Thursday, November 7, 2013

E. W. King On The Big Cosmic Joke God Played On The World Before Adam and Eve

Eric King is back explaining to the world the TRUTH about Adam, Eve and sin.  King's god created humanity way before Adam and Eve.  These men and women were born into a sinful "matrix", but did not know they were sinning, but were since Satan was their creator.  Apparently Adam and Eve were born into a sinful world already filled with sinners.

Imagine following a god such as that who has played done big fat cosmic joke on us all.  You were deliberately born to sin so that god could cast you into the lake of fire, unless he takes pity on you and delivers you over to a Church of God. There certainly is no hope in that.

We read about the story of the “Six Days of Creation” and how God “rested on the seventh day”. This is a basic description of the re-creation of our earth’s surface after the last ice age some 10,000 years ago. I have covered in detail “The Story of Our Planet” in my articles. I have shown that Adam and Eve were to become the representatives of the entire human race. I have shown and explained that there were humans created way before Adam and Eve were and that these humans were born into a sinful matrix. They sinned because of their fallen natures. The first humans did not sin willfully the same way the Adam and Eve did. Adam and Eve had been in the Garden of Eden with God “face to face” so to speak. They were given special instructions while the rest of humanity who had lived outside the Garden of Eden did not have such a special contact with the Creator. We believe that God had made Himself known to the other races but we do not yet understand just how He did so.-

At the time that Adam and Eve cam on the scene there were still sinful humans in the world.  King's god had to find a special place to hide Adam and Eve from these sinners, so he created the Garden of Eden.

I have discussed in older articles the fact that Adam and Eve were placed in a protected era known as the “Garden of Eden”. They had been created under special circumstances and were separated from the rest of humanity which had survived the last Ice Age. This is key to understanding our planets true history. Adam and Eve were that last humans that God created. They were created with a special mission. They were to be obedient and not sin, and to eventually spread throughout the rest of the world their offspring. The Garden of Eden would have filled the entire earth.-

Then the idiots Adam and Eve had to go and sin and by doing so brought the "Fallen Matrix" into the Garden of Eden.  That "Fallen Matrix" then bled out into the world of Satan's humans causing them to sin even more.

Because Adam and Eve sinned they brought the Fallen Matrix into the Garden of Eden. From there the Fallen Matrix bled out into the already fallen world of Satan. The SOCT Dictionary defines the “Fallen Matrix” as such:-

Fallen Matrix: The defects found throughout all of creation caused by sin. Sin is the disease which has caused defects in the whole matrix of creation. This current “program” [matrix] will be restored to perfection at the “Last Great Day” by Jesus Christ.”-
The last couple of humans to be created (Adam and Eve) were created under way different circumstances than the rest of mankind. They were also the most recent humans to be created. Adam and Eve were a special part of God’s plan. They were created in an isolated Paradise, a special garden that was blocked off from the rest of the world. They were created without physical, moral, or spiritual defects. They were created without sin. They had the opportunity to reproduce children in this special garden and the garden would have eventually expanded to fill the whole earth. This would have dethroned Satan from being the “god of this world” and it would have brought the Kingdom of God back to this earth

Should Religious Hucksters (like Dave Pack) Get A Free Ride?

All About Armstrongism has an article up about religious hucksters who abuse members and take money to build huge monuments to themselves without any consequence.  Commentary: Should Religious Hucksters Get A Free Ride?

We have all seen in Armstrongism the hucksters who tell their members the end is here and to send in all their money for a final push and then the hucksters turn around and build huge monuments to themselves like Flurry and Pack are doing.  Hundreds of millions of dollars in tithe and offering money are going down the tubes to build huge campuses, auditoriums, and gardens while the sheep are struggling to survive.  Clarion Calls and "final push" letters constantly go out to con members to send in more and more money.

Then these same hucksters turn around and destroy members lives with absurd policies and regulations that destroy marriages, break up families, ruin friendships and destroy businesses.

Those that suffer at the hands of religious entrepreneurs suffer greatly. There are accounts of those who have been left with nothing under techniques of brainwashing, techniques of mind control, and techniques of threat and intimidation. Those who suffer at the hands of religious financial hucksters have lost their assets, their well being, and have suffered depression, guilt, shame, and anger. Some have resorted to worse measures, and have become victims of divorce, separation, and in some cases, suicides. And many of these churches and organizations claim 501 (c) 3 filing status for tax exemptions.

The right and the freedom of religion should by absolutely no means or by no measure of any form be removed under any circumstances. However, Those who abuse their financial responsibility as a leader who are responsible for the spiritual and moral care of those under their care, should be dealt with in a manner of justice as any other person in any other corporation, profit or non-profit. Increased financial accountability is something I no longer believe should be an option. Increased financial accountability is something I see as mandatory for churches that claim 501 (c) 3 filing status.

I also believe that it should be a serious offense, in any non-profit organization that is a 501 (c) 3 status religious organization and claims to be such, to threaten, intimidate, bully, or extort contributors, may it be members or non-members, to give or face any form of consequences, and I believe penalties should be stiffened for those who do so.

New Church of God Splinter Personality Cult: The Church of God Messenger

I missed this one in August.  A reader sent this to me again the other day.

Rod Reynolds, one of Rod Meredith's law enforcers, started his own splinter group because he thought the  Living Church of God was filled with sinful error.  So here we go again, ANOTHER COG "minister" who thinks they have the ONLY truth and the ONLY correct way of keeping the law.

In a typical COG fashion, he took his family members with him so they could form the new "church."  Here is another minister that never worked an honest days work in his life, so he has to now fund himself with money from family members and a small group of church hoppers.

They and they alone are the ONLY ones keeping the "original" Christianity of the apostles.  How many times have we heard this same bullshit over the years?
On August 10, 2013 a group of seven persons, all members of my family, agreed to formally establish a new Church organization called Messenger Church of God. Our aim in the Messenger Church of God is to follow Jesus Christ in practicing and teaching the original Christianity of Jesus and the apostles of the New Testament. Being human, I do not doubt that we will make our share of mistakes. But I intend to be open to admitting errors when they are exposed, and correcting them. As a Church it is our aim to grow toward the perfection God wants us to be growing into (Matthew 5:48; Ephesians 4:13-15).

Oh, and the new "work" is a "grain of mustard seed" because it is so small.  Been there, heard that.....

Though be prepared, this will so be the biggest church of God ever!  Dave Pack beware!

Here is part of their founding principles:  Messenger Church of God Established

We hereby covenant together to establish on August 10, 2013 a church fellowship named Messenger Church of God.

We acknowledge that the true Church of God is a spiritual body made up of those whose names are registered in heaven (Hebrews 12:23), and is not identical with any human organization of men. We thus make no claim to be the only Church fellowship representing Christ on the earth, but we have come together to fellowship with one another in the Father and Jesus Christ, endeavoring to faithfully follow the Word of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit (1 John 1:3-7).

We recognize Jesus Christ as the head of the Church, its chief apostle, and sovereign ruler (Colossians 1:18; Hebrews 3:1). Jesus Christ is the sole mediator between God and man (1 Timothy 2:5). Each member of the Church has direct access to God’s throne through Jesus Christ (Hebrews 4:14-16; 10:19-22). Each member is being judged individually by Jesus Christ, and each will give account of himself as an individual to God (Romans 2:6; 14:11-12).

The Church will be governed in accordance with Biblical principles, understanding that the ministry, while entitled to respect and cooperation in the legitimate discharge of their duties, is required to be faithful to God and his word. Authority in the ministry is not absolute but is limited by God’s word to those actions which are in accord with God’s word and which edify the body of Christ. Failing that, members are under no obligation to continue in fellowship with them (Hebrews 13:7, 18; Deuteronomy 13:1-4, 18:20-22; Isaiah 8:20; Jeremiah 23:28, 32; Acts 5:29).
It will be interesting to see how long this lasts.  Once members start being rebellious and not heeding the ministers commands, heads will roll.  That has been the track record for every single group that has expressed this same sentiment.