Tuesday, May 21, 2013

E W King Dreams About A Plane Crash

Just when you think King can't get any loopier:

Airplane crash and book from the sky!

This week I had a dream. In this dream I was driving down a mountain road that I am familiar with. my mother was with me. A voice came through the car radio informing about a plane being blown up.

We looked out the window and saw a plane falling apart. We stopped the car and saw parts of the plane falling all around us. I decided to get a piece that was like a small faucet pipe.

As I was looking around others drove up and started collecting parts of the plane. I saw on the ground a small book. I picked up the book and opened it. It had one page testimonies hand written from different people. The one I read stated something like: “We will be okay. God is still coming.”

That was all.

Gerald Flurry: Will He Set The Example For Other COG's By Stepping Forward To Assist Tornado Victims?

When this latest batch of tornadoes started hitting this past weekend, Edmond Oklahoma was the first city to be damaged.  Edmond, Oklahoma is also the home base for the Gerald Flurry cult compound.

I don't know if they received any damage to the cult compound or not.  I am sure we will soon see miraculous stories on how the compound was preserved by God from being damaged and that all PCG members homes and properties escaped unscathed.

This is also a time for Gerald Flurry to take his money and do something useful and contribute to disaster relief in his area.  Will he do this?  Don't count on it.  Flurry, like Thiel, Meredith and Pack look at these natural weather events as punishment from God for evil sins.

While their own churches are cesspools of sin, they throw the first volley of stones at their neighbors and damn them to the Lake of Fire for being such evil sinners.   As much as they all hate Tkach Sr., at least he had the balls to contribute money to disaster relief.  If the Kingdom of  God is supposed to be such a wonderful place, why not bring that forth in a hurting world around you right now as a foretaste?  The problem is, they cant.  Their kingdom of god is reserved for the elect and since they are the elect they cannot share it with the unconverted because  the world is nothing more than vile sinning pigs deserving of death and destruction.

Who needs or desires their kingdom!?

Bob Thiel, Gerald Flurry, Dave Pack, Rod Meredith and the 'god' of Armstrongism Says They Deserved It Because They Are Sinners

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