Thursday, February 6, 2014

Living Church of God Sets The Creation Debaters Straight!

The "wisdom" of the Church of God knows no boundaries.  The recent creationism debate by Bill Nye and Ken Ham has brought forth the worlds foremost authorities on the Bible - Church of God ministers to set the record straight.

Both of these men are lacking true wisdom and knowledge which can only be found in the Church of God, particularly the Living Church of God. Their latest web entry has this: Creation vs. Evolution: Bill Nye and Ken Ham Are Both Wrong!

Both sides raised objections that went unanswered, and each man seemed to score his points in the debate. The consensus among those discussing the event seems to be that, on the whole, Mr. Nye made the better impression on most observers, though both sides of the issue generally seemed to feel fairly defended.

Yet, is there something that both Bill Nye and Ken Ham have missed? Clearly, both of these men could not be right.  But, what about the possibility that both men might be wrong? Are both of these men wrong?

Yes, they are! Ken Ham is correct to realize that God’s word is not something to be rejected in favor of data, as Bill Nye would suggest. Rather, it is a vital element of the data. People who have proven the Bible for themselves realize that. Yet, at the same time, many of the findings Bill Nye mentioned in the debate do not actually contradict the scriptural data, despite Ken Ham’s assertions.

In fact, the Bible indicates to careful readers that—while the present order of things, including the creation of man as a potential child of God, made in His image, did begin 6,000 years ago as recorded in Genesis—planet Earth, itself, was created well before that “Creation Week” and has a pre-history not detailed in the book of Genesis!
"People that have proven the Bible for themselves..."  Ah yes, that proverbial hidden catch phrase, "We know more than you because only WE have the real truth delivered to us after 1,900 years through God's only end time Apsotle."

The article ends with this know-it-all advertising blip from those that have all the answers:

The story is more complex and wonderful—and the Bible has so much more to say—than most people today understand! If you are interested in what the Bible does and does not say about the age of the earth and its creation, as well as about the angelic rebellion, click through to read our eye-opening article “How Old Is the Earth?” As for the role of science and the hunt for the truth, consider watching our brief three-minute feature video, “What Is Truth?” The universe is a much richer and more meaningful place than either Ken Ham or Bill Nye realize!

Ambassador College Pasadena Reunion - the First 30 Years!

Ambassador College Pasadena Reunion - the First 30 Years!
To celebrate our unique experiences and friendships as AC students
Who: Students who attended AC Pasadena anytime between 1947 & June 1977
When: Friday, February 27 - Monday, March 2, 2015
Where: Pasadena Hilton Hotel
The AC Pasadena Reunion Committee is pleased to announce the upcoming Reunion of students from the first thirty years of the Ambassador College Pasadena campus. It will take place Friday, February 27, 2015, through Monday, March 2, 2015, at the Pasadena Hilton Hotel, only one mile from the campus.

For those of you who have not been back since your college days, you will be pleased that the main campus still looks essentially the same, with most of our iconic structures and landscaping still intact. The only major losses at this time are the Fine Arts & Science classroom structures and the Library. Nevertheless, a stroll from Ambassador Hall past Terrace Villa to Mayfair still yields the same stunning views of sloping lawns, huge trees, streams, formal gardens, and the lower campus structures, including the Auditorium.

Pasadena has changed for the better, including "Old Town," which is now vibrant - even "trendy" - the center of night-life in the San Gabriel Valley. You can still see the Rose Bowl (site of one AC year-end track meet), The Huntington (Gardens/Library/Art Museum - much expanded and improved), Caltech, the Norton Simon Art Museum, the revitalized Civic Auditorium/City Hall quadrant, JPL, and much, much more.

Our Committee currently has six folks (and looking for more!) who are planning this very special weekend. There will be a full range of activities, including visits to the former Ambassador College campus - and, most importantly, the opportunity to become reacquainted with friends from your college years!  All weekend at the Hilton there will be a dedicated Hospitality Room, replete with memorabilia such as Envoys, Portfolios, and pictures, as well as plenty of chairs for informal gathering, chatting, and catching up on the ensuing decades since we last saw each other.

In February 2013, sixty-five met in Las Vegas for the first-ever multi-day AC Pasadena Reunion. The idea had begun with Joe Bauer and Bill Hughes 20 months earlier.  Although, sadly, Joe died before the actual event, Bill went on to organize an enjoyable and successful reunion. At the conclusion, there was enthusiastic support for an expanded reunion two years hence in Pasadena - and Bob Gerringer and Carol Stephenson Taylor volunteered to coordinate that effort.

The Pasadena Hilton (168 S. Los Robles Ave., Pasadena, CA 91101) has set aside a limited number of rooms at a discounted rate of $125 plus tax for up to two people per night (additional $10 plus tax each for a third or fourth person). Penalty-free cancellation is allowed up to 24 hours before arrival, so there is no risk in reserving now, which will also help us determine if additional rooms need be set aside. To book your room at the special rate, you will need to contact the Pasadena Hilton directly. You can email Stephanie Vasquez at or speak to anyone at 626-584-3208, or leave a voice-mail.  In your email or voice-mail, mention the 'Ambassador Reunion', and provide your name, check-in and check-out dates, and phone number.

Also, please forward this email to other former AC Pasadena students from this era, and/or send us their names and email addresses, and, if possible, maiden names and years attended. [Please note: all email addresses will be kept strictly confidential, only accessible by a subset of the Reunion Committee.] We now have over 450 email addresses; however, we need many more to reach everyone from those thirty years. We do not want anyone left out!

We have created a survey which will provide us a preview of the potential number of attendees; this data is vital for our planning efforts, so please Click Here to take the survey.  Thank you in advance for timely responses to the survey and for forwarding and/or sending other students' contact info to us.
Please take a look at our website Much more information and features will be forthcoming between now and the Reunion in 2015, however, in the meantime, if you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 

We really hope to see you all in 2015.

Warmest regards,
Bob Gerringer (    and
Carol Stephenson Taylor (

Reunion Committee members and year each began attending AC:
Cledice Decker (1959)                                  Bob Gerringer (1967)
Jean (Ehlert) Updegraff (1964)                    Roger Hoffman (1969)
Carol (Stephenson) Taylor (1966)              Margaret (Dill) Zola (1970)

Pat Robertson Calls Ken Ham's 6,000 Year Old Earth Creation Myth "Nonsense"

One of the cornerstones of Creationism is that the earth is only 6,000 years old.  Many in Armstrongism have held this view too. Even Cyrus Scofield who brought us the dispensationalist Bible that Armstrongism loves to use says the earth is older than 6,000 years.  Which asks one to wonder why he used the work's of Ussher so prominently in the Scofield Bible when Ussher is the one who promoted the 6,000 year nonsense.

The legendary Bible commentator C.I. Scofield is probably the most well known champion of old earth creationism.This Old Planet - Rapture Ready

Robertson said:

Televangelist Pat Robertson reacted Wednesday to the big debate between Bill Nye “the Science Guy” and Creation Museum founder Ken Ham on Tuesday night. Robertson actually took issue with one of the central arguments of creationism and said it’s “nonsense” to say the world’s only six thousand years old. He brought up the findings of a bishop centuries ago who came up with that figure and said, “There ain’t no way that’s possible.”

Robertson argued that there’s too much scientific evidence in the world to assert the world is thousands, and not billions, of years old. He said, “To say that it all came about in 6000 years is just nonsense, and I think it’s time we come off of that stuff and say this is impossible.”  Media ITE