Monday, July 8, 2013

Pigs In The Pulpit: One Family's Escape From Years of Cult-like Mind Control and Spiritual Abuse

I ran this story many, many months ago.  In light of the recent mental melt down of Dave Pack and Bob Thiel it is even more appropriate today, particularly with Dave Pack.  These men are about to cause serious damage to their members.

While we all find it intriguing to watch the mental breakdown of Pack, Flurry and Thiel over the last several months, this trend is not unique to these guys or with Armstrongism itself.  When legalism is the method of operation in a church it opens wide door for abuse to occur.

We notice it so much in Armstrongism because we have all lived through it.  However, it goes on in other churches as well.

Black and white thinking, law vs. grace, pastors who have all the answers, hidden secret knowledge only for the few, setting dates, prophesying end-time events that never come to pass, and on and on the list of things these abusers do can go..

Buy the book here: Pigs in the Pulpit

From the web site:

There is a dirty little secret in the church world today...

What is truly perplexing, while literally millions of well-meaning and trusting believers and church members have been devastated by its aftermath, no one really wants to talk about it.

 A compelling and powerful new book entitled Pigs in the Pulpit does talk about it, and exposes pastors and other church leaders who spiritually violate the trust placed in them by their vulnerable followers.

What these “leaders” are guilty of is spiritual abuse of authority…and it is rampant in epidemic proportions among Bible-believing Christians. It is often concealed and subtly sold to honorable people under other, more palatable terms such as, “shepherding,” “standing under authority,” “submission to leadership” and many other catchphrases.

 For almost seventeen years, J. Michael Wittman, author of Pigs in the Pulpit, his wife and children were part of a fundamentalist Christian church. Slowly over time, they were shocked to realize that what they were supporting was controlling and spiritually abusive.

 "It's an oxymoron," says Wittman, "The terms 'spiritual' and 'abuse' certainly seem at odds with one another. But in the religious system and Christian church world today, there are countless trusting, hurting members of the Body of Christ who have been deceived and victimized by systematically abusive church leaders and organizations."

In their own lives, including a time when they were appointed and served as assistant pastors of a small church in Pennsylvania, the Wittmans were told who to befriend, where to live and work, what cars to drive and clothing to wear, when to donate money, how much money to give and who to give it to…the list went on and on. Any questioning of “the leadership” or deviation from the "rules of membership," were dealt with brutally and without appeal.

When they finally stood up and objected to the harsh treatment and rigid, controlling environment they and others were experiencing, their lives became a terrifying ordeal and living hell. The Wittmans’ opposition to the manipulative system, and attempt to escape the church leader's influence and control, ultimately turned into a confrontation that included threats against their health and safety.

"I, for one, have been sickened by church scandals and horrific stories of child abuse, sexual immorality and even murder in the headlines, all ‘in the name of God.’ Before I started writing Pigs in the Pulpit, I asked myself, ‘How could intelligent seekers of spiritual truth allow such things to happen to them?’ I strongly feel, through my story, that some long-awaited answers will be brought to light.

“We’ve all seen the extreme examples of Jim Jones and the People’s Temple in Guyana; David Koresh and the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas; Tony Alamo and more, and said to ourselves, ‘That could never happen to us.’

“Then along comes another Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Bakker or Ted Haggard, who publicly fall from grace, and we realize that the lies, manipulation and deceit are more subtle and run far deeper than we’ve imagined.

 “It is my heart's desire to see the 'spiritual Bernie Madoff' type of church leaders, who damage, deceive and rip-off believers, exposed and replaced by loving, nurturing servants who truly want to be Christ-like examples to God's people.

 "Through this book, I attempt to provide some clarity to the abused, suffering and confused Christian convert, who asks, 'How could this happen to me?' and ‘Does Jesus still love me?’ I want them to know that what they’ve endured wasn’t their fault, and they can have a fulfilling and vibrant life with God, outside the small and narrow confines of the religious system.”

Sunday, July 7, 2013

James Malm: Tribulation Will Not Start Until 2014

The various false prophets of Armstrongism have been making all kinds of predictions lately.  All seem to think they have an inside track to the thing they call god and its timetable on world events.  Every single one of them will be proven to be a lair.

James Malm says:
The great tribulation coming soon.

In terms of prophecy: Kerry plans to return to Israel / Palestine shortly, for another round of shuttle diplomacy.  Right now his aids are talking with the two sides so that hopefully his next trip can be successful.  They are reported to be planning six to nine months of peace talks to resolve all issues and bring an agreement, then both sides will hold referendums on the deal, before the agreement is finalized and peace keepers are brought in.

The coming war might also delay the planned talks, so unless things begin to fast track it is most likely that the tribulation will not begin until at least late 2014.  Of course it will begin when all the biblical signs are present.
At the same time the EU elections are next July and they are working to set up a new federalized Europe at that time.  It is likely that as usual the EU will have problems and delays, and the abomination, likely a new pope, will come in late 2014.  However things could speed up and take place in 2013 if that is God’s will.  The start of the tribulation is possible in 2013 and highly probably in 2014.

Rebel LCG Group Breaks Off Because Meredith Talks Too Much About Jesus

Say what???????????????????  Really???????????  Too much Jesus in Armstrongism?  Is the guy even discussed?

Living Armstrongism is reporting:

The following is from, a web site started up by some ex-LCG members who seemed to leave LCG because they feel Meredith has placed too much emphasis on Jesus. Although I cannot be very sympathetic with their doctrinal reason for leaving LCG I do sympathize with their disillusionment with Roderick C. Meredith. They continue to preach the doctrines of Armstrongism.

COG Members Sick of Being A Commodity to be Traded From One COG to the Next

In a stinging rebuke of Gerald Flurry and Dave Pack, the Loose Brick's Blog says this:

The various groups need to stop making merchandise of the brethren. We are not a commodity to be counted on to pay for their fancy building, colleges, new cars. Nor are we to be dispensed with when we don’t agree with every “new understanding”. If the members are asking questions, then be glad that we are doing what we are supposed to be, searching the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things are so. If the ministry is teaching the truth, they should have nothing to fear when members ask questions about it.

Gerald "Six-Pack" Flurry Not Happy With This Blog

Gerald and crew are NOT happy with this blog.  Certain individuals are reporting back to me that I have been the topic of several conversations and they are not happy with the exposure they are getting.

Really guys.  Are you that shallow and sensitive?  You really need to "butch up" if that is the case.  Emasculated COG ministers are really a sad thing to watch.

They particularly did not like the blog entry about online dating.  They have now made that set of stories only accessible by password.

I was also told that they are not happy that I make fun of them for ignoring Jesus.  I see nothing in the entire line of articles that deals with anything remotely related to Jesus.  Sure there is the "Jesus came to preach the kingdom of God" thing, but after that sentence Jesus is sent to the barn yard to slop the pigs.  While there are no articles on Jesus, there are plenty on Saul, Samuel, David, other OT men and Herbert Armstrong.

If these guys don't want to be mocked and made fun of by the rest of the COG's then STOP writing such asinine articles and focus on Jesus. The only contact most COG's have with Jesus is when they beat the crap out of him on Passover night and leave him bleeding on the stage.  That is where he is left till the following year when he is raised up, dusted off and beat up again.