Friday, March 22, 2013

Thiel: Let Them Die of Cholera, Jesus Will Fix It Later

A few days ago the non-ordained self-appointed prophet Thiel posted an entry on his blog proclaiming that his mini-personality cult is a church of LOVE.

The self-appointed prophet stated:

Jesus also taught:
35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. (John 13:35)
Most religions, however, that profess Christ chose to allow warfare and other activities that do not show love to one’s neighbor...

Love, not war, is what life is supposed to be all about.
That love though only extends as far as Thiel's  video den.  He only loves those sitting in his room and who are part of his personality cult.  That love certainly does NOT extend to his neighbor or the stranger down the street and especially to the stranger in a foreign land.

Today he has another entry up about today being  UN World Water Day.  The prophet states:

March 22, 2013 has been designated as “Global Water Day” by the United Nations.  Its emphasis this year has to do with  a particular aspect of sanitation, but it also wants people to realize the difficulties many face simply to get safe water:
He then quotes info about how people in third world countries have to trek long distances for water in sometimes hostile areas.  Thiel also quotes information about the need for good sanitation to prevent diseases like cholera.

The prophet launches into his biblical interpretation of what he deems necessary:

Without mentioning here what the Bible teaches about weather and rain,  a point about sanitation should be considered now.  Notice the following:
12 “Also you shall have a place outside the camp, where you may go out; 13 and you shall have an implement among your equipment, and when you sit down outside, you shall dig with it and turn and cover your refuse. 14 For the Lord your God walks in the midst of your camp, to deliver you and give your enemies over to you; therefore your camp shall be holy, that He may see no unclean thing among you, and turn away from you.  (Deuteronomy 23:12-14)

And then adds his interpretation to the above:

So, the Bible teaches that there should be places designated for defecation and that human feces should be covered and not seen.  This was written over three thousand years ago and still would improve human health today if places that do not heed this would now do so.

While obviously it would be helpful to have toilets in private locations, as far as the water-borne diseases like cholera, dysentery, and diarrhea that accompany poor elimination habits, if the biblical injunction to cover human feces was followed, the incidents of those diseases would be reduced.

The laws of God work and will be implemented around the world when Jesus returns and sets up His kingdom.  But until then, there are even more troubles and sorrows expected.

Notice he says, "While obviously it would be helpful to have clean toilets in private locations..."  Obviously the prophet also does not care enough to help with that idea, unlike the thousands of REAL Christians in relief organizations who do.

All the non-ordained prophet will do is say,  "Jesus will fix it when he gets back, but until then more sorrows are to be expected."  How about getting off your lazy self-serving ass and do something profitable in the meantime?  How about contributing to the organizations that help these people?  As much as I pick on UCG, at least there are people in the church who have the concern to actually reach out and make a difference, unlike YOU.  Throwing Bible verses at people as a weapon accomplishes nothing other than making you look like a fool.  If your Kingdom of God is such a special place then why not make that kingdom tangible for the hurting today?  You bring shame upon the Churches of God.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

UCG Asks: Do Vampires and Zombies Desensitize us to the Passover Symbols?

Only in Armstrongism can something this appalling and hilarious be written.  Who would have ever dreamed zombies and vampires would be used to discuss Passover.  I never cease to be amazed!

Do Vampires and Zombies Desensitize us to the Passover Symbols?

Have you ever been desensitized to something?  I know I have. It isn't always a bad thing and can relieve a certain level of stress. However, it isn't always a good thing either. Over the years there have been many discussions in the media about the desensitizing of our children due to increasing levels of violence in certain video games.

What about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ on our behalf? Could we become desensitized to the miracles involved and what they mean for us today? Some of the most popular books, movies, and other entrainment of today focus on zombies and vampires. Think about it for a minute. The resurrection of the dead is a miracle that can only be performed through the will of God. It is the same miracle that allowed our Savior to set up in His tomb and to fold his burial clothes. Yet this miracle plays out as an everyday occurrence in movies and books that focus on zombies. The "undead" as they are called are not shown in a positive way, having been given life again due to a great miracle, but they are shown as a representation of walking death.

Jesus Christ died and shed His blood for our sins. As a symbol of his death and our forgiveness of sin, during the Passover service we drink a small amount of red wine which represents his blood. However, the entertainment industry has made the drinking of blood an everyday occurrence, one that has more to do with death and violence than it does with the forgiveness of sins and life. Does the symbolism get lost in today's popularity of vampires?
There is footnote to the site that UCG does not necessarily monitor postings to the blog.  Apparently not!

Read the entire post here before it is deleted.

At least the author can say the word Jesus and isn't afraid to watch zombie and vampire movies.  I imagine non-ordained Thiel will soon lay down the law to his acolytes that zombies and vampires are NOT permitted in the TRUE Church of God.