadership that they think are Apostles, claiming right doctrine over all the other groups, damning others for so called "sabbath breaking," etc., etc., etc.

They cannot wake up to the fact that none of them have anything to offer any more.  Look at the hundreds of thousands who have left Armstrongism over the years.  Look at the 700+ splinter groups that are more divided today than Christianity is.  Sadly, their kingdom, their millennium, their world tomorrow, leaves us and the rest of humanity with a bitter taste in our mouths.  Why would we ever want to be part of that again?