Saturday, August 3, 2013

Dave Pack: Back Peddles but Still Thinks His Great Reunification Will be a "COLOSSAL" Work

Yes Dave, pretty up the colossal fat pig that is RCG, but it is still a pig.

Dave thinks his church will be the COLOSSAL and will go forth on the "world skyline."  Well maybe, it depends on what his god wants to happen, if it does at all.  Back peddle again Davie, back peddle just in case nothing happens.

Next consider that God has never dealt with people or done with leaders exactly as He plans with the three shepherds. In fact, there may be other miraculous events immediately surrounding this one. A number of verses suggest this. (The case is strong.) In part it will depend on the new greater profile which God wants to use as a starting point for His Work going forward within the “world skyline.” Although it is to be immensely powerful and big before complete, the final Work of God is also foretold to be very short—and Luke 14 shows the Work will be carried out in two stages after the Haggai/“Grace” prophecy is fulfilled. The question becomes how well-known does God want His new expanded Work to be in the immediate wake of His intervention to reunify His flock. Put another way, what does God want His Church and Work to look like on the world scene?

If I were trying to palm myself off as a prophet, I would just spout a personal opinion at this point without worrying about whether I was right or wrong, or what God says. But the above question is an example of something we must wait to see. The “size”—the MAGNITUDE—of the three shepherds’ removal on the world scene will speak volumes to God’s Church and the Government within it about how rapidly God is planning a Work of great impact. Emphatically ruling out emerging “small,” will events of August catapult God’s Work to something immediately the size of “medium,” “large” or “colossal”? While I have ideas, I do not have the answer. We will wait and see together.

Dave Pack: His Money is Corrupt and His Fine Clothes Stink Like a Rotting Corpse

Dave is throwing out a proof-text of James 5:1-6 as proof that all the splinter group leaders are corrupt

James 5:1-6

The Message (MSG)

Destroying Your Life from Within

1-3 And a final word to you arrogant rich: Take some lessons in lament. You’ll need buckets for the tears when the crash comes upon you. Your money is corrupt and your fine clothes stink. Your greedy luxuries are a cancer in your gut, destroying your life from within. You thought you were piling up wealth. What you’ve piled up is judgment.
4-6 All the workers you’ve exploited and cheated cry out for judgment. The groans of the workers you used and abused are a roar in the ears of the Master Avenger. You’ve looted the earth and lived it up. But all you’ll have to show for it is a fatter than usual corpse. In fact, what you’ve done is condemn and murder perfectly good persons, who stand there and take it.
Dave writes:

(6) Supporting this is an extensive New Testament passage written by the apostle James. In a context easily seen to be a parallel of the prophecy—for many reasons!—James 5:1-6 describes the riches of false leaders being corrupted and destroyed. It is interesting that James 5 starts out with “rich men” who are told to “howl,” only one indicator (a strong one) this is a New Testament parallel of the Haggai/Zechariah prophecy.
Dave speaks with his usual arrogance ignoring the fact that he lives in a nice home in an exclusive neighborhood, is building a multi-million dollar complex to glorify his name, takes in a large salary, and is the cooperate owner of EVERYTHING that is the Restored Church of God - from cash, assets, and property.

Bragging and boasting his way through the Churches of God, his money is corrupt and his fine clothes stink. His greedy luxuries are like a cancer in his gut, eating away at his soul.  He thinks he is piling on grandeur and wealth in order to impress the world and the COG, yet all he is doing is piling on judgment.

The groans of his workers abuse at his church HQ by absurd demands and teachings cry out against him.  All Dave has to show for his efforts is a fatter than usual rotting corpse in Wadsworth.

What Dave has done and continues to do is condemn and murder good people in order to be the best.

Dave Pack: Since I am "god's" Special Dude all the Gold, Silver and Money are MINE!!!!!!!!!

Dave still is stinging from the refusal of tens of thousands of COG members who do not send him their tithes and offerings.  Since everything belongs to his god, and he is his god's most important man, it therefore is a fact that all tithes and offerings belong to Dave - at least in his delusional mind.

(5) Notice the instruction to “this people”—many of whom soon form the remnant—in Haggai 1:8 to “bring wood” from their “mountain(s)” to “build God’s House.” Wood is used for offerings all through the Old Testament. Beginning Christians learn that mountains is a symbol for governments or nations—in this case, governments of the splinters. It is pretty obvious the kind of assets that become available to God’s Work. Related to this, God says in Haggai 2:8 that “the silver is Mine and the gold is Mine.” Ponder this a little in the context of a chapter covering the subjects you have seen. Why would God include such a blunt statement, and seemingly so out of context? It appears God is saying these things were always His, not anyone else’s. The massive thievery by false leaders is now over. In effect, God is saying what was Mine is now Mine again, as it always should have been. If you disagree with the meaning of #5 here, why?

Dave Pack: Those Who Do Not Join Up With Me Will Be "Severed" From the Presence of My "god"

Dave Pack has a special place in his heart for those who mock, ridicule and lampoon his asinine teachings.  After his god placed the tens of thousands of wayward COG members into his splinter group there will be a remnant who refuse to join.  Dave's god will be so pissed at these people that they will be "severed" for all eternity from having a relationship with his god.

When his god "severs" the heretics from his presence, the cooperate churches they belong to will collapse into ruin.

(3) Zechariah 11:9 describes three categories of people remaining after God removes the “poor of the flock” from their midst—a group now called “you.” These are those who will not return to God’s Church when given the final opportunity, and who are permanently severed from God. Read the passage and see the three categories, as we did last week. What do they say to you? Verse 9 is God interpreting verse 3. Possibly small pieces remain, and probably only temporarily. It is obvious they can accomplish nothing. With God’s Spirit gone, the collapse of corporate assets and income, and loss of many ministers and staff, a less than pretty picture remains.

Dave Pack: Complete Annihilation of Splinter Groups Coming

On September 1 or 2nd what will Davie's new story be?

We learned that God is bringing “desolation” on the splinters. I promised last week to present six biblical proofs that after the prophecy is fulfilled the splinter “houses” will be gone or well on their way out. All competition to God’s true Work will be eliminated.
 Utter destruction of the churches:
(1) Haggai 1:11 reveals that God calls for a “drought,” more correctly translated “desolation,” involving a list of very distinct categories within the splinters. The categories that God lists are comprehensive—complete. One of my previous announcements explained them. “Desolation” means desolation, not something short of desolation. God’s plain meaning is that He plans to destroy these organizations. On what basis would you disagree with the meaning of desolation?
 Utter destruction of church leaders

(2) Zechariah 11:3 describes “shepherds” (ministers) “howling” because their “glory is spoiled.” Reviewing last week: Glory means “something ample (as a large vine, a wide dress)…garment, glory, goodly, mantle, robe.” These are “respected” men in positions of authority. Spoiled includes the meaning “ravage: dead, destroy (-er), spoil (-er), (lay) waste.” We might ask: Does this imply anything less than complete desolation? Make yourself answer.