Friday, October 11, 2013

David C Pack: The Great Church Reunification Can Be Accomplished Cheaper At Passover Than The Feast Time

We wrestled for months over our August 31 date.

I guess even with the company of 16 great accomplished theologians like Dave had in his presence they still could not come up with the right date.  So why believe them now?

It all boils down to money.  The great reunification will not need to happen where church members will be wasting Dave's money on hotel rooms for a feast site.  Now they can join Dave and turn that money over to him.  Slick move Dave!

We can conclude that the Haggai prophecy was always speaking of a SPRING event, NOT one in the fall of the year—the period preceding Passover, NOT the one preceding the Fall Holy Days and the Feast of Tabernacles. And also ask: how much more sense does it make that the Church will be reunited a little before the easier-to-assemble-together time of Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread versus reunification just two-and-a-half weeks before going to completely different Feast sites for eight days when people would have long before made plans and given deposits to attend somewhere else? We wrestled at our Headquarters for months with how this would work, including the Church being reunited on a Friday and then having to turn around and keep the Sabbath together in hundreds of new places just one day later. We knew God would defeat the confusion, but we recognized that additional miracles would have to happen in the wake of the great ones that brought His people back together for this to occur smoothly.

David C Pack: COG Members Will Have A Double Self Examination Prior To Passover - For Their Sins and Whether They Should Join My Church

Israel left Egypt on the first Holy Day after the Night to Be Much Observed. Haggai’s name (“My [God’s] Feast”) now takes on more meaning as relating to the spring Holy Day season—NOT the Feast of Tabernacles, as we previously thought. The parallel of Israel’s departure from ancient Egypt in spring is the THIRD proof of God’s Plan for a springtime fulfillment.

The FOURTH proof that God has the spring in mind is that twice in Haggai He commands His people to “Consider your ways.” This perfectly parallels the annual period of self-examination that every Christian is to carry out prior to Passover. It makes complete sense that God would be telling His people to “consider” their lives and conduct during the time leading up to Passover. Different from physical Israel leaving literal Egypt on the first day of Unleavened Bread, it appears that God’s people (spiritual Israel) may leave spiritual Egypt (the splinters, who are part of the Egypt of this world) before the Passover by some short period. We will learn at the time of fulfillment the exact number of days before Passover that God has in mind.

David C Pack; Will I Be Betrayed Like Jesus For 30 Pieces of Silver?

The chief narcissist writes:

The seventh and final date that God lists is found in Zechariah 7:1—and is about 21 months later, nine months into Darius’ fourth year of reign. It spans the rest of the book through Christ’s Coming and into the Millennium. Of course, these eight amazing prophetic chapters contain the crucial chapter 11 that speaks so powerfully to how God plans to reunify His flock. A SECOND proof (or indicator) that the prophecy is speaking in a springtime context is that the betrayal of Christ for 30 pieces of silver is found smack in the middle of chapter 11. Not a huge point of and by itself, verses 12-13 of Zechariah 11 certainly fit a time just before the Passover—when Judas betrayed Christ. I do not know if any kind of modern betrayal within God’s Church will form a parallel. No one could. We will see.

David C Pack: Will The Great COG Reunification Happen On April 1?

Dave writes:

The next four dates are all mentioned in Haggai, and are according to the civil Persian calendar based on Darius’ reign. The reader will have to recall all that has been explained about the crucial meanings of each of these dates. For now, we are merely clarifying when they would be in our calendar—the general time of year that God had in mind.

Haggai 1:1 records the third overall date—the first day of the sixth month. This would be early March our time.

The fourth date is in Haggai 1:15—the 24th day of the sixth month. It describes the people coming to work in God’s House. Again, this would be about April 1 in our calendar.

The fifth date is in Haggai 2:1—the 21st day of the seventh month—and would be late in April. We originally thought this was the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles, but it would be more like right after Passover.

The sixth date is in Haggai 2:10—the 24th day of the ninth month—and continues through Haggai 2. This would be the equivalent of late July.

How convenient.  The great reunification is an April Fool's joke!