Sunday, September 1, 2013

William Dankenbring: Keeping Racism Alive and Well In Armstrongism

Various Church of God folk love to claim that the COG was never racist in its teachings.  The Church, according to them, was one great racial melting-pot ShangriLa.  Yet, Flurry, Craig White, and others still promote the key racist ideology of Armstrongism that is British Israelism, as does William Dankenbring.  Dankenbring takes the silly teaching steps deeper into its true elements, that of racial superiority.   Dankenbring is still of the old-school WCG here it taught that in the end times blacks and women would rule over whites (the chosen race.)

I don't care what your thoughts are on Obama, Dankenbring's article is racist to the core, AND it is not an isolated case in the Church of God.

From:  Will the Antichrist Be Born of a Harlot?
Says Alexander Hislop,
 “Now Nimrod, as the son of Cush, was black, in other words, was a negro, ‘Can the Ethiopian change  his skin?’ is in the original, ‘Can the Cushite’ do so? Keeping this, then, in mind, it will be seen that in that figure disentombed from Nineveh . . . ‘the seed of the prophet Cush,’ and the real original of the black Adversary of mankind, with horns and hoofs” (p.34). 

Stanley Ann Dunham 

Now let us skip over to the present day and age – the end of this age of mankind. Today, we see another “Nimrod”—the name in Hebrew comes from a root marad, meaning “he rebelled”-bestriding the earth, the leader of  the world’s single last superpower, end-time “Babylon the Great.” He is also leading the world in rebellion against the God of heaven. 

He is also a black man. His name is Barack Hussein Obama. His white mother was Stanley Ann Dunham, a young teenager at the time of his conception. Was his mother, like that of the original Nimrod, also a “whore”? 

Lawyer Stephen Pidgeon, in his riveting book The Obama Error, states unequivocally: “Stanley Ann Dunham, Obama’s mother, was the daughter of two members of the Communist party, and there is  reason to believe that her father had betrayed the US during WWII by selling B-29 plans to the Germans. The family hatedthe US, but lived here for the prosperity of it all. . . . 

“As a teen, Stanley Ann was a progressive  Marxist, who preferred men of color and men who were most certainly Muslim” (p.11). 

Pidgeon declares, “Stanley Ann was also  promiscuous. She posed nude for some cheap publisher of cheap pornography around 1959 (at the age of 16) and these photos have survived to this day. The photos are not relevant; the fact that she was willing to pose gives you some idea of her mindset at that time” (ibid.). 

Notice! Obama’s mother was a Marxist. She was promiscuous (another way of saying she was a “whore,” having many male companions. And she favored black men, and Muslim men!

David C Pack: Seriously Thought He Was 100% Certain of the Names of the Three Shepherds That Were Supposed to Die

Bob Thiel, still reeling from the truth that Dave Pack did not name him as one of the three shepherds to die last month, has the following quote from a latter that one of Dave Pack's members sent him.

It is from a sermon Dave gave.  It is easy to see why Pack and Flurry do not want their tapes floating around, especially when they open their mouths and make asinine statements as follows.  Dave public claims he is not a prophet, yet in his sermon he says his message is a prophecy received directly from his god.  Dave should realize by now that his god lied to him!  What a buffoon!

The best part of it all is that Dave's impotent little god lied to him!  Not one single thing his god told him to write in the last 20 some letters to the members came true.  Dave has zero credibility now.

All Brethren United Soon Part 12
How could so many things happen in 24 hours?
Minute 26. Three men die- Elul 24, then everyone makes a decision that day.
Minute 29. Certain things about this prophesy is very complex, others are very simple.
Minute 30. No way everything could happen in one day.
Minute 32. Do you care most how the 3 Shephard’s die?  In their sleep, by fire?
Do you care who they are?
If God tells us then I want to know otherwise it doesn’t matter.
You are going to find out how they die and who they are.
Minute 33. I know their names 100% sure. Don’t want the names out yet. Now I’m certain I know.
Do you care where it happens? I don’t know where it will happen.
I know how they die and who they are. I’m certain.
Minute 34. How about when they die?  They die sooner then we thought.
Do they die together or separately. I know they die together.
Two culminating events. The death of these men is the first. The central point is God is going to bring his people back together/unify his people.

Dennis notes: Smuggly Lives!

Umm...Doc, Where have you been?

A Day Late and A Dollar Short: Newness - EDGE Magazine Online

Dr. Thiel wants us to notice what he said last week about Dave Pack's delusions.
August 2013 is now history.  The massive reunification that that David Pack, leader of the improperly named Restored Church of God (RCG) claimed should have happened did not.
This is no surprise.  Notice what I posted a just over a week ago at the News of Those Once Affiliated with GCG page"

"I have absolute confidence that David Pack is wrong about a lot of this and there is no possible way that any significant amount of Philadelphian remnant Christians will go to him and become part of his church by August 30, etc. I will be correct."

and this little piece of barfage...
"Either David Pack is right about that effectively all of God’s people will come to him on August 30, 2013 or I am right that they will not. Just because David Pack is not God’s apostle, does not mean that someone such as I do not have a prophetic role from God. Those in RCG, and elsewhere, need to consider how they should act and what they should do (see also How To Determine If Someone is a True Prophet of God). “Take heed, all you people!” (2 Chronicles 18:27).
Of course, I was right."

Arrogant Baby - i dont always drink milk but when i do i prefer
Hi...My name is Smuggly
Aside from the good folk at Banned HWA saying this for the past SIX MONTHS, Bob's use of "Notice of what I posted" and "I will be correct" is just the mini me version Dave Pack's personality and approach to "knowing."  Robert goes out of his way to say one way or the other that his readers need to either realize or admit that "HE" noticed this , that or the other reality before they did.  I suppose this is what Non-Prophets with a double portion of precisely nothing expect of themselves.

But no matter.  Bob Thiel has the very same self absorbed  tendencies as Dave Pack and like most, has no awareness of it.  He mistakes his own ego centric views for some sort of spiritual insight which it is not.  This trait among the "creame of the crud" for lack of a better concept theologically which I actually hate but it fits here, is unprofessional and misguided.  COG members get so used to it, they don't realize genuinely trained ministers and theologians would not survive five minutes with these attitudes about themselves infiltrating and infesting every comment about every topic they can come up with Biblically.  Episcopal Priests have their scriptures for the day and 12 minutes to stick to the topic, which they do very well.  I sense there are plenty of things they leave out, but they don't promote themselves, no not for a second.... 

I just returned from a second Episcopal service. Very formal and very predictable and I can't say it helps me with my own theological conflicts, but one thing is very clear.

Michigan Stained Glass Census

 It actually confirms them as I gaze upon the stained glass of a literal lamb on a cross which in my mind is the symbol of the end of the Age of Aries 2000 years ago when the SUN , in the constellation of Aries the Ram/Lamb moved out of the Easter Spring position at the crossing of the ecliptic and the celestial equator to be replaced by the two fish of Pisces, which is the Christian symbol of the last 2000 years.  Jesus the Lamb of God wasn't kidding when he is said to have said, "Behold I am with you always, even unto the end of the AGE,"  which was the Age of  Aries. .   Ok, Dennis...drop it! :)

Saint James Church: Eucharist Adoration

  But also, it  is obvious the Priests are not fools. They don't promote themselves or their own views of themselves or obscure passages and pet ideas.  They are educated and know more than they probably can actually say to a congregation about how things really are in theological studies.  My sense of the average congregant, who are very high end successful and a positive influence on the community is not all that Biblically literate. It does not seem to be a need. They don't harp on being the True Church and making snarky comments about "splinters and slivers."   The Priest certainly does not make a complete ass out himself by finding himself spoken of in the Bible as either "that Prophet", "A double portioned Prophet", or "Joshua the High Priest."  Pull any of that and you lose.

Slap my head - Newest images - page 1 | Meme Generator

In the COG and many fundamentalist churches, ignorance is almost proof of calling and being the true church.  I hear it all the time here on the radio.  Preachers making fun of going to college or some "fancy seminary" when all you need is the "Word of God!"  (Audience snickering..)  In Greenville, and up until the mid 70's, the Mill owners gave huge donations to local churches for Pastors to discourage kids from going to college.  They were needed in the mills and the clergy pointed them that way...Bastards.  I can't tell you how many radio sermons around here begin with, "Now I ain't the smartest pea in the pod," or "I don't got no fancy education but...."   Ignorance and mere Bible reading is a badge of honor around here and all the credentials you need to be God's man of faith and power..  Half the ministers who I ask just what their theological credentials are tell me, "I quit drankin'"   Really?  Great.......

I have to say that I personally cringe at my own "theological education" at Ambassador, which I swear to you know who, I thought was a real seminary when I turned down going to Roberts Wesleyan Seminary in Rochester, to go there.  Now naive.  I know I was educated in Bible reading.  That's all Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Ron Weinland and now Mini Non-Prophet Bob Thiel are educated in.  It's mostly what Baptists fundamentalists are educated in and certainly what Bob Jonesers down the street get.  It's why I got rid of the TV 12 years ago and upgraded myself so, even without credentials, I could live with myself when I spoke of things theological and get the background, history and even the problems with scripture half way understood and recognized so as not to mislead anyone or to be really able to give an answer of whatever is still left in me.

At any rate, wake up Dr. Thiel.  See if you can go an entire day without writing about how YOU understood this or that or YOU pointed something out before others saw it in your own mind.  Are we supposed to say "wow....he saw that coming.  He must be a prophet."?   If you don't, you're just another Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry or Ron Weinland in a not very convincing disguise seeking whom you may devour, which we already suspect even if you don't.

...and get a booster seat to at least be even with the book shelf when you major in minors giving sermons. 

Around Town | A Woman and Her Boys