Wednesday, February 13, 2013

New Video: Phoney Preachers Exposed

Prophet Thiel: State of the Union Failing Because of Gays. U.S. Should Kill Them and Then Repent

False prophet Bob Thiel felt he had to weigh in on President Obama's State of the Union address last night.  In typical COG fashion, the prophet blamed the economic issues today on those pesky gays.

So, despite talking about deficit reduction, the reality is that the US government debt, according to the above report, went up $5,860,000,000,000.  And this does not count the trillions that the Federal Reserve more or less created in its “quantitative easing” and other programs.  These two realities, combined, are showing the world that at some point in time, unless there is a major change in the economy of the USA (which could come from energy development, new technology, etc.–it is growing the economy, and not the government which is what can lead to significant economic growth) that the US dollar will collapse.

The Bible shows that it is sin that is the real driver for debt:
15 “But it shall come to pass, if you do not obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments and His statutes which I command you today, that all these curses will come upon you and overtake you:
16 “Cursed shall you be in the city, and cursed shall you be in the country…43 “The alien who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you, and you shall come down lower and lower. 44 He shall lend to you, but you shall not lend to him; he shall be the head, and you shall be the tail.   45 “Moreover all these curses shall come upon you and pursue and overtake you, until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the voice of the Lord your God, to keep His commandments and His statutes which He commanded you.  (Deuteronomy 28:15-16, 43-46)
 The false prophet continues:

The movement to expand homosexual issues in the USA mainly keeps going forward, despite biblical injunctions that are opposed to it:
The false prophet then advocates for the death of all who are gay and those who befriend them:

...those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them. (Romans 1:18-32)
God's greatest end time prophet should move to Wichita and move in with the Fred Phelps clan.  He would fit right in.

What false prophet Thiel is all ticked off at is the gay marriage thing.  I know one gay couple locally who have adopted three children with serious health issues, including MS.  No Christian straight couples cared enough or wanted to adopt them. Two of the kids are in wheel chairs and have had multiple operations to keep them alive.  The third has had multiple surgeries on his spine and legs to allow him to walk for a few years before he too will be confined to a wheel chair. This boy also has a colostomy and knows how to take care of cleaning and changing it. They are the happiest kids you could ever meet. Always smiling and whipping around in their wheel chairs like they are running.

So is false prophet Thiel’s god just itching to throw these two guys into the lake of fire?  Apparently so.

Oh, I forgot to add...these two guys are devout Christians.  Have brought their kids to church every single week.  The kids know about God and have an understanding about Jesus that puts the viewpoints of healthy Christians to shame.  Yet false prophet Thiel wants to see these kids fathers killed because they are not REAL Christians.  The only REAL Christians now seem to be in the Continuing Church of God.

Then false prophet Thiel declares what the problem is and the solution that he has laid out in his book:

Scripture shows that is dangerous.

Hence, the State of the Union is not good.  The USA needs national repentance and I saw no call for that in last night’s speech by the US President nor the Republican rebuttal by US Senator Marco Rubio.
Hence, the State of the Union is not good.  The USA needs national repentance and I saw no call for that in last night’s speech by the US President nor the Republican rebuttal by US Senator Marco Rubio.
In terms of economic direction, the following is from my book Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Edition for Second Obama Term:
Barack Obama was influenced by various people with Muslim, Marxist, and anti-colonialist backgrounds in his youth and some have suggested that this affects his current decisions.  In the 2007 edition of his book, originally published in 1995, Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, Barack Obama makes what seems to be anti-colonial statements and even claims that he sought out “Marxist professors” in college.  Influences in his youth did affect his writings, and perhaps his later readings…
Interestingly, the Russian newspaper Pravda stated, “Barack Obama…is a Communist without question promoting the Communist Manifesto without calling it so.”  (Thiel B.   Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States-Second Edition for Second Obama Term.  Nazarene Books, 2013, p. 13)
The State of the Union is not good.  People need to turn to Jesus and His Kingdom.
Did false prophet Thiel actually say "Jesus" without adding Christ to it??????  Shocker!  Though the question now needs to be asked.  Which "Jesus" is false prophet Thiel talking about?  The COG "Jesus" sitting in heaven so incredibly pissed that God has to hold him back with his right arm preventing him from coming to earth to destroy humanity? Or was it the Jesus who ate with whores, fags, tax collectors and other "unworthy" people?  Who healed the companion of the Centurion, who forgave the thief on the cross without ever requiring a reading of the Mystery of the Ages or not eating a ham sandwich and who said the "least of these will enter the kingdom before the haughty and proud?

I know which one I would rather follow and it certainly is not the thing that false prophet Thiel claims to follow.

Satan (Jupiter) Caused Lightening That Hit St Peter's In Rome

Geoff Neilson, the epic failure in prophecy has posted another prophecy that will NOT come true.  This one is tied into the Pope's upcoming resignation.  Satan is highly disturbed right now and is eager to get his new final Pope in place.  To show the world who really is in charge, Satan caused the lightening that hit St Peter's in Rome on the day the Pope declared he was resigning.

Geoff has determined this is now the end time timeline:

Confirmation Satan (Jupiter) seems to be behind lightning that struck Vatican after Pope resigned (USA Today) 

Jupiter--symbolizing Satan as the largest planet (Greek=wandering star),
was the chief god of the ancient pagan Babylonians, and Romans, 
who destroyed the first two Temples of God in Jerusalem.

The Greeks (who called him Zeus), had the greatest of the 7 Wonders
of the Ancient World--the Temple of Jupiter with its enormous image of this god. 
Whose face became the image the world adores as that of Jesus,
according to at least two of Britain's leading experts.

In that context, and because of the fact that the Worldwide Church of God
began to disintergrate shortly after the unusual
War in Heaven against Jupiter in 1994,
and the subsequent first indecent 'lawless New Covenant'
proposal to the betrothed Bride of Christ, 163 days later,
the following article is interesting.

And seems to suggest Satan is signaling his hand in the resignation of Pope Benedict
--and the election of the next Pope.  The favorite of the experts for next Pope
 is the black Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana.

E. W. King On The Fourth Beast Who Will Declare True Christians Crazy And Put The On Medication

This must be the day of the Beasts.  First Rod Meredith was found railing against it, now the prophet King does too.  Big, bad, meanie Beast!

This coming political organization will be seen as the World Power. It promises “false peace” [Daniel 8:25]. Revelation 13 says of this system; “And they [the deceived people] worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshiped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” [Revelation 13:4] This “beast” [government] is connected to a religious power! This religious power is depicted as the “woman” who “rides the beast”. She is the false “bride”. Christ’s church is the TRUE BRIDE! The false bride is a religious “harlot”, she mixes truth with error.
This mean nasty Beast is unlike the one Rod Meredith and HWA bought into.  Forget the mark of the Beast that will require work on the Sabbath.  Prophet King's Beast is going to be a psychologist and work psychologically to reinterpret faith and belief.

What the final anti-Christ power will begin to do is “re-educate” the masses to see things “psychologically” instead of religiously. Watch how this new government “order” in America begins to educate the masses regarding psychological language, terms and titles. God’s moral law will be ignored and the fallen world will try and replace it with the new religion of fallen Human thinking.

Apparently "true" Christians will rebel against this psychology which will cause the big meanie Beast to put them on "medication" to make them more compliant with the new Beast's psychology.
True Christians are witnessing a “new law”. This law will be defined by human psychology. In other words, humans will use their human knowledge, claiming self authority based on human certificates and “scholarly” knowledge, to redefine God’s moral standard. If you do not agree with their new “drug program” or agree with their ‘counselors’ you will be considered ‘trouble’. The first thing they will wish to do is place you on some sort of “medication”.
The new Beast power will then use this psychology to determine that "true" Christians are "crazy."  When the Beast can say people are crazy then it will be easier to put them into concentration camps.
The powerful fallen government is creating a “new matrix” of thinking. They will continue to redefine religion…especially Christianity. They will replace true religion with mere human thinking and try and control the masses through human psychology. They will begin to introduce the language of their psychology through public schools and other sources. They want you to learn their “new terminology”….their new religion. This involves the fallen government defining our vocabulary. They want to control experience and human interpretation of all things. The government wants authority to determine who is “crazy” and who isn’t.
I don't think any Beast power needs to search really hard to determine that some COGites really ARE crazy and probably do need some sort of medication.