Monday, August 12, 2013

James Malm: God Is Not Limited By Head Coverings for Women...HOWEVER... It Is A Test To See If You Really Care

James Malm, Chief Pharisee of the Malmite Church of God, still does not have the balls to tell his women that they are REQUIRED to wear head coverings.  He claims his god is not limited to hear the prayers of women whether their heads are covered or not.  However, Malm claims it is a "test" to see if people really care enough about the law to do it. That is the same bullshit the COG has used for decades about the sabbath and other teachings.   Whenever the church threw out the word "test" you knew for a fact that the church was requiring it, even though they did not have the balls to tell you so directly. Everything was a test in Armstrongism and everyone seemed to fail miserably.  A person could never do anything right in the eyes of the church leaders or their god and as a result we have suicides, broken marriages and 700 splinter groups as a testimony to that failure.

Still trying to understand- are you saying the hair covering is a sign of being married therefore unmarried women need not wear one? Or are you saying it required among women when they pray – regardless of their marital status? And if that is what you’re saying then when would you consider a female child old enough to be wearing one during prayer?

Paul said that women should cover their heads while in prayer or discussing scripture and God. I only remarked that this was a command of God for Moses and was a custom of the people before Moses. Yes God through Paul requires this from all women whenever they pray or discuss scripture: However God is not to be limited by a piece of cloth and there are unusual exceptions to the rule. The head covering is only a symbol of modesty and humility and a test to see if people really care enough about pleasing God to do this simple and easy act. Those who reject this command of God through Moses and Paul, are merely demonstrating that they have NO zeal for God and would not lift a finger to please him. James

Dave Pack: The True Church of God Mows Grass GOD's Way!

RCG headline: Mowing patterns show off the rolling hills of the campus.

God's most important creation since Adam and Eve and leader of the worlds most superfantabulous Church of God EVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVER has had a new revelation from his god.  His god apparently feels that mowing grass a certain way will highlight it and impress the people parked across the street in the big lot stores or speeding down the freeway.

Dave is like many other COG leaders.  He does not have an original thought in his brain.  He is so conditioned by HWA and his world headquarters that he has to emulate that same mindset, even when it comes down to mowing the grass.

Just because the Pasadena landscape department did this occasionally, Pack feels he has to do it too.  It also could be a recommendation of the worlds foremost golf course designer that Dave has hired and  is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars of tithe money to design his superfnatabulous HQ grounds.  HWA had a prominent landscape designer, so Dave has to have one too.

His god must be sooooooooooooooooo pleased that the grass is mowed this way as to set an example on how grass in the millennium will be mowed by the remnant of humanity who are still alive after Armageddon.

Richard Armstrong on "One of the cutest things I've ever seen"

I remember hearing sermon after sermon about what a spiritual giant Richard was and that if he had not died because a car accident [because his own father had refused medical treatment that would have saved his life] he would have been the COG's greatest leader.  GTA was  known early on to be a rebel while Richard was a "stalwart in the faith."

Richard apparently had a lot of issues in his life given some of the sermons he is on record as giving.

Here is a quote that Richard Armstrong gave in one of those sermons.  This just goes to show that Richard was as big a spiritual degenerate as his father was. Here is a man who claims to represent God, yet takes great delight in child abuse.  Even worse is the church members sit there and chortle at the story.  The brainwashing was complete.

Here is this sick little anecdote he relates. Strangely enough, he and the audience, seems to think this is quite amusing. He is describing what one little boy did with his father. Just take a look.

One of the cutest things I've ever seen....And I've seen, and it's fantastic. I've never seen anything like this before. I've seen that boy ... take off his belt, hold it up to him, and say, Daddy, I was supposed to get a spanking this evening. (Audience laughs.) I'm not lying either. That's a fact. I've seen it happen. I've seen him remind his father that he had a spanking coming. I never did that. (Laughter.)
From: Richard David Armstrong's Sermon on Child Rearing