Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Why Do So Many Sabbatarians Hate Scientific Inquiry?

Here is a little blurb from the Seventh Day Adventists.  It seems that just like Armstrongism, they cannot wrap its head around alternative views and scientific data when it come to bible stories.

It is either you believe and teach a literal 6,000 year old earth or you are out the door.  Obviously critical thinking is not a well used tool at the "university."

La Sierra, a Seventh-day Adventist university, has teachers who do not believe in a young earth. This upsets the General Conference so much that the teachers who believe in an old earth are to be fired.

James Malm Wants You Know How To Qualify For A Job In His Kingdom

PERSONAL:  Before I continue with today’s post on Proverbs I wanted to tell a personal story which illustrates some of the focus of Proverbs, much other scripture and the problem in the COG Groups today.

Many years ago my wife and I applied for a job managing a government building.  We were well qualified and immediately had a good rapport with the interviewer, being able to answer all their questions correctly and amicably.  We did not get the job!

We had wanted this particular job and were disappointed, however by analyzing the interview we learned an important lesson.  This may help those out job hunting and as we are hopefully all seeking a “job” in the Kingdom of God, it should help us in understanding the kind of kings and priests that Jesus Christ wants working for him. 

At one point in the interview we were asked what we would do in a particular situation.  Eager to show off my knowledge and impress them, I said that we would do this and this and this. My answer was CORRECT but it was THE WRONG ANSWER!

The answer being sought was:  “I would follow your policy on the matter”!

These folks would be paying someone to manage a huge building and they had a right to have their decades  long established policies learned and followed!

THINK!  How much more do the Father and Christ have the right to KNOW that their policies of countless millennia, are being followed by candidates for a “job” assisting them and affecting the lives of millions?

If you want to rule, you must learn to live an example of true godliness; and to teach and rule in a godly manner; or we will not get the “job”.

Flurry Cult: God Has Protected His Earthly Sanctuary From The Tornado

The above screen capture is of a comment a reader here posted on PCG's site the other day.  She was responding to a comment by a PCG member claiming that their god had protected his earthly sanctuary in Edmond Oklahoma on the PCG compound.

As if God is actually coming down to Edmond for a cup of tea every once in a while.  The "earthly sanctuary" belief is just as stupid as claiming the Ambassador Auditorium was "Gods House."

I had the nerve to write to PCG.  They had a whole big article on their site.  They mention their booklets, how they missed out on the tornado and how bad they feel.  See attached photo of my comment.  Its under moderation.  I’m Michelle Ruscansky, a critical thinker.  Other comments published right away.
Publish if you like.  We all need to start holding their feet to the fire, and have them put their money where their mouth is.