Monday, May 19, 2014

Eric King Started Out As A Failure in the Seventh Day Adventist Church

A former associate of Eric King sent us this info:

Eric Kings recent preaching to the Worldwide Church goes far deeper than Herbert Armstrong.  King was a Seventh Day Adventist and an apologist/devotee of Ellen G White.  Nothing like leaving the teaches of one debased cult leader to follow the debased teaching of another cult leader!

Being a Seventh Day Adventist Christian I always get asked the question regarding early Adventist author, Ellen G. White; “Wasn’t Ellen White a plagiarist?”

I find that instead of searching out her writings for themselves, most Christians are too relaxed in their own minds about their conclusions regarding what I call, “easy religion”.

Me, along with thousands of Adventist Christians have gained strength, inspiration, and a closer walk with God through the study of her writings. Just as people try to find condradictions in Scripture people search for “hooks of doubt” to hang their hats on when reading Ellen White.

What are you looking for? If you are looking for Truth you can find it. Jesus is not hiding under a rock someplace. As a Seventh-Day Adventist Christian I invite you to look at our teachings and compare them with Scripture. Read, pray, search the Scriptures for yourself. Stop looking for something to “hang your hat on”.  Stand up, get serious about your relationship with Truth, the Christian Truth!

Written by, Eric W. King  Novemebr 12th 2007 and some of this article taken from an ealier article written by Eric on  May 20,2007  Is the Bible a work of plagiarism?

...As a Seventh Day Adventist Christian I have been accused of believing that “good works” can save me because I choose to obey God’s Sabbath, or talk different, eat different, or talk about Jesus when ever I get the chance. Christian Growth

As a Christian Seventh Day Adventist I love the Lord, Jesus Christ. Therefore, I love Truth. Liars and false prophets, save they repent, shall not stand in the judgment.

Note: Since this article was posted I have received verbal and almost physical harassment from some JW’s in my community. Please pray for those stuck in the Watch Tower lies. Thank you The apostate sect of “Jehovah’s Witnesses”

Forget Herbert Armstrong and Mystery of the Ages, King claims that Ellen G Whites, Conflict of the Ages, is a MUST read.

As Seventh Day Adventist Christians we have coined the term “The Great Controversy” to describe the war between “good” and “evil”. And is it not, from our perspective as mortal beings, a “great controversy”? Indeed it is!

Seventh Day Adventist author, Ellen G. White wrote the famous “Conflict of the Ages” series which became a four volume set. The last book in this set is titled, “The Great Controversy”. The preface of the 1950 version, written by the publishers reads:

The present impending conflict, with the vital principles involved, in which no one can be neutral, is simply, lucidly, strongly, set forth.”

The book is well written and a must read for any serious student of God’s word. Now, what is this “Great Controversy” over? It is understood by Scripture that this controversy has to do with what choice we as individuals are going to take in regards to our position on Bible Truth. Are we going to trust God and His word? Or are we going to side with Satan and his group[s]?


The Adventist Way

Christian Adventists

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Gerald Flurry: I WIll Be Attacked For Saying This...BUT...ExCOG Family Members Are Tools of the Devil!

Gerald Flurry continues his tyrannical hold upon his dwindling flock by placing more fear upon them.  As long as he can keep them scared and fearful of losing their salvation he will have some followers.  Once people open their eyes to the sick, perverted and bastardized message he preaches, then they will be on their way to freedom and restoration with their families.

We will probably be attacked in this area next. People might draw attention to how we disfellowship. The world doesn’t know that the Laodiceans are tools of the devil! Satan is sophisticated in his lying and deceit; he has deceived the whole world! (Revelation 12:9). Satan will surely try to use Laodiceans to say the right thing in order to deceive or discourage us. He has been using them that way ever since Mr. Armstrong died! Do we want to try to bring them into our life? Do we want to defy God’s act of casting them out? Do you believe Satan is unable to deceive you through them?

This is something we need to think carefully about. The Laodiceans have a contagious disease, and it is terminal! We can’t kid ourselves into thinking that Satan can’t get to us through them. Look at what he has done to 95 percent of God’s people.

You can read this sick article here:   Revealing Satan  The best part of the article is to find out that it is a matter of public record that the WCG (Tkach Jr.) declared that the PCG is a "sick form of Christianity."   I can just picture the veins popping in Old Flurry's beet red face when Joe Jr. called him and his cult "sick."

Notice these quotes from the depositions:
Lawyer: “Do you consider the Philadelphia Church of God to be a form of Christianity, albeit unorthodox?”
Tkach: “A very infirmed form.”
Lawyer: “Infirmed?”
Tkach: “Sick.”