Saturday, June 15, 2013

Pack's Restored Church of God's Hatred of Philadelphia Church of God

Those crazy folk at Restored Church of God, under the tutelage of the worlds greatest man, have an intense dislike for Gerald Flurry, and most other COG's.  How they expect those in the splinter groups to come join them when they exhibit this kind of stupidity is beyond comprehension.  No one will be running to them in a few months.

Sent to me tonight by a reader.  She found it on Facebook.

It's surprising that each harlot daughter of Armstrongism has to set up a doctrinal committee to study doctrine and church beliefs. The various splinter groups love to mock mainstream Christianity because of its varying beliefs , yet they do the exact same thing. When I was with RCG, the minister of the congregation I was in ,scolded me sometime ago when he saw me reading ''Mystery of the ages'', '' The incredible human potential'' and 'The missing dimension'. He knew I obtained these books from Philadelphia so he was very angry with me since he disliked Gerald Flurry claiming he was a false prophet . They claim God's church is one, yet they are at loggerheads with each other. David C. Pack often criticizes Gerald Flurry, Roderick C. Meredith and the UCG ministers calling them Laodiceans. Somewhere in April 2010 , I was having lunch with Melvin Rhodes and other UCG members and Rhodes said he disagrees with Armstrong concerning Birthdays, make-up and birth control but has agreed with his other teachings. Thank you LORD JESUS for taking me out of this CHAOS.

HWA The Worlds Best Father

Mr. Armstrong's teachings on how to be a good father were Spot On!

HWA worship never fails to deliver.....................

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