Friday, April 19, 2013

Bob Thiel, the Non-Ordained Self-Appointed Prophet's Corporate Sole "Church" Status

The non-ordained self-appointed false prophet Thiel recently got pissed off at the Living Church of God and formed his own splinter personality group.  He formed a "corporation sole" just like Herb did in Tuscon where he tried to usurp the California Attorney General.

What Thiel did by doing this was to set himself up UNDER the State of California.  The State of California ultimately rules everything in his cult.

In America, incorporation is completely voluntary. Furthermore, as we've already mentioned, it used to be almost impossible to incorporate a church, based upon the fact that no church can be free and independent of that government that incorporates it. 

Yet churches today incorporate routinely, a decision which they make with about as much care and consideration as what brand of tissue paper to use in their lavatories; this in spite of the fact that there are huge legal and theological ramifications to any church seeking incorporation.

In point of fact, there is a great deal that your attorney is not likely to disclose, in the way of the various legal attributes of the corporation, that you might not find so attractive. In the landmark case of Hale vs. Henkel, the U.S. Supreme Court stated the following regarding corporations:
Upon the other hand, the corporation is a creature of the State. It is presumed to be incorporated for the benefit of the public. It receives certain special privileges and franchises, and holds them subject to the laws of the State and the limitations of its charter. Its powers are limited by law. It can make no contract not authorized by its charter. Its rights to act as a corporation are only preserved to it so long as it obeys the laws of its creation.
Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43 at 74 (1906)
From this case we learn that:
  • A corporation is “a creature of the State.”
  • The State is "sovereign" over the corporation.
  • The corporation is “incorporated for the benefit of the public.”
  • A corporation is a State “franchise.”
  • Incorporation is a State “privilege.”
  • A corporation is “subject to the laws of the State.”
  • “Its powers are limited by law.”
  • It must “obey the laws of its creation.”
  • A corporation has no constitutionally-protected rights.

Many cults in California set themselves up as corporation sole's assuming that they will have some of these benefits.  These are the urban legends that surround corporation soles:

Of the dozens of internet sites now promoting the corporation sole, most have only popped up in just the last few years.
Some of the benefits and legal attributes being touted about the corporation sole, and what it can allegedly do for you, include:
  • Tax immunity
    • Automatically qualifies as tax-exempt under IRS code section 508c1A
    • Automatically tax exempt without having to obtain 501c3 status
    • No business income taxes
    • No personal income taxes
    • No capital gains taxes
    • No property taxes
    • No excise taxes
  • Asset protection
    • Judgement-proof
    • No liens
    • No levies
    • No garnishments
    • No seizures
  • Personal sovereignty
  • Freedom from government meddling and oversight
  • Privacy

  • Operates under the legal protection of a church
  • Has the same legal status as an ecclesiastical or religious society
  • Protected by the U.S. Constitution with guaranteed First Amendment rights
  • Is not "incorporated"
  • Is not government "registered"
  • No government reporting
  • Is not regulated by State statute
  • Is governed by canon (ecclesiastical) law and not civil (secular) law
  • Is governed exclusively by its own bylaws
  • Not under IRS jurisdiction
  • Not under State jurisdiction
  • Not under court jurisdiction

  • The non-ordained self-appointed prophet Thiel had better be careful if he pays his wife or kids to do "work" in his cult.  He has some major liability issues if he does may his family money from the cult finances.  Ron Weinland is in prison for abusing that principle.

    Myth: A corporation sole can make "charible donations" and engage in other acts of "benevolence." Therefore, it can pay your children's tuition, donate a new wardrobe to you and your wife [and while you're at it, why not a new Rolex?], contribute your family groceries, pay your mortgage, utilities, etc.

    If corporation sole officers pay out money to themselves, or their relatives or friends, or write checks to pay personal bills, that cannot be construed as a "charitable contribution." Such payments aren't "charitable donations" because they fail to comport with the legal criteria of a "charitable purpose." Furthermore, such a "donation" clearly violates the legal requirements for being and maintaining a tax exempt status, under both IRC 501c3 and 508c1A:
       " part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private    shareholder or individual."

    The IRS terms such "donation" arrangements "abusive." Making "donations" to your own family and claiming that it's an act of "charity" is nothing less than tax fraud, for which the IRS has a nasty habit of prosecuting.
     The non-ordained self-appointed prophet has set himself up to be told what to do and what to say what the State tells him to do.  This is the very thing that he claims Living Church of God is cowering in South Carolina over.  Thiel claims that LCG is not speaking up forcefully against gays, abortion and other things he deems  issues today.  Thiel claims LCG has wimped out and is scared of the State.  Yet, by incorporating as he has, Thiel is in the exact same boat.  The State can tell him what he is allowed to say and what he cannot.  It should then come as no surprise when we see Thiel throttled down for his asinine prophetic utterances that he will immediately claim persecution.

    Apparently having hands laid upon him twice did not have any common sense come along with it.  Either that or someone jiggled God's hands when he was tying to pour in the "double portion" of knowledge into Thiel's head.

    Hands have twice been properly laid upon me for the Holy Spirit: the first was upon baptism. And the second time was on 12/15/11 for a "double-portion" of the Holy Spirit by a duly ordained minister in the Living Church of God, who anointed me with oil and laid hands upon me. Responding to that, I try to do what it seems God wants (1 Timothy 4:14-16; Jude 3).

    This "double-portion" (2 Kings 2:9-13) anointing was God's anointing (the minister has not intended to pray for that prior) for my prophetic and evangelical role (1 Timothy 4:14-16; 2 Timothy 1:6; Hebrews 6:2; 1 Corinthians 12:28; see also How To Determine If Someone is a True Prophet of God). Contrary to certain myths some wish to perpetuate, I am not self-anointed.

    E. W. King: I Predicted An Explosion! Aren't I Amazing!!!!! Oh, And The Great Tribulation Is Fast Approaching!

    E.W. is back again from his mountaintop.  I think the guy may be suffering from altitude sickness because he sure has been coming up with some winners lately.

    Today he is bragging about how he accurately predicted that there would be an explosion some place and some time in the U.S.

    Mr. E.W.King gave warnings about the current terrorist attacks!
    In my first COGSR Study Guide that I wrote last year [“Identifying the True Church”] I stated the following warning:
    “Exposed hypocrisy on all levels and in all parties. Lack of trust, fear, anger stirring in the masses. Pressure will create an explosion…big explosion.” [COGSR Vol. 1 p.48]
    And in COGSR Study Guide Two I gave this warning;
    “Of course we must never underestimate the acts of Terrorism. We will see many more unfortunate and terrible acts. Egypt will play a key role along with the surprising fact that Russia and China are, in some ways, teaming up against America and Briton.” [COGSR Vol. 2 p.74]
    COGSR continues to help awaken America to the “signs of the times”. True Christians are saddened by the recent terrorist attacks in Boston [2013] and we pray for all involved but we are not surprised at the evil. We are soon to enter the Great Tribulation.
    In COGSR Vol. 2 p.79 I made this startling prediction;
    “Muslims worldwide will come under a new organization. This will give them more authority. This new organization will start with an American Muslim group.”

    What is with all these buffoons in charge of the various splinter cults calling themselves "Mr." all the time?

    Thursday, April 18, 2013

    Will Rod Meredith Ever Use The Denver Airport Again?

    Have you ever flown into the Denver Airport?  Did you know that it is one gigantic penis?  According to this false prophet the Denver Airport is filled with all kinds of phallic symbols.

    This guy has been promoted in various COG groups over the years.  If you thought Armstrongite false prophets were crazy, this guy puts them all to shame.

    This kind of stupidity reminds me of the fool that claimed the Ambassador Auditorium pillars were giant penises.  I remember GTA standing on the stage making fun of the guy.  GTA said anyone that thought that kinds of silliness would also get turned on by piano legs.
    It has always amazed at how focused Armstrongism has been on sex over the decades.

    Meredith Says Boston Terrorist Attack Was Our Fault

    In the typical COG fashion, Rod Meredith has not let a crisis go by unused. Apparently killing little children and blowing the legs of countless people is what this country deserves.  Its no wonder that so many look at Armstrongism now as one sick aberration.

    From his latest "love letter" to his membership:

    ................For the world needs what we have to give, and each one of us should be inspired to do our part in the most momentous time in human history. May God help you to sincerely try to give your life in His service and to be worthy to play your part in the coming Kingdom of God to be set up on this earth under Jesus Christ as King of kings.

    With Christian love,
    Roderick C. Meredith

    P.S. My friends, just as I was finishing writing this letter, news came of the terrible attack at the Boston Marathon. So far, we know that at least three people were killed and over 175 were seriously injured. It was obviously a terrorist attack—involving either homegrown or international terrorism. But the lesson we need to think about here is that we have warned you again and again that—unless America and the British-descended peoples turn to the God of the Bible, He will severely punish our peoples for our own good. Almighty God warned our forefathers—as I have cited many times—“But if you do not obey Me, and do not observe all these commandments, and if you despise My statutes, or if your soul abhors My judgments, so that you do not perform all My commandments, but break My covenant, I also will do this to you: I will even appoint terror over you, wasting disease and fever which shall consume the eyes and cause sorrow of heart. And you shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it” (Leviticus 26:14-16). The Hebrew word “terror” can well be translated “terrorism”! And the wasting diseases such as AIDS, cancer and related diseases are certainly beginning to strike down our people with increasing frequency. Yet we have not repented! The God of the Bible seems “far off” to most people. But He will get their attention as these various attacks and calamities will come upon us with increasing frequency unless we begin to realize why things are all “going wrong” for the United States and the British-descended peoples—the peoples who were given the opportunity to send out more Bibles, more missionaries and medical workers than any peoples on earth. We have had much of the knowledge of God. But we have now forsaken our Creator by our actions and our “lawless” acts even in condoning “same-sex marriage”! We are showing Almighty God personally and officially how we “despise” His statutes and His Ten Commandments. May God help us to wake up and realize why these disasters are happening and turn back to the God of the Bible!

    Why does every single letter he writes have to involve sex and gays?