Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Soon the Feast Will Be Over and God Will Begin Sorely Testing You

Armstrongism's "god" is a punitive god who relishes the idea of weeding out the chafe from the COG's midst.

According to the  COGEIM, the Feast will be here soon where members will hear one glorious sermon after another.  Then, when the Feast is over, their god will start sorely testing the members to see how much they listened during the services.  God has to weed out and punish those who fail to heed the words of the feast speakers.

"...following the Feast God begins his testing period. He digs deeply into our lives to determine how much we have absorbed from the intense teaching and training we have been blessed to receive at His great Feast. So, yes, the trials begin, and before He is done trying us, He and we will know how much progress we have really made in our conversion.

One of the big questions we come home to answer is, do we really BELIEVE what we have been taught? When I capitalize the word believe, I do so to emphasize the idea that many believe what is said in the Bible, but, unfortunately, they do not live it. That is, they say they believe, and they think they do, but when crunch time comes, they find what they were taught is not manifesting itself in their thoughts and actions. Unfortunately, old habits, old thought patterns, and opposing attitudes die hard.

That’s why we need this ensuing time of trial and testing—so that we can be different from that. We need those challenges that make us work hard using God’s Spirit so that we can make God’s way an integral part of our lives. In that way we can arrive at the place where our lives are congruent—that is, we believe, we act in accordance with our beliefs; and we are, in fact, what we believe. If that formula is working in our lives, then we really are becoming like Jesus Christ, and that is our ultimate goal."
If I went to a Feast site and had that kind of bullshit hanging over my shoulders then why would I go in the first place?

Japan Tsunami - How Fast Life Can Change in 20 Minutes

I continue to be fascinated and mesmerized by footage of the tsunami that hit Japan two years ago.
 It shows how quick ordinary life can change in a matter of minutes.

Oh, but I fail to remember this is punishment dished out by Bob Theil's god because the Japanese people are not TRUE Christans and members of the Continuing Ed Church of God.  
Some day I will learn that.

Feast Parking Stickers For Everyone from Lay Member to Prophets

Check out the great post today on All About Armstrongism today. He has up all the various Feast bumper stickers that will be required for this years Feast, particularly if you are attending the humongous, superfantabulous, earth shattering, Restored Church of God's, Great Reunification feast of booze.  Tavernacles Is Coming!

The self-righteous ones get pissed at us for mocking the COG leaders, 
but they open their mouths and make dumbass comments that play right into our hands.  
This is all tooooooooooooooooooo fun!