Saturday, February 16, 2013

E.W.King: Pope Getting Out of Dodge While the Getting Is Good

There is more to the story about Pope Benedict resigning from his ministry than meets the eye.  It's far more ominous than old age and frailty kicking it.  It's even worse than the concerns about his head injury after his fall recently.  It's far worse!  Yes, far far worse, at least when looked at through the lens of Armstrongite mythology.  Even Kings god was ticked off and had to show his displeasure by sending a lightening bolt down to hit a lightening rod.

False prophet E.W. King says that the Pope is getting out of the Vatican because he knows the shit is about to hit the fan with the end times.

It is said that shortly after the Pope informed everybody that he would be "stepping down" from his position as pope [2013 AD], lightening struck the Vatican. Wow! God is very upset at false religion. Why is the current pope stepping down? Because he knows what is coming!

The Vatican knows that the Great Tribulation is right around the conrer. They [Roman Catholics] have been ignoring this reality...but they cannot! Even the entire world cannot deny the fact that this world is going 'down hill' extremely fast. The Signs of the Times are here!

E. W. King: I Dreamed About The Meteor Several Months Ago!

E.W.King, another in a long long of false prophets of Armstrongism, is trumpeting the claim he has accurately predicted the meteor in Russia.  Like Thiel, he says more are to come!  Woo!

Just this month, on February 8th 2013, I posted an article regarding “signs in the heavens”. In 2010 and in 2011 I predicted that we would begin to see strange objects and rare objects flying in space past this planet. On April 10th 2012 I stated in a COGSR article:

“The Bible warns about objects falling out of the sky and many other strange events yet to come.”
This event is also very close to what happened in a recent dream I had which was posted in this months COGSR New Letter. Part of that dream is published as such:

"Shortly thereafter, people started entering the streets and I started walking down the street. Then all of a sudden other streams started to appear across the sky. The people began to panic. Then like huge balls of light these meteorites, or whatever they were, began to streak across the streets destroying everything in their paths. The speed, size, and brightness were astounding. They made extremely loud noise. I noticed that they seemed to travel almost level with the ground for long distances, plowing through trees, buildings, and homes and unfortunately…people."